Chapter 03


"Hey, you're the new girl right?" Momo just nodded, giving a slight smile. She was not quite a morning person, especially on the mornings after she had her nightmares. It was already the fifth person greeting her, trying to make friends with her, and to be honest she was not too interested. 

"Momo-chan!" A really loud and sharp voice was heard, and without looking Momo knew who it was. She was extremely embarrassed because once again her favourite cousin had successfully attracted the attention of many people again. However, this time she was more than thankful. At least she would not have to entertain people again.

"Sorry, I gotta go." She stood up and ran to Sana, both of them greeting each other with a hug.

"Oh gosh you're finally here! I thought I could die trying to handle those people," Momo whined. "Why do you come school so late?"

Honestly, Sana was not one who could wake up easily. Even if she opened her eyes and had a decent conversation, she can just go back to sleeping the next moment.

"Seems like you're still as famous as ever huh, it's only been one day. Anyway, why do you come school so early?" Momo was a very high profile person back in Japan. Partially for her looks, and partially because she messed around with the school a little more than regular students should and would.


"So I heard you slept through the entire day again," Sana commented. She really wanted to help Momo go back to the person she was.

"I was tired," Momo replied, giving a shrug. "And the teacher was really boring, you have no idea." On her part, she really did not care. She had been a misguided youth since that day, doing all the things she should not do and getting into trouble. Her relationship with her parents worsened because of that, but that being said, they certainly still did wish the best for her. They sent her to Korea thinking that a new environment would be beneficial for her. Momo was not for it, but she was quite enticed by being able to stay alone, and she agreed also because Sana was there. For a plus point, her parents offered to pay for her apartment and get a dance studio for her.

"Momo ah, can you try to stay awake for at least one lesson? Starting tomorrow. Please? Do it for me, if not for yourself?" Momo knew Sana meant well, so she nodded her head, hoping that it would not be that hard as long as she tried.

"So anyway..." 

"Who's that girl?" Momo interrupted Sana after noticing a girl sitting just a few tables away. She was alone, but what really attracted Momo was her beauty. 

Sana followed the girl's eyes, knowing who it was immediately. "Oh that's Mina. Top of the batch. She's known for being cold to everyone, and she doesn't really have any friends. Doesn't look like she minds though, since she's always studying."

"Ah.. Hardworking student.."

Sana did not think much of Momo's question, until she realised that the girl was barely even listening to her anymore. "Hey, earth to Momo? I know she's pretty, but I'd suggest you not to go near her. She'll probably reject you, and I'll warn you first, people love to disturb her." 




Days passed and Momo was increasingly getting used to the new environment. She constantly made attempt to stay awake for one lesson each day, not wanting to disappoint Sana. And she found out, it was really really hard to not sleep.

Momo was alone. Sana was not free that day, plus she did not want to always impose on her. She decided to roam about school and explore it.

She was walking along the classroom corridors when she saw the beauty that attracted her that day. A slight smile appeared on her face, only to disappear instantly when she saw that there were people in the classroom the girl was going to enter to, preparing a bucket of water on top of the door. Momo scoffed at the old pranks the students were playing; she knew all of these pranks too well.

Momo had to do something, but Mina was already about to enter so before she thought about it acted first. "Hey! Mina ah!" 

The girl turned, expression unchanged. "Yes? You are?" The tone was cold, which made Momo even more flustered than she already was. Well, she panicked because she was so in by the girl's gorgeousness. 

"Erm.. Err.. I..." As Momo was desperately thinking of an excuse, someone walked in to the classroom, the bucket of water splashing entirely over her. Gasps could be heard, and Momo took the chance to just end the conversation, knowing her job was done. "Erm nothing! Have a good day! Bye!" 

Momo ran away. While she felt happy that Mina was safe, she felt like it was the most embarrassing day of her life.

Mina looked at the girl strangely, frowning at the encounter. That girl is weird. 


A/N: And here we have, Mina's appearance! But it seems like Mina and Momo doesn't have a great starting....

How's the story so far~? I hope you guys like it!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun