2. Coffee And Kisses

Heaven's Voice

'Jongin... He's nice' Kyungsoo thought to himself while looking into his bowl of cereal.

"Yah, will you just eat" the boy sitting across from Kyungsoo said "Whats got you all dazed?" the boy named Baekhyun asked.

"Ah... I met someone yesterday, he was really nice and I'm meeting him later" Kyungsoo whispers.

"SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!" Baekhyun shouts. "My little baby Kyungsoo has a date! Wait... who is it?" Baekhyun's face suddenly a lot more serious.

"No, it's not a date. We're just meeting up to have coffee. Just as friends." Kyungsoo said with a little fear in his voice and on his face.

"Hmmm... Okay but I'm coming with you" Baekhyun said while crossing his arms.

"What are you? my Mum?" Kyungsoo laughed.

", you bet I am. I'm the one you looks after you all the time. You live with me so I might just as well be your mother." Baekhyun said as if he's giving a child a telling off.

"But I'm the one that coo-" Kyungsoo was saying before cut of by Baekhyun's finger to his mouth.

"Shhh, honey, let's not discuss this any further" Beakhyun whispers before removing his finger from Kyungsoo's lips. They both look into each other's eyes, and burst out laughing, then laughing harder because Kyungsoo snorts when he laughs. "So what time is this date at then?" Baekhyun wiggles his eyebrows.

"It's not a date. He said he'd be here around 3" Kyungsoo replies then shoves a spoon of cereal into his mouth. "Gimme a sec to text him, to let him know that you've decided to tag along."

"Yeah, sure. It's 2 now by the way" Baekhyun says while looking at his phone. Kyungsoo's face went pale.

'.' Kyungsoo thinks. 'I really need to stop sleeping in so late' more panic growing on his face. "I should probably get ready then" Baekhyun slaps Kyungsoo, a little too hard.

"We have to make you look good" Baekhyun says in attempt to calm Kyungsoo down.

"Why'd you slap m-" Kyungsoo laughs.

"I don't really know... Just because. It felt right to do at that moment." which earns Baekhyun a playful punch on the shoulder.

"Honestly" Kyungsoo says in a sarcastic tone, getting up from his chair and making his way to his room.

"Well then, let's go pick your outfit!" Baekhyun says with a mischievous smile, hooking his arm around Kyungsoo's and dragging him. They both clamber through to Kyungsoo's room and Baekhyun pulls open the wardrobe door "Now... Let's see". An abundance of black is all the wardrobe is filled with, a few slightly brighter t-shirts. "This won't do" grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans from Kyungsoo's wardrobe, Baekhyun drags Kyungsoo through to his room. Grabbing a white t-shirt and a red plaid shirt he shoves them into Kyungsoo's arms. "Go."

"K..." Kyungsoo huffs. He puts on the black skinny jeans, the white t-shirt then the plaid shirt left more as a jacket. Finally he grabs his red converse and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt almost up to his elbows. He looks in the mirror and touches up his black hair. "I'm ready" Kyungsoo sighs waiting for Baekhyun to burst through the door, which he did.

"Hot. I don't know anyone who would not fall for that!" Baekhyun says while mimicking some fashion designer who had just made some piece of art. "It's nearly 3, he'll be here soon" Baekhyun winks.

"Baek. IT'S NOT A DATE!" Kyungsoo shouts and smacks the back of Baekhyun's head.

"Yes, you just believe th-" before Baekhyun could finish he was hit by a blue penguin teddy.

" off" Kyungsoo shouted, laughing when Baekhyun put his hand to his heart and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, while mouthing 'I'm offended'. Then exited the room to go and get ready himself.

The door bell rang around 20 minutes later. Kyungsoo's heart began to beat a little faster, he doesn't really know why though, it's not a date. Baekhyun was following closely behind him.

