
Thank You For Helping Me

The Encounter

Like any normal Wednesday night, Mina will head to the 7/11 near her place on her way back from ballet classes. She needs her dose of banana milk. Once she paid for her drink, she sat outside the store on one of the plastic chairs absorbing the peaceful feeling around her neighbourhood. As she finishes up her milk, she thought she heard someone groaning. It was faint in the beginning so she didn’t think much about it. However, when she was about to leave, she heard a louder groan. She braved herself and took a turn and peek behind the store.

She quickly came to the boy’s side. He was still in school’s uniform. He looks like he was badly beaten. He had busted lips and his eyes were swollen possibly from the punches he received. She helped him to the side. He could barely open his eyes because they were so engorged like golf balls. She helped move him to the seats outside the 7/11. She went in to store and bought a mini first aid kit and helps clean some of the wounds on his face. As she cleans him, his phone rang. Mina didn’t hesitate and answered it.

CYL: Maknae, where are you? (A boy’s voice creaming at the other end of the phone.)

MN: Yobseyo…

CYL: Who are you?

MN: I’m just a stranger. I saw your friend was badly beaten up and he is in a lot of pain.

CYL: Where is he now?

Mina gave the guy on the phone the store’s address. She tried to clean as much as the wound as she can. Her watch already shows that its 9.15pm. Her curfew is 9.30pm, if she is late; her parents are going to be worried.

MN: Mianhe, I have to leave you here. Your friends are on the way. You stay strong Arrasso. (She whispered to his ears and that guy could only afford a nod.)

Soon enough, Chanyeol, Xiumin, Suho and Lay arrived at the store. They were shocked to see their maknae condition. They were looking around for the girl who answered the phone but there weren’t one around.


It has been about a week since Sehun was beaten up by a rival school gang. It’s not like he is in a gang but maybe his arrogant attitude got him beaten up. Sehun has not left home since he was brought back by his hyungs. He looked horrible. Thankfully 8 days later, his swelling has gone down a lot. As he was about to take a shower, he glanced at the mini first kit. He remembered his hyungs told him, it was left by the girl. He was thankful for her help but he wondered who she is. Not everyone will be willing to help a stranger. He hoped one day he could thank her personally.

It was the end of the week; his hyungs dragged him out because he has been cooped up at home recovering from his wounds and bruises. He was reluctant at first but he agreed eventually. They decided to head to the carnival in town.

Momo and Mina bought a cone of matcha ice-cream while they waited for the rest of the girls to hit the roller coaster ride. These two girls weren’t a fan of it. They were enjoying their ice-cream until someone accidentally bumped into them resulting the girls to drop their ice-cream. The girls were shocked. Sehun cursed at his hyungs for pushing him. He turned and apologized to the girls.

SH: Mianhe, my friends pushed me a little too hard.

MN: Gwencana… (She bowed to him before pulling Momo away with her.)

XM: Do you think we should get them a new one?

LAY: We should. (The quiet one finally speaks up.)

CYL: But the girls left already.

They threw away that idea and continue to head to the other rides.

The following week, the girls decided to spend some time at Baskin Robins. They had a couple hours to kill before she heads for her ballet practice. The girls sat around hearing Momo lament about her ex-boyfriend who was abusive to her now wants her back. The girls were totally against it.

JHO: Mina ah… You’ll be leaving for ballet class soon; you have yet to buy your own ice-cream.  (The big eye girl reminded her.)

MN: Hmmm should I buy? What if I can’t dance later? (She whines earning a soft slap by Nayeon.)

NY: Ya… Ya… a cup of ice-cream won’t make you immobile.

Mina dragged Chaeyoung to the counter as she made her orders. At the same time Sehun and his boys entered the store.

SH: Hyung, I’m going to order first. Waiting for you to make decision will take years. (The maknae teased his hyungs.)

Chanyeol grabbed his shoe bag and threw at Sehun. Sehun ducked away trying to avoid the bag and ended up knocking Mina’s ice-cream down to the floor. Mina gasped in disappointment. She pouted in disbelief. Sehun immediately apologized to her.

SH: Mianhe, I’ll get you a new cup.

CY: Ani… don’t need to. It’s okay thank you. (Chaeng answered for Mina who looks a little pissed.)

Mina stared at the uniform Sehun was wearing. It was the same as the boy she helped a couple weeks back. She looked at the name tag and it was the same name as the boy, ‘Oh Sehun’. She wondered if he is the same person. She could only remember a boy with a swollen face and nothing else. She looked up to his face only to realize he was the one who caused her to drop her ice-cream at the carnival. Sehun recognize that too.

