ready when you are

The Reprisal of Sleeping Beauty


And if the music is good, you dance. ❞

 ready when you are 
chapter XXII

“The place was brightly lit, and lanterns decorated the whole road down into the dwindling shop houses. The streets were too vivid for any of the stars to be seen that evening, and it was fine, because the happy upbeat music of the townsfolk made up for the lack of shining meteorites.


In the middle of everything was a young teen dressed in a simple white tunic, back rolled-up trousers courtesy of Jongin. One drunken lady had questioned its authenticity, and her heart fluttered when she got inquired. 


“Do I not look good?” The teen replied, sending a coy grin.


“That's a pretty one!”


“Why didn’t I see him before?” Three girls hurdled around one of the café tables, and spoke in small, agitated whispers at the sight of the boy.


“Unni, don’t you think he kind of looks like one of the princes?”


“Now that you mention it... Is it EXO?”


“No," She whined babyishly, "I meant one of the princes from Bangtan! What was his name?” She frowned as she tried to put a name to the face, “You know that guy, with the huge cute eyes…”


“Jungkook?” The girl who described him hit the table in a rush of excitement, “Yeah, him!”


“Did he have any brothers?”


“Well, I don’t know,” The one with the glasses shrugged, “No one really has solid information on the BTS princes.”


The other sighed, “Well, that’s true. They are probably nice and all but, you just don’t feel a close and personal type of thing with them, you know?” The two girls nodded their heads dreamily, as they stared at the white-shirt boy walking away. “It’s fine though, all of them are really handsome anyways.” 



Yeon Young laughed under her breath as a teenage girl ran away after handing her a gift. It was a small bouquet of azaleas.


It was laughable really, how much attention she recieved as a pretense compared to her usual appearance.


The time which Yeon Young has spent in her ‘pretty boy’ outlook was definitely much more constructive than the whole three trips she made as a girl.


“The guy should be nearby, if the lady was right…” She stopped outside a bar named Cloud 9 and saw that the nailed in ‘9’ was about to fall off any moment.


“Argh, zero aesthetics.” She pushed the door opened, only to find herself entangled in a rowdy atmosphere. “More mead here!” A drunkard shouted right beside her and she winced. I hate bars.


Yeon Young looked around, searching for the man with the infamous moustache. Apparently, from the information the people gave after she had asked around, he was an through and through. He had made a few slaves out of families that couldn’t pay off what they owed him, and not to mention, also had enough women to go around.


So, Elder Oh was right, he really did cheat her money because she’s an ugly old hag. Oh well, this pretty boy is here to save the day.


Yeon Young headed straight for the counter, and was greeted by a meek lady standing behind it. She looked not more than 20, and would probably have ran away if she had a choice.


“H-How may I help you?”


“Have you seen any guy with an ugly moustache around here?”


“He’s on the second floor,” She replied meekly and Yeon Young thanked the girl with an indolent grin.


“Okay then, let’s get this done and over with.” Aza? Check.


We are ready to go.


Yeon Young swung her way up the stairs to second floor, her ponytail swishing side to side with every step she took. She beamed at the two hoodlums who were taking charge of the place for their boss.


“What do you want, boy?”


“I want to talk to your boss. It will take just a moment,” She shot them another lazy smile.


And rightfully pissed them off.


“What are you smiling at, brat? Go down. This area is off limits!”


“People tell me I look pretty when I smile. I don’t think they tell you two that, huh?” Yeon Young’s brows creased, a pitiful look glazing her eyes, “I’m feeling quite sad for you. Maybe you would like to consider putting on a mask.”


She backed away just in time for an angry swipe at her face, “You started it.”


In no time at all, the two men were down, her blade stained as red as its sheathe. “If I take everyone down quickly, you will probably still be able to get treatment in time. Wish me luck!” Yeon Young snickered as she stepped forward. She noticed the mustached man soon enough.


“Hello. I’m Prince Yeon, and I would like you to go to jail.” She chirped as she bowed politely, a serene smile spreading on her lips.


“…Who?” The man sat up, and removed his hand from the lap of the bar hostess. “Prince Yeon? You know? The most good-looking one? EXO?”


“Never heard of him,” The guy took a shot, “You must like playing pretend, don’t you? Come here, pretty face. I’ll let my men play with you.” Hearing their boss’s sentence, the hormonal dropouts, thieves, all started to stare at her with a hint of lust. What the hell? Will they just take anyone? Talk about standards.


…Although. I would probably still hit on Sehun, or Kai if I were a boy. Well, okay, then I completely understand-


“Argh!” She sliced someone’s chest and knocked another out at the same time. Heaving heavily, she backed off by using the steps down to the first floor. Apparently, playing fair was not in these guys’ agendas.


Yeon Young observed the whole level again. To her front, there were two goons, and at 2 o’clock, there were three gun-users. Four were scattered randomly to her right. She groaned internally. Really? Is that how far your sense of preservation goes? You are twisted.


“Eluci, you are up,” She passed Aza to her right hand and pulled Eluci out from its black sheathe. She noted that the blade was much sharper than before, and it looked much, much more divine, seeing how it gleamed whenever the inn’s lights hit the edge of the sword.


Eluci emitted a sense of terror amongst the men surrounding her. Perhaps it was the unnaturally black stain of the metal used to forge the blade but, they felt threatened and had a need to increase their guard around the petite girl. It gave her a sense of satisfaction, needless to say. The men readied their swords in front of their faces, sneering disgustingly at the girl.


“Ready when you are,” Yeon Young drawled, as a smirk slowly ghosted on her features.

annyeong lmao idk maybe next update next week
wtf tho, has anyone watched hyungwonho's from zero??? i'm like dying i luv it


◯ darkmoon


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Omg, I made a trailer by myself! Please check it out and I'm back from my break! The next chapter will be up shortly. Thank you for being with me <3


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parkcarla #1
Chapter 24: Couldn't talk much. All i can say is I really love this story!
The plot, the story and the characters!
I hope you always happy and healthy, and continue this story soon!
Chapter 24: A badass and sarcastic heroine haha. This is awesome. The plot is also perfect. Really love this.
67 streak #3
Chapter 24: I'm in love ♡_♡
One of the best fanfics I've read so far >_<
Ps: Great job author-nim :)
Chapter 24: Ok. I love this girl, and this story is hilarious. I'm just gonna subscribe and hope in the future that it will update eventually, 'kay?
Chapter 24: YOU GO GIRL
Lofera #6
Chapter 24: Waaah!!!! Atta girl!! Daebak, I luv her character. I can't wait to know what happen next, and I can't wait to see more of Bts... I wonder what will she do next, will she run away back to her village? or will Sehun caught her back from running? Argh I can't wait what gonna happen next....
Chapter 24: Waahhh ! I love your storyyy. Please update soon.
Chapter 24: Awww~~~ where's the next button??*pout* I was so excited to see her in action and her interaction with each of exo member..update soon~~ fighting!!