Kyungsoo opened the front door, a tall, beautiful man stood with a gleaming smile and a tall lanky one from the other day. Jongin had his hand on the back of his neck and was looking right into Kyungsoo's eyes. Kyungsoo felt a thump in his heart, shocking him a little. Baekhyun was leaning on Kyungsoo's shoulder smiling at the tall lanky boy.

"Hey" Jongin voiced. "This is Chanyeol" he gestured, Chanyeol waving and smiling back.

"Hello, I'm his mother Baekhyun" Kyungsoo elbowed him in the stomach when he said that.

"This is Baekhyun, the strange person I unfortunately have to live with." Baekhyun smiled and winked at Chanyeol, causing him to blush.

"Awesome, then you ready to go?" Jongin asks gesturing toward a car.

"Y-yeah s-sure" Kyungsoo replies 'Why must I stutter so much, we're just friends going out for coffee'. Kyungsoo moves out the door, Baekhyun following close behind, locking the door.

"Awesome, let's go then!" Jongin smiled, grabbing Kyungsoo by the hand and pulling him to the car. Both of them felt little jolts of electricity running through their hands, which caused both to be a little flustered. Baekhyun and Chanyeol greeting each other and walking towards the car.

Jongin opened the door for Kyungsoo, letting go of his hand, which made Kyungsoo's feel strangely... Lonely. 'Why do I feel like this, I only just met him...' Kyungsoo thought to himself. They drove off from their house and approached their destination. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were happily chatting in the back and Jongin and Kyungsoo had a few words here and there. They all exited the car once parked.

"This is my favourite cafe, it's called EXO and my friends boyfriend works here, their coffee is the best!" Jongin smiles and opens the door for Kyungsoo, allowing him to enter and letting Chanyeol take the door.

"Hey, Jongin, hey Chanyeol. Luhan's in the back, have him and Sehun fought aga-" the man looks behind him to see Kyungsoo standing behind Jongin followed by Baekhyun behind Chanyeol. "Ooh who are they?" The man questions with a wink.

"Hey Minseok, this is Kyungsoo, and that's Baekhyun, we're just meeting up" Jongin said with a smile so bright it could dazzle anyone. Kyungsoo gave a small bow and a smile.

"He's cute, you look good together, so what'll it be? The usual? Okay. What about your date?" Minseok asked.

"It's not a date." Jongin adds, almost like he knew Kyungsoo was thinking that. "What would you like Kyungsoo? I'm buying"

"Eh... H-hot chocolate is fine" Kyungsoo replies.

"I'll have the usual too Minseok and Baekhyun will have an Americano!" Chanyeol smiles. Baekhyun looked in shock but smiles back.

"How'd you know that's my favourite?" Baekhyun asked Chanyeol. Chanyeol chuckled.

"You look like an Americano kind of guy" They both laughed. "Plus Jongin's paying so get anything else you want" Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at Jongin. Jongin threatening to punch him but laughed it off.

"Okay, I'll bring that to you when it's ready, please have a seat." Minseok says before disappearing into the kitchen. Jongin led them to a table in the corner, a little excluded from the rest of the cafe, not that it was that busy anyway.

"Do you like it?" Jongin asks.

"Of course, I do" Kyungsoo replied, with a gentle smile on his face. Kyungsoo felt a tap on his shoulder, Baekhyun soon leaning next to his ear.

"I'm so happy I tagged along!" Baekhyun whispered. "Looks like Jongin is a great catch too! You should ask him out" Baekhyun nudged him with his elbow.

"No, we're just friends and I doubt he'd think of me like that." Kyungsoo whispered back.

"You never know, might surprise yourself" Baekhyun winked and turned back to Jongin and Chanyeol who were laughing at a stupid pun.

"Here you go!" Minseok shouted dishing out the hot drinks. "Hey, Luhan's crying in the back again, can one of you go talk to him?" Minseok pleaded.

