Chapter 14


For the next few days everything went on as usual. Other than a "how are you today?" every morning, Momo did not treat Mina any different. She just made sure that Mina was okay. This made Mina treasure their friendship even more, knowing that the only friend she had was an accepting and understanding one.

That is why when Mr and Mrs Myoui talked to her over dinner one day, Mina's heart broke. They had hired someone to do a background search on Momo and told Mina to stay away from her, with the reason that the girl "did not have a good record" and "was bad at studying". They pushed Mina into a corner, saying that they would find ways to remove Momo from the school if she continued hanging out with her. In short, they were taking Mina's only friend away from her. The friend that made Mina feel loved for once, the friend that gave Mina happiness, the friend that made Mina feel excited and nervous at the same time. She definitely did not want to, but it was not a choice. Even though she did not know anything, she was certain that there was a reason why Momo's parents had sent her here all alone. Momo was pretty much settled down in the school already, and her cousin was in the same school as well. The last thing Mina would want is for Momo to be sent out of the school.

There was no room for negotiation, Mina knew, and she just had to follow their orders like she had always been doing. After crying over it for the entire night, Mina mustered the courage to end her friendship with Momo.

"Minari!" Upon seeing her approaching, Momo ran towards Mina and engulfed her in a hug, just like she always did. Mina was all ready to just end it off, but Momo's action made her resolution waver a bit. Then she remembered, it was not an option. She took another moment to enjoy the warmth that Momo gave her. It was probably the last time she could feel it.

"What's wrong?" Momo could sense that something was wrong, Mina usually reacted to her greeting, but now she did not say anything nor hug Momo back.

"Momo, I-" It took a lot for Mina to push her away. "You know, I think we shouldn't hang out anymore."

"Why? What's wrong, Mina?" Momo could not believe her ears. There had not been a single issue between them all these while. She really enjoyed Mina's company, and she was sure that Mina did too. It also did not help that her feelings for Mina were developing.

"Look, Momo," Mina's eyes darted everywhere, looking at everything and anything but the girl in front of her. "We're so different, just too different."

"We are, but they say opposites attract, and we've been getting along well." 

"We-" Mina took in a deep breath, careful not to let her emotions get over her. She had to behave like she wanted this. "We just can't, Momo. I mean, I'm a top scorer and-"

"So.. It's just about grades, huh?" Momo's tone changed, and Mina flinched slightly at the cold and unfamiliar tone. "It didn't matter when other people said that I was lazy and stupid. I just thought you were different. Turns out you're just the same, huh."

Momo gave a smirk, she could not believe that she was gullible enough to trust that Mina was not like the others. "Thanks for showing me your true self now."

With that, Momo turned and walked away, finally letting the tears that she had been holding in fall.

Just as Momo left, Mina's legs no longer had the strength to carry her, she fell on her knees crying. She was glad they always met at a corner of the school where people seldom passed by, not that she would have kept her tears in even if people walked by. 

Mina knew she had hurt Momo deeply, and she was going to live with that guilt forever.




"Myoui Mina!" Mina turned in response, but before she could react, a punch was sent straight to her face.

She saw another fist and she closed her eyes to brace herself for the impact. She was not going to retaliate, she knew she deserved it.

"Sana!" Mina slowly opened her eyes when the punch never came. Tzuyu had managed to stop Sana from hitting her again. Mina could not decide if it was good or bad though, she thought maybe getting hit would make her feel better.

Mina looked into Sana's eyes, trying to keep a straight face while doing so. She knew why Sana was doing this after all. She noticed that Sana's eyes gave off a mixture of anger and sadness.

"Why do you have to do this to Momo?" Sana slowly lowered her hand while doing so. She was getting weaker by the second, her emotions taking over her. Eventually, it was practically only Tzuyu holding her up. "She's.. She's already broken enough... Why do you have to hurt her like that?"

"I-I... I'm sorry..." Mina ran away. Her guilt was eating her up. It was one thing to know that she had hurt someone, but having to hear that from Sana was an entirely different thing. Sana was the closest to Momo, and Sana having said that must have meant that Momo had been through a lot. Much more than Mina could imagine.

Mina continued running, her vision that was blurred by her tears did not allow her to have a clear view of where she was heading. She just found a corner and hid there. Her tears kept flowing. She felt like she had sinned, she had hurt a fragile girl, one that had made her feel so happy.


A/N: Update's a little shorter today, sorry for that. 

I broke MiMo again, please don't hate me for that >_<

Do comment though I just broke all your MiMo hearts 3

Anyway, remember to vote for Momo on auditionzine and mnet! The stillcut of Vampire Momo got me crazy today and I'm sure you guys too :> so let's support her together!

Thanks for reading! (:

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 6: scary hirai.. i want it 😏😏
Mimowhipped #2
Chapter 30: more mimo hehe
MIMOnster #3
Chapter 6: uhhh protective hirai 😏😏😏
MIMOnster #4
Chapter 4: SaMo 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 cute
ZeanX_ #5
Woah This Fic Are So Good Nice Authornim ^^
Chapter 30: Yay for mimo ;_; I'm glad that it's a happy ending. I think i couldnt take it if you made the opposite TT thank you for the amazing story, authornim :)
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful I really like it, but poor Momo, her luck is not the best :s
Chapter 28: Why :c
Chapter 25: She didn't mention Dahyun