Like stepping on Lego...


All my friends are heathens, 

Take it slow 

Wait for them to ask you who you know 


Don't make any sudden moves 

You don't know the half of the abuse 


I couldn't believe my luck at that moment. Seungri, the prince of our highschool himself was reaching his hand out for me to take it. With a warm smile and soft, purple aura of piece, he was easily the mot beautiful picture I'd ever seen. 

"So, shall we go?" he asked.  

We were assigned to be the partners for some project from Chemistry. I didn't care at all. Until Seungri asked me to come to his home so we could get it done quickly.  

After I gave my nod of approval, he led the way to his legendary car. The BMW X6 that he was riding wasn't that expensive or exceptional for the streets of Seoul, yet the one that he was driving was legendary. Everyone wanted to ride it once.  

He opened the door for me. 

"Please, make yourself comfortable," he smiled charmingly. I could feel my heartbeats getting faster with every second spent in this dreamy situation. 

"Do you have a curfew? Do we have to hurry?" he asked, starting the engine. 

"Actually, yes. I have to call my mom, she won't let me stay too long," I explained, my inner self grinning bitterly. As if she ever cared for your studies, was the thought that c rossed my mind. 

Mom didn't really care about anything but herself.  

But I wasn't going to think about her when the prince Charming was sitting right next to me with that warm smile and adorable panda eyes. 

"Feel free to call her. I can take you home, if it's too far," the offer was way too nice, besides, mom would freak out if she saw me getting out of a car she didn't know. 

Calling her, I didn't beat around the bush, threw some facts about me needing good grades in order to get a degree. Mom wasn't very happy but couldn't throw a fit on a phone. I mean, she tended to insist that I come home when something like this happened but I didn't give her the time to come up with the old idea. 

Finishing the phone call, I realized that Seungri had already pulled in to some kind of a garage.  

"I hope you don't mind but we'll study in my apartment. The house is kind of... off limits for me at the moment." 

I laughed, as if I cared about stuff like that.  

Back then I didn't know how crucial that fact had been. 

Once again, impressed by the fact that the elevator took us right into a roof apartment that looked luxurious enough for my mother to approve of, I failed to notice another hint at what could have been wrong here. There were three pairs of shoes in the entrance hall. Had I noticed them and asked about it, maybe I would've been polite enough to excuse myself, for visiting someone while he is having guests stay over seems a bit rude, right? Nah, overthinking. 

The presence of Seungri's guests had been one thing, their identities whole another story. 

"Panda is home~," a chirping voice surprised me and a person moving in mach speed ran to Seungri, squeezing the life out of him with a death hug. The person ignored me, which was probably good because I was able to see something I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams – he kissed Seungri. Right after he slammed him into the door of the elevator.  

I was dumbstruck. 

The guy kissing my school's prince Charming was pushed away by the blonde himself. Seungri scratched his head and smiled at me awkwardly.  

"Sorry for that, I should have-" 

His sentence was interrupted by now aggressive person. He grabbed Seungri's hands and furiously whispered: "How dare you push me away! You want to be punished?" 

"Ji, I'm having a guest. Please, I'll deal with you later," he pleaded. I had to admit, his begging eyes were so cute I'd forgive him for everything wrong he'd done.  

Me and the Ji guy didn't have the same idea, because he leaned in once again, now with a vicious smile and said: "You better finish this quickly, or you won't finish anything else today." 

The implication made me choke on air. 


A professional way of beating my hopes down, burning them to ashes and then spreading the ashes around me. I wasn't brokenhearted though, my crush was kind of platonic anyway. Had there been any other girl from our school, I wasn't sure she'd have been able to keep my level of calm. 

The guy then turned to me and I finally had the chance to look at him. He was very handsome. Honestly, I could see him becoming another prince of our school. He wasn't better looking than Seungri, just different. His eyes were very sharp, hazel colored, which was a contrast to Seungri's soft eyes rimmed with dark circles and big eye-lashes. His whole face, body screamed sharp, dangerous, vicious, mad. The designer clothes he wore must have cost a fortune and the style he wore it with was enviable. 

"Don't even think of making a move on him, he's mine. Also, start training, you won't be able to get rid of the noob smell, you noob." 

"Wait, Ji, she isn't here to..." 

"See ya. Hurry up." 

I didn't understand and I wasn't sure I wanted to. I had no need to care about the noob talk because as long as Seungri knew, it wasn't my business to let the other guy know what I was here for. A chemistry project. Right. 

"Listen, you'll have to be careful. We don't deal with outsiders very well, newcomers have a certain smell. You surely have your problems but don't think about them here. It could get you in trouble."  

Even though a normal person would have thought Seungri'd gone mad, I kind of understood. I could also feel some familiar vibes from this place. 

"I can smell her intentions, she's here to do a project, Jiyong. Nothing else," I heard another voice coming from next door. This one was rough and deep. The kind of voice you wanted to listen to while going to sleep.  

"But she's stealing my panda anyway. Do you know how hard it is to control the dragon in my pants?" I laughed at that, very silently.  

I failed to pass by unnoticed thanks to that.  

