Almost Random

Almost Is Never Enough

Quote : Almost Random

(Lee SungKyung POV )

Present Day - June 2016

"Psst!" I whispered across the table trying to get my slightly intoxicated friend's attention, but it was proving to be a rather difficult task...Maybe “Slightly” was an understatement?

"Yah! Park Shinhye!" I nudged her a few times before letting out a tired sigh. The girl was resting her head on the table, seemingly oblivious to the world. Giving up I gathered my bag and made my way sneakily around the rows of tables. They were all currently occupied by dozens of stars, crew members, staff and people I'd have to pretend to know if I ever made eye contact with. So hence, the sneaking around.
I finally made it out of the room and into the lobby of the restaurant without being detected. 'Can't believe she was just bragging earlier about her supposed "high" alcohol tolerance. Please. Wish she was awake right now so I can rub it all over her drunk .' I grumbled putting on my cap and tightening the long coat around my body. I was in desperate need of some fresh air.

Today was the first day of filming my new drama, and the nervous jitters were definitely getting to me. As per tradition the director called for a dinner with all the staff to celebrate the occasion. And by dinner, he of course meant drinking till you don't remember what your last name was, and then going for seconds to a karaoke bar to drink some more till you forget your first name as well. God, I hated those things. I can’t drink and being sober for all this was just plain torture. But what can I do...It was Shinye’s suggestion to come along. The poor girl thought it’ll help me relax, but boy was she wrong.

I sighed, finally standing on the sidewalk breathing in some much needed fresh air. At least I had Shinhye with me. I smiled remembering how happy I was to finally be in a project with her. We clicked right away and she soon became one of my closest friends. One of the few that saw the real me and accepted me for who I was. There weren’t many of them around me.

I spotted a 24/7 convenient store across the street from where I was standing and decided to make my way there. Maybe I could find something to help the girl still sprawled inside. Right before I entered the store I heard screeches of a car pulling up. I looked back and noticed it was a van. A black one, similar to ones many celebrities drive around.

Not wanting to be caught staring, I continued my walk into the store and was greeted by a highly enthusiastic teenage boy behind the counter. Guess there's no hiding your identity when you're 1.75m tall female celebrity. "Yes, hello" I smiled friendly, greeting him with a nod of my head, "I'll just look around for awhile". Walking further inside, I stood by the large display window peering outside. Curiosity was getting the better of me.

The door of the van slid open and out came a man (Manager perhaps?). He seemed to be giving instructions to the driver, but that’s not what got my attention. What had me rooted to the floor was a glimpse of the beautiful brunette sitting in the back seat. It was a split second, but I could recognize that accompanying laughter anywhere.

I imagined meeting her thousands of times before. My mind would even draw up hundreds of different scenarios on how said meeting would go down. The entertainment industry was a very small place after all. But I never imagined it like…so casual. Some might even call it anti-climactic, seeing her in front of a random store, in a random place, on a random day. But the feeling the sight of the young brunette evoked in me was nothing but random. It felt pretty much like fate to me. One I have been running away from for the past 7 years.


Past - Summer 2009

Lee SungKyung by the age of 18 was already making a splash in the modeling world. Having participated and won many national and international modeling competitions, she was receiving love calls from designers to walk their fashion shows and be on the cover of fashion magazines. Her parents couldn't be happier. Especially her mother. The woman was more than happy her daughter dropped the ridiculous idea of being a singer. Prancing around half- on stage as she called it, was not an ideal career choice for a family of their prestige. SungKyung found that train of thought ridiculous and it left her speechless plenty of times. 'Can't she see me half- on the cover of all those magazines?' What's the difference?! But fortunately (in a sense), stubbornness ran in the family and the teenage girl had her mindset.

The summer after Sungkyung graduated high school, she enrolled herself in a training academy. One that specializes in training kids aspiring to be idols and finding them suitable companies to debut under. It was a relatively new academy based on a rather small area in Seoul. Ideal for the lanky girl. The truth was, she told her parents she accepted a modeling gig in Japan for a few months. When in fact, she refunded her plane ticket and used the pocket money she got from her parents to rent a small one-room apartment across the training center. Never mind that she won't be able to afford it for more than a month, but that was another day's worry as far as she was concerned. For now, the young girl couldn't be happier! Finally she'll get a shot at trying to make her childhood dream come true and she was not going to waste it sweating the small stuff. She was going to improve and show her parents and all the people who doubted her, that she belongs on stage, not just a 2D unmoving picture on some magazine (Not that it didn't have its perks). Music was her dream.

That was the high spirits she was in that first day she stood in front of WA's Training Academy. Decked out in her favorite Gucci boots and her adorable pink mini skirt matching it with a cute white blouse, she was ready to kill it her first day.

"Are you getting ready to shoot a movie or are you here for class?", a voice came from behind her, the playful tone familiar. "Don't tell me you already forgot your status as a runaway daughter".

