Chapter Two

Let's throw in some sugar

The rain is pounding, the traffic is hell but Youngjin is grinning like an idiot and Hadon is thinking if he pretends to be asleep will Youngjin stop annoying him. "Hadon please" Nope it didn't work.

"Tell me about him."


"Tell me~"


"Please tell m-"

"I swear to god Youngjin, I'm tired"

"All I wish for is some background on Mr sweet buns"

Hadon gags. "Did you just call him Mr sweet buns oh my god let me out the car I would rather drown or be hit down, let me out the car."

"Fine" Youngjin pouts

Hadon proceeds to snuggle himself against the window so he can at least game sleep from this tiring journey with his brother. Youngjin is stilling pout but he can't help but let a smile breakthrough. He was thinking of the cute guy he was gonna to know more about. In a non-creepy way. Youngjin was determined to find out something about him.

Youngjin finally works out a deal with Hadon so he can find out information about 'Mr Sweet Buns'. As Youngjin catches another marshmallow in his mouth nearly knocking down a lamp this time. Hadon says "Question number god knows what is?"

"So he prefers the name Zica over his own, but what does it mean?"

"It's taken from words for music" Hadon throws another marshmallow and Younjin catches. Youngjin had gotten very skilled at catching them in his mouth now, they had only broken a picture frame and knocked over a side table so far. He was useless up until marshmallow number ten and this was still when Hadon still bothered counting them. Youngjin had found out Zica's age, name, nickname and that he lived with Yul, the other barista. Yul's uncle owns the cafe and that is how Zica and him started working there. Youngjin was at first jealous of Yul thinking they could be dating but once he asked Hadon he said they did try but decided being friends was more fitting for them. Youngjin actually learned a lot about Yul as well, it seems they are two peas in a pod and when one is mentioned so is the other. Yul and Zica have been best friends since they were young, they were even in a band together as well. He knows the basics and background.

"Youngjin, I'm running low on marshmallows and bored can we stop now?"

"B-but I still don't know much about him, like does he prefer sweet or salty?, what kinda music he likes and played?, can he dance to girl groups songs like me? this is important."

"Oh my god. Just ask him yourself, he works almost everyday but Wednesdays and Fridays."

"ohh what times?"

"I'm not saying it is creepy to me and why should I make this easy for you I already gave you so much"

"Hadon~ ple-"

"No I am tired and I'm going to my room, suffer on your own."

Hadon mumbles something about Youngjin being stupid and creepy as he walks to his room. Youngjin ignores and thinks about how he can learn more about Zica and befriend him. Would it mean flirting at the counter or maybe being a bit outlandish so Zica remembers him. Youngjin was determined to make Zica remember him. Tomorrow he would start his pursuit of Zica. In a non creepy way Youngjin thinks as he can heard Hadon in the back of his head call him creepy for the nth time. Not creepy just curious. Okay that sounds creepy.


Hadon can be heard laughing in his room adding on "That's what all the creeps say."

ahh long over due and short update but im trying to set things up im sorry this is a dull update but steven stone helped me through it aha ^^;; that ing rock nerd, damn i wish i could play pokemon go TT TT but mega evolution series will do to ease my pain 

This is awful i apologise i hope you like the dynamic tho ahhh it will be ages till im any good at this oh well im trying and i promise to improve okay ^^

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Chapter 3: Yes yes yes opening few lines of conversation between Eddy and Simba I can so hear it in their voices
mmmm Eddy's fit bae.... how terrible that I like that a lot
IRL Yul would like to shank Simba with a nametag lets be real here
Poor Loud Child Simba screaming about cakes-- poor Yul and Zica having to serve him. OMG THE POINTING AT THE CHAIR I DIED PPL HAD TO ASK WHAT I WAS LAUGHING AT
Desperate Eddy and Pathetic Simba it perfect-- I also hope Prince breaks Eddy
chokes instead of complimenting when giving cake come on Simba come one Zica is trying here too jesus-- I like that Yul is terrifying to SImba tho, this is good this is how it should be irl (i think irl Yul wishes Simba was terrified of him)
Simba you idiot Eddy told you to compliment him you said you were gonna compliment him and he even asked for a compliment and what did you NOT DO?

Again cute chapter, I really think your style and general level of writing has improved from the first chapter, it was cool to see! Proud of you! I'm looking forward to finding out what dumb things Simba does next! and if Mak broke Eddy!
Chapter 2: Hadon "pretends" to be asleep: I mean it is Simba so...
OMG MR SWEET BUNS I GIGGLED HOW PERFECTLY SIMBA HOW TERRIBLE- and accurate that Sancheong wishes to perish
what is this idiot game of catching marshmallows with his mouth I feel like yes Simba is obviously very good at that (but was it for every catch he had a question answered?) It a cute game tho dang (but their poor broken belongings)
I love the how close to Yul explaination it works so well
I also love "Does he dance to girl group songs like me?" -- so dumb so Simba
This was a cute chapter! I enjoyed it!
VixxenWolf #3
Chapter 3: I have to edit this the format I didn't notice the italics disappear but I don't have time to do it till maybe Friday night cause of work ;; I may not read as well without them