Chapter 2

Just Another Joined by Fate Story

When they arrived at Sydney, they quickly moved pass the immigration and head to take their luggage (Chanwoo’s luggage, actually; Junhoe doesn’t have one).

“Have you been here before?”, Junhoe asked while they are waiting for the luggage.

“Yes, once. With the rest of the family. I was so young I barely remember anything, though. Oh, here comes the bag.”

“How do we get to the hotel?”

“Just follow me.”

As soon as they arrived at the hotel, Junhoe couldn’t help but stare at the building. It’s an old building, but not old old, more like classy old. It can easily be mistaken as a historical site. The way the hotel’s lobby and halls are decorated gave them a rather antique impression. Even the room is designed in similar fashion.

“Must’ve cost a fortune.”, Junhoe commented.

“You think? I didn’t really check the price tag.”

This is the first time Junhoe stayed in such an expensive place. His family is also rich, sure, but his father doesn’t like wasting money on unnecessary luxuries. You should’ve seen the way his father clucked in disapproval when he saw Junhoe getting first class ticket. In his defence, he was just curious. After flying economy all his life, he just wanted to try first class the first time he travels alone.

“So, what’s the first plan again?”, Junhoe asked.

“Sleep. Or nap. Or shower. Anything resting.”, Chanwoo said, his tiredness obvious. “But of course, feel free to go somewhere. Just don’t forget to take the key with you.”, he quickly added before he went to the bathroom.

Sleep, eh?” Junhoe looked around and noticed that there is only one king-sized bed. “That should be fine, right? I mean, we’re just two normal boys that definitely won’t make an advance on each other.

That said, something about sleeping on the same bed with Chanwoo still bothered Junhoe. He couldn’t explain what or why, it’s just is. “Oh, whatever… I’m sleeping on the couch.

He then proceeded to lay on the couch, and started drifting toward the dreamland. But suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Chanwoo got out with a bathrobe on (courtesy of the hotel). “I’m done. Are you taking a bath?”

Junhoe just grumbled to indicate a no.

“Why are you sleeping on the couch? The bed is big enough for the two of us.”

Ignore him, Junhoe.

But Chanwoo won’t give up. He started poking Junhoe’s cheek, “Hey… Just sleep on the bed. I feel bad as a host if you sleep on the couch.”

Junhoe still ignored him while pretending to be asleep.

“Besides, the bed will be warmer with the two of us…”

This time, Chanwoo’s words surprised Junhoe, and he couldn’t help but to open his eyes and give Chanwoo a stare.

“Oops… sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything. I just want you to feel comfortable.”, Chanwoo said while covering his mouth in embarrassment. After this, he finally gave up and move to the bed to sleep himself.

Seeing Chanwoo moved away, Junhoe finally rose and moved to sleep on the other side of the bed; keeping his distances from Chanwoo as far as possible.

“That’s better.”, Chanwoo said almost inaudibly, before quickly falling asleep.

Soon after Junhoe feel asleep too.

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 9: :)))))
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 8: Im glad June just kidding when he said that want let him go :)
R_nine21 #3
Chapter 7: ssoooooooo sweeeeeeeetttttttt TT.TT
R_nine21 #4
Chapter 6: the way they care to each other make me cry TT.TT
R_nine21 #5
Chapter 5: June is so HAPPY ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
R_nine21 #6
Chapter 4: TT.TT hope they will meet again huhuhu
ave9229 #7
Chapter 8: Wow junhoe converted fast from denial to full blown chasing. He's so sweet... I felt chanwoo's statement of just friends was really cruel, but oh well junhoe doesn't mind and i know they'd end up together anyway :p. Honestly I almost cried in the part where junhoe locked chanwoo. And dang i thought junhoe would give in and bottom at some point on chap 9 but apparently not haha. Thanks for the story!
fySugarFree #8
Chapter 9: This is so cuttteeee!
Chapter 9: lmao terms and conditions apply! I love it!