MN: Please be more careful next time. This is the second time you robbed me of my ice-cream. (She whines to Sehun before walking away from him.)

Sehun turned and grabbed the shoe bag and threw it at the boys.

SH: Ya, this is the second time you guys made me bumped into her. Now she thinks I’m a jerk.

LAY: Just buy a new cup and give it to her. 

Sehun was accompanied by Lay. They went to the other side of the store and saw the girl that was with girl he bumped into. The boys greeted the girls.

CY: You again!

SH: Neh, I am very sorry. I bought this cup to give to your friend but I don’t see her around.

JHO: Oh… You meant Mina! She left already for her ballet class.

LAY: We hope you could take this cup of ice-cream on behalf of your friends.

MM: You don’t have to get her a new one. She isn’t that petty you know. But I will accept this ice-cream on behalf of her.

Lay smiled at the girl who looks extremely happy looking at the cup of ice-cream. The boys excused themselves. When they got back to the table, Sehun told the rest that the girl he knocked into has already left.

CYL: Anyway have you thought of a way to thank your saviour?

SH: Not really.

XM: Just ask the 7/11 cashier and inquire about her.

SH: , why didn’t I think about that?

LAY: Because you are dumb!

SH: Hyung!!!!!!

Oh Hello

Mina felt a little more tired than usual. She heads to the 7/11 and grabbed a bottle of banana milk from the fridge. She paid for it before turning to exit the store. She was surprised to see Sehun and his friend at the entrance. He was surprised too but they just bowed in acknowledgement.

CYL: We have bumped into her quite a couple of times right. (His hyung reminded him.)

SH: Neh…this is the third.

CYL: Never mind… oh it’s the same cashier. Palli, ask him.

SH: Anyeong...

CHR: Yes… how can I help you?

SH: You see… a couple of weeks ago I was beaten badly outside this store.

CHR: Oh… that was you. I could barely recognize you. What can I help you with?

SH: Do you happened to know who the girl who helped me was?

CHR: Ahh… You don’t remember?

SH: I really can’t… Mianhe.

CHR: Well, technically you just bumped into her just now. She was the girl who drank the banana milk.

SH: Jincha?

CHR: She drops by the store to buy her milk every Wednesday before heading home.

The boys dashed out of the store but could no longer find Mina. Sehun was a little disappointed. He slumped onto the sofa and groaned.

CYL: Maknae, I’m sure you will bump into her soon.

SH: Do you know what school is she from?

LAY: JYP High!

SH: How did you know?

LAY: I saw their badge.

CYL: Shouldn’t be a problem. You know three things about her. Her name, her school and her hobby so you should ask help from Mr Google.

SH: Do you know how many Mina’s are there in South Korea?

XM: Not all Mina’s dance ballet.

BY: Done…. Found her twitter.

SH: OMG how did you… hyung? (The boy replied enthusiastically.)

Sehun grabbed the laptop and locked himself in his room.


Sehun soon found out that her name is Myoui Mina. She is Japanese but has moved here since 5 years ago. He quickly traced back her tweets to the night she saved him.

2 Weeks Ago

@mmina: I wonder how the boy is doing. Felt bad leaving him there. Dad’s going to kill me if I’m late.

@mmina: Good morning loves… Hopefully he is well rested.

1 week Ago

@mmina: There goes my matcha ice-cream. Guys are like monkey. Why can’t they stay still?

5 Hours Ago

@mmina: Is it him? The name is similar so is the uniform.

@mmina: I’m thinking too much.

@mmina: I think it is him but than his lips look perfect just now. Maybe it’s not him.

@momomo : @mmina are you still thinking about the boy you helped?

@sanamana: @mmina worrying about a boy is a first for her.

@momomo @sanamana stop it you too…. I’m going to change and start dancing.

1 Hour Ago

@mmina: Saw him for the third time.

@mmina: He is always frowning every time we bumped into each other.

@momomo: @mmina are you talking about the boy who dropped your ice-cream?

@mmina: Yup @momomo why?

@momomo: @mmina He bought you a cup of ice-cream but you already left so I finished it… kekeke

@mmina: Neh @momomo its okay.

Shy Guy

It has been a week since Sehun stalks her twitter account. He couldn’t find the courage to approach her. Since he was little too slow, his hyungs have taken the initiative to befriend the girls friends secretly via twitter.

Mina whines as she enters the 7/11 store. As usual she grabs a bottle of banana milk and heads to the counter. She was about to pay when the cashier asked her.

CHR: So how was the meeting?