"Hey, wait!" the same voice called after me, so I turned around to see another gorgeous guy. this , I'm done. How the hell is it possible for such a group to go unnoticed, even in Seoul? 

"I'm Seunghyun, nice to meet you," he smiled and reached out his hand in a friendly gesture.  

"Nice to meet you," I answered politely. I wanted to avoid contact with Seungri's friends at all costs now. Who knew what it was that tied them all together.  

"Hyuunie, now you too? Don't talk to her, I need a companion," and the big guy was pulled away. 

"Please, follow me. We both need to get this done," Seungri, now looking a bit nervous himself, hurried into his room. I followed him. He was rude but I would've been too, was I in his place. The Jiyong guy seemed crazy enough to take the punishment to a higher level, did we not finish the project quickly. 

Working with the prince Charming was one smooth, simple and fast job. Seungri was good looking and smart. He also joked a bit, so I knew that if the time wasn't hurrying up like it was summer, we'd be having so much fun there. Jiyong visited the room often, always signing something to Seungri. He was facing my back so I didn't know what it was. Not like I cared. 

When my phone rang, I knew we would have to finish the project some other time. Mother would never agree to let me stay out the second time she'd called.  

"Seungri, could we finish the project some other time, preferably at mine?" I smiled at him, hoping he would understand.  

Seems like we both shared this kind of plans. We agreed to meet in two days. I hoped mother would be gone that day. She usually went shopping at that time... 

Leaving Seungri's room, someone bumped into me. Well, more like ing pushed me. And a second later another someone caught me, just when I was expecting to feel the pain of the fall. 

"You can't run around like this, Bae! The lady isn't here to talk to you," the one who caught me was scolding the Bae guy who'd almost cause me a concussion.  

"Oh god, sorry, I didn't mean to kill you," the shortie apologized and, looking at him, I just smiled. What speed must he had been using to cause such a reaction? He was short! And right after I'd smiled, I notice the buff under his shirt and quickly apologized too. This guy was completely capable of beating me up, even with my trainings. 

"Seungriiiiiii," and now the annoying guy was here. This one was surely mad enough to have the strength of a madman. 

"You're damn right. So don't you talk to my Seungri ever again." 

"She'll have to, honey. We haven't finished the project. But I didn't want you to wait so long so we decided to finish it the day after tomorrow. Isn't she nice? She put your needs before her own," Seungri started to calm Jiyong down. Meanwhile I was being led away by Bae and the other guy.  

"Forgive them, Seungri is Jiyong's drug so he tends to act like a possessive addict from time to time," Bae apologized. 

"Forgive us all. We're being rude. This shortie is Yongbae, my name is Daesung. It's nice to finally meet someone from Seungri's school. He never brings anyone home so we were getting worried. What if he doesn't have any friends? But now I don't have to worry, right?" 

I thought about it for a while. Does Seungri really have any friends at that school at all? As far as I know, he seems too far out of everyone's reach. I didn't know whether he had someone brave enough to talk to him. I was certainly going to check it. Daesung had small eyes but once you looked into them, you could see he was smart and the size of his eyes kept nothing from his sight. I felt like he actually knew what I'd been thinking about.  

"I don't think you should worry. Lots of people at our school like Seungri a lot. It was nice meeting you too," I said as a form of goodbye and left.  

Since Seungri was busy, he couldn't give me the ride home he'd offered sooner that day, so I was mentally preparing myself to walk a lot. Mother would be so damn angry when I came home.  

Getting out of the elevator, I bumped into Seunghyun. 

Had I known what it'd have meant, I wouldn't have taken him up on the offer to ride me home. I was too scared of mother's reaction if I was that late. So his politeness was very convenient at that time.  

I honestly had no idea!  

I noticed him leaving the road in the direction of my house when it was too late.  

I was about to ask him what the but he'd been the first to talk: "Listen, I'm really sorry, but we'll be needing to keep you for a while. We have some unfinished business with your parents. Nothing personal." 


"Well, in that case you should kill me, my parents don't give a about me. I'm adopted coz they need an heir." 

"Leave that to us. We might need to torture you a bit. Maybe we will eventually kill you," he smirked at me. Wow, how funny. My brain was trying to come up with anything at all. I didn't care about parents, I wanted to survive.  

"So why the pretend home up there?" I asked, trying to avert it attention from anything that could indicate what I was about to do. 

My hand travelled down to my school bag, trying to find something heavy enough to cause loss of consciousness.  

Before I had the chance to hit him however, he hit me. 



Jiyong was still madly kissing Seungri, trying to lead him into his own room. However funny I sounded, his little dragon was raging for his boy and he would get him what he wanted because Seungri'd been naughty. He deserved to be punished.  

"Ji, we might need to call her parents."  

Rolling his eyes, Jiyong threw a glare at Yongbae, who dared to disturb him. 

"Also, you might want to keep Seungri capable of doing his job. Today it's you mission, guys. If he's unable to walk, it's all on you alone," reasoned Daesung. 

Jiyong scoffed. As if he wasn't able to kill one ing hysterical fat rich woman.  

