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Jimins POV


It was 2 pm and we were finally back home. Taehyung and Jungkook had asked permission to go to the shopping mall once they got home. Our manager had offered them a drive there, but they said they wanted to walk. That meant there was five members left, me and the whole hyung line. With the youngest ones away, we decided with the members to talk.


”So, did you get that teddy bear, Seokjin-hyung?” asked Hoseok-hyung.

”Oh yeah, I did. Thank you so much to all of you. But you really didn't have to...”

”I know... But we wanted to. We want to see you smile again, hyung.” Yoongi-hyung said.

”Yeah, hyung. A real smile, not a fake smile.” Namjoon-hyung added.

”Aww~ You're so sweet...” Seokjin-hyung said with tears froming in his eyes.

”Of course we are! We are the best dongsaengs ever, right, hyung?” I asked chuckling.

”Exactly and you're the best hyung! We don't want to see you suffer.” Hoseok-hyung continued.

”I... I... I don't know what to say...” Seokjin-hyung admitted with tears streaming down his cheeks.

”Hyung... Why are you crying?” Namjoon-hyung asked while placing his arm around him.

”I... I'm ju- just so... So... Ha- happy t-to ha-have you a-all in my life.” He sobbed.

”Aww~ Hyung, I guess we're all happy to have each other.” Hoseok-hyung said with a sweet voice.

”Tha- Thank you.” Seokjin-hyung said. We all joined Namjoon-hyung and Seokjin-hyung on the couch.


We hugged each other for a long time and I couldn't be more happier. Well, I could if Jungkook and Taehyung were here as well. But if they had been, we wouldn't be in this position at the moment. All laying on the floor in a heap. I glanced at Namjoon-hyung and he smirked in agreement. We glanced at the other two guys as well mouthing a 'You know what to do, hyung.”. They looked at each other and then at Hoseok-hyung who was currently facing the floor. We all nodded in agreement and started a tickle attack from all sides. Hoseok-hyung was screaming for mercy. We kept tickling him until he was out of breath. We were all panting from all the laughter.

We soon realized that the younger ones were going to be home in few hours. We had agreed to help Seokjin-hyung tell Jungkook about his feelings. So the first part was to get Jungkook out of the dorm, which was succeed thanks to Taehyung. I had told Taehyung to ask Jungkook to go with him to the shopping mall, with the excuse that he wanted a new hoodie and wanted maknaes opinion. The second part was to make sure that it would be a surprise. So we planned to set the teddy bear on Jungkooks bed. He always goes straight to his room when he gets home, so he would see it then. We also decided that Seokjin-hyung needs to take a shower. He can't confess to the love of his life while stinking like a rotten fish.

Now all we needed to do, was to get the teddy bear into Jungkooks room. Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon-hyung took care of that. Hoseok-hyung went to inform our staff about tonight and not to bother us. While the others were gone, I decided to talk with Seokjin-hyung.



”Yes, Jimin-ah?”

”Are you nervous, hyung?”

”Yes! Of course I'm nervous. I've never done anything like this before and I can't help but think about 'What if he doesn't accept my feelings?'”

”Hyung... Why wouldn't he accept? You're an amazing hyung and you've always taken care of him... In fact sometimes I'm even jealous about the fact that he gets more attention from you than me.”

”Aww~ Jimin-ah... Of course I love you too. I love all of you. But... Jungkook... I don't know...”

”I understand it, hyung. You love him.” I said and went to find Hoseok-hyung.



Jungkooks POV


We walked with Taehyung-hyung towards the shopping mall. I really enjoy spending time with him since he's my bestfriend. I still kept thinking about that brown teddy bear and pouted when the realization hit me. I was never going to get it. But I didn't really mind it after all. I was happy to spend time with Seokjin-hyung. Spending my time with him made me realize how much I respect him. He was always smiling at me and I didn't mind it at all. In fact it made me feel special and I liked that feeling. I still remember how it felt when he grabbed my hand while dragging me towards the mini game. His hand felt so soft and I couldn't help the way I thought about his hands exploring more of my body. I got snapped out of those thoughts when Taehyung-hyung spoke up.


”Jungkook-ah. What are you thinking about?”

”Oh... Nothing, hyung.”

”Yeah right. Then why is your breath speeding up?”

”I... Hyung... Can I ask you something?”

”Of course you can, Jungkookie~ I'm always here for you. So, what's up?” he asked while smacking my with his hand.


Usually we always laughed when he did it but this time... It felt different. I felt a tingle in my stomach and suddenly I wanted to feel Teahyung-hyungs hands all over me. 'What the hell is this? I'm not supposed to feel like this. He's my bestfriend!' I thought to myself. I was suddenly realizing that my feelings towars Taehyung-hyung wasn't as innocent as I thought. If Taehyung-hyungs touch alone made me feel like this, then how would Seokjin-hyungs touch feel like or the other members? Taehyung-hyung noticed the change of my behavior.


”Jungkook-ah. What's wrong?”

”Hyung, I... I...”

”Jungkook! Talk to me! Did I hurt you just now?” he asked while grabbing my head.