MN: Meeting?

CHR: He was very excited to know that you helped him when he was beaten up badly the other time.

MN: He who? (She asked confused.)

CHR: The guy that you bumped into last week. I told him that you helped him. I thought he went after you.

MN: Oh…. You mean he was the guy I helped? (She asked shocked.)

CHR: I thought you knew….

@mmina: Ottoke! He knew I helped him the other time.

@mmina: So Mr Clumsy is the guy I have been wondering about.

@mmina: Kind of bumped that he didn’t say thank. Not that I expect one.

@momomo: @mmina it’s the same guy?

@mmina: Yup @momomo unnie the world is so tiny.

@sanamana: so do you like him?

@mmina: Unnie @sanamana you crazy! I’m a plain Jane… He is ….

@momomo: @mmina he is what? Hot stuff?

@mmina: Unnie @momomo!!!

Thank You

As usual the girls headed to Baskin Robins before Mina’s ballet class. Mina didn’t know that her girls and Sehun’s boy have already premeditated this meeting. Mina and Sehun were surprised to see each other there with their respective friends. They bowed and walked away. When the girls arrived at the corner table and sat down, Mina let out a huge sighed.

MN: unnie, this is awkward!

SN: Why?

MN: He already knows I helped him but he didn’t care. (Mina complains to her unnie and she pouts sadly.)

JHO: You sure he didn’t care?

MN: Forget it… It is not that I care.

SH: You don’t? (He intrudes in their conversation.)

The girls immediately turned to the direction of the voice. The girls left Mina and Sehun alone and joined the group of guys who came with Sehun. Since the girls got a corner table, Sehun couldn’t sit in front of her. He sat onto her right. Mina refused to look at him. He decided to break the silence.

SH: Gomawo Mina sshi.

MN: How did you know my name? (She asked curiously.)

SH: I have my ways. But seriously thank you.

Mina looked at him. Sehun startled when she reaches to touch his face with both her hands. She turned his face from side to side and looks for any scars. She didn’t realize that his face has turned red at the touch of her hand.

MN: You healed well Sehun sshi.

SH: Thanks to you.

MN: Ani… I didn’t do much.

SH: So….. I’m like a monkey huh.

MN: Monkey? (She wondered what he is talking about.)

SH: You did say guys are like monkeys.

Mina’s jaw drops.

MN: You know my twitter account???

SH: I have been following it for about a week already.

MN: You read my tweets?

SH: I did.

Mina is too embarrassed. She needs to leave.

MN: Mianhe, I have ballet class to attend to. (She grabs her bag and quickly stands up and left.)

Mina’s face is so red like a tomato. She walked for a couple of minutes in silence. She was early for ballet class. She decided to walk along the river so she could cut on 7th avenue later. She is feeling a little frustrated. Now she can’t even tweet how she felt. She let out a sigh until she heard his voice.

SH: Mianhe… I didn’t mean to make you feel embarrassed.

Mina closed her eyes hoping that this was just a huge nightmare. She felt his hand on her shoulder as he turns her facing him. She opened her eyes to him looking at her shyly. He scratched his head a little not knowing what to say.

MN: Why didn’t you approach me as soon as you knew who I am? (She finally mustered the courage to ask.)

SH: I was afraid that you would reject being my friend. I worried you would think I am a delinquent.

MN: Are you not?

SH: I am not. (He answered with a tone of anger in his voice.)

MN: Mianhe…

Sehun avoided looking at her eyes. He frowned a little as his head turns away from her. Right now, they are standing just a foot apart. The mere distance is causing the two teenager tachycardia. She leans to have a closer look at Sehun’s face who is frowning. Sehun’s heart skipped a beat when he saw her closing the distance between them.

MN: Are you angry at me? (She asked with a tinge of Aegyo.)

SH: Any… I am a little disappointed that you thought I’m a delinquent.

He said as he took a seat on the bench overlooking the river. Mina followed and sat on his left. Sehun told her about what happened the other night. Sehun has to explain that he was beaten up when he bumped into a group of gang from a rival school. He did not apologized and that resulted in him getting beaten up.

MN: Ahh now I have a clearer picture.

SH: So let me get this clear. I am not a delinquent!

MN: Ara, I believed you. (She nudges him with her elbow.)

Sehun pretended that it hurts.

SH: Ouch, You hit my broken ribs.

Mina quickly touched his chest.

MN: Gwencana… Mianhe….. Does it still hurt?

SH: Ani… I’m kidding.

Mina wanted to smack him in the head but decided to just leave him there. Sehun ran after her.