Chanyeol heavily sighed "ah... I suppose" he stood up.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." Minseok replied. Baekhyun grabbed Chanyeols arm before he could go any further.

"I'll help too, I'm great with all this emotional stuff, let me work my magic" Baekhyun smiled. Chanyeol nodded, Minseok guided them through to the back of the shop.

"Ah... sorry about that..." Jongin says while rubbing the back of his neck. "Luhan and Sehun are always fighting, but they love each other really" he laughed softly.

'Must be a nervous habit, rubbing the back of his neck like that. Cute. Wait why am I thinking this? It's not a date!" Kyungsoo thought. He looked at Jongin with caring eyes and a gentle smile. "It's okay..." he laughed gently. Jongin felt those butterflies swarm in his stomach because of that voice.

Kyungsoo picked up the mug contains his hot chocolate that had a massive pile of cream squirted on top. He picked up the mug and placed his lips against the edge, slowly trying to taste the hot chocolate and not burning his tongue. When he'd tried some of the delicious hot chocolate he didn't realise he had cream on his nose and top lip.

"Ah you've got some cream there" Jongin said while his hand reached out, his finger wiping the cream off of Kyungsoo's nose and lip then the cream of his finger.

"Oh... T-thank you" Kyungsoo whispered. Grabbing a napkin he quickly wipes any remaining cream off of his face.

"Kyungsoo?" Jongin asks.

"Hmm?" Kyungsoo tilts his head to the side and looks at Jongin innocently.

"Do you wanna kiss?" Jongin asks suddenly.

'Oh god, wait, this isn't a date. He probably doesn't like me like that. But it's my first kiss!' Kyungsoo thought. "E-eh?" He replied with surprise all over his face.

"AH! No no!" Jongin said realising what he just said. "I mean, like a Hershey's Kiss, the chocolate, I'm so sorry you were probably so shocked!" Jongin pulls out a bag of Hershey's Kisses from his pocket. They both look at each other and laugh.

"I would love a kiss" Kyungsoo says with an adorable heart shaped smile on his face. They both talked to each other for a good half an hour, almost like they had been friends for years before Chanyeol and a puffy eyed Baekhyun returned to the table.

"What's wrong with you?" Kyungsoo asked with a hint of worry in his tone.

Baekhyun smiled "Just working my magic, man that Luhan cries like a baby" giggling slightly.

"He was amazing" Chanyeol added "He gave Luhan a shoulder to cry on, which is what he needed really and then got Luhan to sort things out with Sehun over the phone. It's truly sorcery" Chanyeol laughed but looked at Baekhyun with admiration while he wiped his eyes.

Jongin looked at Kyungsoo while he fixed Baekhyun up a bit. "Should we get going then?" Jongin asked.

"Yup!" Kyungsoo smiled back. They all leave the cafe happily, waving goodbye to Minseok and Baekhyun giving Luhan another hug. They all got into the car and drove off. They arrive at Jongin and Chanyeol's house.

"I thought we could watch a film or something" Jongin mentioned before getting out the car.

"Sounds good!" Chanyeol shouted throwing his hands in the air. Grabbing Baekhyun and dragging him out the car.

Kyungsoo got out the car and went to Jongin's side. "Thank you for the coffee"

"No problem" Jongin replied with a dazzling smile.

'I think I might already like him...'

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter!

Yay! Xiumin! My UB! And no I don't ship him with anyone, so no Xiuhan or Xiuchen or anything like that! Sorry!

I'm gonna continue this 'date not a date' thing in the next chapter too, like its in 2 parts!

I hope this makes sense, and I'm sorry for totally changing things up. Bare with me!

Thank you for reading! I really appreciate it!

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Kyungsoo1969 #1
Chapter 4: Cant wait fir you to post some more xx
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Okay this is cute, maybe a bit too fast (like how they entered their relationship) but I believe in love at first sight for Kaisoo and Chanbaek :') ❤❤ Please write more :D ~~~