"Kangjoon!", immediately turning around, she engulfed the handsome young boy in bear hug. "Yah! Why didn't you pick up your phone I was calling you all morning!" She exclaimed, giving him repeated slaps on the shoulder.

"Ouch ouch! I'm sorry okay! Sheesh" Steps away from her to escape the attacks. "Overslept. Was watching the football game with my roommates and ya know how these things are"

" I don't"

"Well, that's how they are." He shrugs, before giving her a knowing grin. "Why? Miss me already?" The younger boy wiggles his eyebrows teasingly.

"You wish." Kangjoon finally grabs her arms in defense as she moved to strike him again. “Fine, fine! I see your violent ways haven’t changed…” One look at her expression, and he sheepishly smiles. “Missed you too~”

SungKyung and Seo Kangjoon met a few years back at a modeling gig. They actually shot a twin concept for a magazine before and people often mistook them as siblings even till this day. It was mostly due to their distinctive light brown eyes…and well they were both definitely lookers.

Unlike the older girl, Kangjoon has already been training to be an idol for a while now. It was with his help that she enrolled in this academy. He was one of the few people that knew about her dream and supported her 100%. But even with the support, SungKyung couldn’t help but be nervous. She didn’t know anyone in this place and the idea of eventually not making it was daunting.

Sensing her discomfort, his grin turns into an understanding smile as he took her hand. "Noona, don't worry about it. You got this. It's all about hard work here. If you give it your all, you'll find yourself improving in no time." He faced her, holding eye contact to convey his sincerity. "Just believe in yourself. I know I do"
The girl found herself nodding along, not succeeding at keeping her lips from turning up into a smile. "Since when did you become this cheesy" she finally pushes him away laughing.

"Impressive, huh?" Grins cheekily "Think the girls will like it?"

She ends up slapping him repeatedly again, while he ran up the front stairs of the academy.
"You little ! Is that the only thing on your mind."
Kanjoon soon left her behind to head to the boys practice room on the 2nd floor as Sungkyung had to head over to the director's office.

"..and turn left down the hall. Or was it right?.." The lost girl was murmuring to herself trying to find the way, when she heard the footsteps of someone coming up behind her. Turning around she spotted a teenage girl, about her own age coming her way. The first thing she noticed was how adorable her puffy cheeks were, and she wondered if she was a trainee here as well. "Excuse me, do you have a minute?"

The smaller brunette looked up at her, a surprised expression adorning her face "Oh..hello. What can I do for you?"

'Does she recognize me?..' Putting on a charming smile of her own, SungKyung moves closer to the girl.
"I was wondering if you could show me the Director's office? It seems I lost the way"

"Oh Mr. Do Hoon's office you mean? I'm headed there myself, I can take you."

"That'll be great."

Glancing at her younger companion every once in awhile, the two girls make their way down the hall.

"Are you an acquaintance of his?" Surprised by the sudden question, she faced her.

"Of the director's? Oh no! Not at all. I'm just a new trainee here"

"A trainee?!"

"Yes," the taller girl raised an eyebrow "Why are you so surprised?"

"No, it's just that...I thought you looked like a celebrity already, I just assumed..." The girl blushed, inciting an amused laugh from the other.
"What gave me away? Is it that celebrity aura?~" SungKyung grinned, playfully tossing her hair to the side.

"It was more of how you are dressed”

“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?”

“Nothing! It’s just not what you usually see around here” Looking around, SungKyung finally noticed the casual attire varies people around here were wearing. The younger girl herself was sporting training pants and a t shirt. “It’s just more comfortable you know.”

“Oh..” Feeling rather dumb, the taller girl self-consciously tugged at her mini-skirt. “I didn’t think about that.”
Sensing the girls discomfort, the younger immediately offered her help. “I can lend you something. I keep extra clothes in my locker”

Sungkyung’s eyes immediately lit up with relief and without a second thought gave the younger girl a hug taking her in her arms easily. “Thank you, kid! You’re a life saver!”

Stunned from the sudden contact, the girl couldn’t respond. Her cheeks coloring.

"Is that you Lee SungKyung? Glad you could make it. Please this way" A voice called from down the hall way startling the two girls. Before the flustered girl could get two words out, the stunning model was already bidding her farewell and skipping down the hallway.
"My name is Kim Yongsun...", The younger girl muttered not having the courage to call after her.

author's note

I'll be alternating between LSK's POV and Solar's one through out the story. So what do you guys think? Continue or nah?  Leave it in the comments down below~! Tell me any side couples/otps you wanna see as well, I’ll try to include them.

layout by minimi4

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Mizusawa #2
Chapter 1: I'm really excited now! I read this chapter 3 times ... I wanted something like MoonSun and MoonKyung would be interesting to them fighting over who gets the heart Byul. (I know Byul is not a main character but... she's my OTP haha ​​xD)
Tokki126 #3
I'll look out for this :3