SH: Are you angry?

MN: No I’m not. I have ballet class.

SH: Ahh. Let me walk you there.

MN: No need… (She answered curtly.)

SH: You are so cute when you are angry. (He said as he pinches her cheeks.)

MN: Sehun! (She pushes his hand away.)

SH: Shouldn’t you call me oppa? I’m older than you.

Let’s Date

Sehun stood outside the building. He has been waiting at the café opposite for close to 2 hours. He knew she should end soon. When he finally saw her in sight, he waved at her. She smiles at him and walked towards him.

MN: You waited for me?

SH: I did.

MN: You shouldn’t have.

SH: It’s okay. I just want to send you home.

They walked to the bus stop together. Once they board the bus, Mina headed to the back and sat beside the window. Sehun sat onto her left. He decided to ask her something that would make her blush.

SH:  How long have you liked me?

MN: I never said I did.

SH: Your tweets did.

Mina forgot all about that until he reminded her about it.

MN: Molla….

Sehun nudged her with his arm. She ignored him and looked out of the window. She then felt him put one side of his earphone into her ear. She smiled as she listens to the song. It was by titled ‘Beautiful’.  *A/N: I really like the song. ( )

MN: Chua… Nomu chua…

Sehun smiled and was relief to hear that she likes the song. The walk after alighting the bus was quiet. When Mina saw the 7/11 store, she quickly went in and grabbed 2 bottles of banana milk. Sehun waited patiently for her. He smiled when she gave him a bottle to drink. The sat and finished their milk in silent before continuing their walk to her house. As they walked side by side, their arms bumped and brushed against each other a couple of times. Sehun wanted to hold her hand so much but he was afraid she wouldn’t like it. Mina waited and wondered when he will hold her hand. Her house is going to be in sight soon.

Sehun took a deep breath before enveloping his hand around hers. He looks away and so did she. Both smiled silly. They finally arrived at the front of her house. Both stayed quiet but their hands are still together.

MN: This is my house.

Sehun nodded.

MN: I have to go in soon.

Sehun frown. Mina stepped closer to him and cupped his face with her hands. She uses her thumbs to smooth out the frowning lines.

MN: Why do you frown so much? I like it better when you smile.

SH: I love it when you smile too. (He said as he looks into her eyes.)

Mina blushes as she took a step back.

SH: Can I fetch you at school tomorrow?

Mina nodded.

MN: I finish at 2.30pm.

Sehun wanted to kiss her badly but held all his needs within. Mina wondered if he will kiss her.

SH: You should go in. It is 10 mins to 9.30pm.

MN: Ara … (She answered disappointingly.)

Mina waved at him and turns to her gate. Suddenly she felt him tapping her shoulder. She turns only to realize he lands a kiss on her forehead. She pursed her lips and smiles. She could no longer hide her happiness.

She entered her yard and closes the gate as she watches him leave. She immediately tweeted.

@mmina: I hope you stop stalking me secretly and follow me now!

In an instant, he added her. She smiles as she makes her way to her room. She realized that someone just tweeted and tagged her.

@oshkosh: See you tomorrow girlfriend @mmina :)

Mina giggles when she saw that tweet. Within minutes, her timeline were flooded.

@momomo: so @mmina and @oshkosh are finally together!

@layyal: @momomo so it seems. Chukae @mmina and @oshkosh!

@sanamana: Im jealous of @mmina and @oshkosh … :P

@junlead: Don’t be… you have me @sanamana

Sehun and Mina could only laugh it off. She likes this feeling. He loves this feeling. Now they can call each other girlfriend and boyfriend.

Sometimes a little help for those in need may just help you find the one.




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Minaaa15 #1
Chapter 1: This is Super cute!
Uripenguin #2
Chapter 1: What a nice love story...hehehe
This is so nice!i think I will do that too to find 'the one' who's know?hahaha...
Anyway,this is quite nice that deserve to be upvote and subscribe,I just did!
Keep it up author-nim!:)
lurvejunho #4
Yay mina n sehun again
Leetaiwan06 #5
Chapter 1: Write more please lol momo and lay next!!!
Hyu2nie #6
Chapter 1: Ohhhhhhh :))) Your stories always make me feel good cause they are so my style :)) But I'm wondering if you could write more Exo x Twice story based on real life situations like the one with Sana and Suho before :)) I know this kind of weird but I ship D.O with Sana too :)) First is because Sana is my ultimate bias and second I would love to see how a stiff guy like D.O would melt before a full-of-cuteness girl like Sana :)) Always looking forward to your upcoming marvelous fanfictions :))