"And if I remember correctly, you had a time limit too, which runs out in," Bae looked at his wristwatch, "30 minutes." 

Well, that sparked a bit of interest. The mansion of the woman was very far from their apartment. He could be late if he ed Seungri now.  

"Aish. But you come with me," he dragged the poor blonde, leaving others to sigh.  

With a bright smile that Seungri adores the most of all, Jiyong led the way to his car.  

When the man had a smile this shining, it meant a lot of suffering for the victim, while for Seungri it meant he had a show to look forward to. Jiyong was a huge show-off and he tended to let loose when on a mission. That was the only time when his honest true beast was unleashed and did what it wanted.  

Arriving at the luxurious villa, they stealthily moved out of their car, across the huge front yard of the mansion of the rich and inside through a small window that they were allowed to break. The excitement was notable on both of them. When Jiyong's hands trembled while trying to pick a lock on the fat woman's room, when Seungri loudly laughed at her threats of calling the police if they didn't get lost.  

She was sweating so bad, her breaths were fast and short. Quite a disgusting thing to see.  

"I'm so , Seungri. You're going to have to deal with that, you know that, right?" 

Jiyong was distracting the woman from his movements, he liked the hunt.  

Seungri, on the other had, saw the form she was in and knew that this woman would need no hunt. Therefore, for Jiyong's personal enjoyment, the mad man would torture her until his bloodthirst was sated and then he'd move on to dealing with Seungri.  

Mentally preparing himself for the latter, he concentrated on the first thing that had to be done.  

"We have exactly 12 minutes, Ji." 

"Plenty of time." 

Seungri didn't think the woman realized what that light in Jiyong's eyes meant.  

"Do you have some needles, sweetheart?" he asked, and the panda nodded, pulling out the device that Jiyong loved to use the most. 

"Ya, fat baba, what would you like to lose first? Sight or hearing, I don't really care," he grinned at her. 

"I always like it better when they want their hearing away coz then then move around a lot like some animals that are about to die. At least it looks authentic," Seungri informed. He smiled at the squirming woman. There was no escape for her. She didn't even have her phone. 

"No cops this time, do you think it would matter if we took our time?" Ji asked, already thinking of ways to the woman up. With a fast, almost unnoticeable movement of his hand, he rid her of hearing. Ever since he'd learned acupuncture points in the human body, he loved to use it on everyone. Seungri had to learn it himself because Jiyong really loved making him lose control of all his muscles so that the guy could clothe him in weird costumes, do stuff, you know the deal.  

She screamed but couldn't hear herself, which surely scared her even more.  

"I'm not even sure I want to cut her up, Riri. There will be fat everywhere," the beast was woken up – only the beast was brave enough to call Seungri by that stupid nickname.  

"Then use the knives and make her eat it again, she should like the taste since she ate so much of it." 

"Awesome idea! I'll make Ji gentle for this," a red flash in the beast's eyes informed him of all the stuff that the beast and Jiyong were both planning to do to him. They were furious.  

The show wasn't that funny, because the beast had little time to do the entertaining parts. He still danced around the woman, had her follow him with her scared eyes and always attacked when she didn't see him. She screamed a lot and her attempts not to lose Ji from her sight were hilarious. 

"Nothing too big this time then, I guess," the sad frown was all he had once she was dead. It didn't take him long, so Seungri smirked.  

"The big show is my specialty, remember? I have Fausts and some Bubbles, want to help me?" 

The beast, so disappointed just a minute ago, ran to Seungri kissing the life out of him. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" 

"I hope you'll remember once this all is over." 

He was serious. 

So they heavily made their way up the mansion to the roof, setting everything to it's place.  

"I want the button, please, let me have the button," now just Jiyong was pleading for it, knowing pretty well that this time he had the right to get what Seungri only rarely gave.  

"Aish. You always steal the best buttons," the younger sighed but let him have it.  

"Because you make the best shows to make me happy after you've angered me," he smirked, slowly leading the way downstairs, to the front of the huge yard. 

"And you know very well that it's always Seunghyun's idea that we play with them a little before mission. I'm just keeping peace, Ji. Don't get angry at me at least. It's Seunghyun who deserves it," he was pouting now. 

Jiyong couldn't resist it this time, he pulled the panda to a passionate kiss, pressing the button.  

"I love you too much to think rationally when jealous," he whispered, his eyes only seeing his beautiful lover and partner in crime looking in awe at his own creation – fireworks, tearing the woman's body apart right in the place of her death. Red, blue, green, yellow, all the colors and shapes made him proud of his work. 

This was their favorite part of missions.  

Ji got to watch the most stunning moments of Seungri's life, Seungri got to relive the joy of creating something beautiful. 

"Now, for the punishment..."


Wow, dumb writer in action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cassowary #1
Chapter 1: You should write a sequel with the punishment part
meg_vvip #2
Chapter 1: Gosh this is crazy but i love it!
Chapter 1: omoooo....possesive ji no one can beat him...ultimate jealousy dragon...:)
Chapter 1: Omggggg that plot twist hahahha i love it! I need the punishment❤