”No, hyung... You didn't.” I said with a low voice. Suddenly I had the feeling of kissing him. I pushed him gently away from me and he frowned.

”Jungkook. What the hell is going on? You never reacted like this before... Did I do something?”

”Hyung... I... I... I'm sorry, hyung!” I said and let the tears fall down my cheeks.

”Kookie... You have to tell me. I need to know what's going on.”

”I can't tell you, I'm sorry, hyung.”

”Jungkook... Please, please talk to me.” he said while tugging me into his arms.


I sobbed loudly into his chest not caring about people that were passing by. I felt safe in my hyungs arms. He's my bestfriend but why did I want him to touch more of my body? He has always been there for me. Like now. I'm crying my eyes out but he just stands there, holding me in his arms. I never felt like this before. I'm so confused. I like Seokjin-hyung. But I also like Taehyung-hyung. What am I supposed to do? What is this? I'm supposed to get married with a girl, have children and make my parents proud of who I am. But why do I only think about Taehyung-hyung and Seokjin-hyung?! WHY?!

”It's okay, Kookie. It's okay... I'm here. I'm always here for you, Kookie. Just let it all out.” my hyung said and I kept on crying my eyes out. I felt weak and I couldn't keep myself up anymore. I fell on the ground and Taehyung-hyung fell with me. We sat on the ground crying hysterically. Taehyung-hyung was crying too. He kept assuring me that everything was gonna be alright and begged me to tell me what was going on. Soon enough I calmed down and nuzzled my face in my hyungs neck. He my hair and hummed a soft melody. I found myself smiling and tightening my grip around him. He held me tighter as well.



Hoseoks POV


I got into our staffs room. I bowed politely to everyone and they responded with warms smiles.


”What brings you here, Hoseok-ah? You don't have schedules today.” our hair stylist asked.

”I know. I came here to let you guys know that... Today is a special day. BTS members have seven members as you all are aware of. We appreciate all of yours hard work with making us rise. But there is one more thing I personally ask for you. Approval. Taehyung and Jungkook are at the shopping mall right now. The rest of us, including me, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi-hyung and Seokjin-hyung have been preparing for a surprise party to Jungkook. Some of you migh already know... Seokjin-hyung loves Jungkook. We don't know if Jungkook knows it yet. But Seokjin has decided to confess him today. We won this huge brown teddy bear with a red heart in it's paws. The heart says ' I L U', Seokjin-hyung is going to use this bear by telling Jungkook about his feelings. So I would ask you, all of you, to accept this love. I know it's alot to ask but please. Please accept it.” I finished my speech.

”So you're asking us to accept the relationship between a teenager and a adult? Is that what you're asking us to do?” One of our producers asked shocked.

”Yes. I am. I don't see a problem with it.”

”But Jungkook is a kid! Do you even understand how much trouble we could get into?!”

”Thank you Mr. Party pooper, but we are all well aware of the situation. Is there someone else who is able to forbidd two people from loving each other? Anyone? Because I can't stand people who forbidd same relation ship. Tell me, Mr. Party pooper, why are you the only one who should be allowed to be happy? Only because Seokjin-hyung is gay doesn't mean that he deosn't deserve to be happy.”

”How dare you speak to me like that, young man?! I am one of the biggest reason that you even got this far! You should be thankful! You disrespecting peace of !”

”THAT'S ENOUGH!” our manager interrupted.

”Look Hoseok-ah. I understand why this is so important to you guys. I really do, but this man here has a point. We can not let anyone find out about this.” he continued.

”Excuse me? Why is it so bad for people to love each other?”

”They are same . ” interrupted the same producer.

”I said, it's enough. And no. Not because of that. Hoseok-ah. Could you please do me a favor?”

”Yes manager-hyung. What can I do for you?”

”Could you tell Seokjin-ah that I want to see him in my office in one hour? I want the rest of you guys to go home. And you, you're fierd.” our manager said while pointing at one of the producers.


Staff members all started to head to their homes. I bowed politely to our manager and thanked for standing up for us. He nodded and told me that we have a lots to talk about. So I went to look for Seokjin-hyung.



Yoongis POV


Me and Namjoon headed towards the van to get the teddy bear. I had been observing Namjoon for a while and I had started to realize something. He was a caring dongsaeng and a leader. Someone who always took his job seriously. I decided it was time to talk to him. We walked towards the garage. When I was sure we were far enough and no one was able to either see or hear us, I pushed him against the wall.


”Hyung, what are you doing?” he asked shocked.

”Namjoon, there's something I need to talk to you about and I expect you to keep it between us. Do you hear me?”

”Ah, yes, hyung. I... I do.”

”Good, so... Umh... What do you think about this Jungkook and Seokjin-hyung thing?”

”I... I'm happy for them. Can you please let go of me?”

”Oh. Sure. Sorry.” I said while letting ho of him.

”Thank you. So... What did you want to talk about?”

”I need to tell you something... Honestly... I want our members to be happy. But I'm not sure if this Jungkook and Seokjin-hyung thing will work out.”

”Why wouldn't it? Seokjin-hyung is a perfect man and I'm sure he's willing to do everything to keep Jungkook happy.”

”I know. But this is not only about Jungkooks h

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robifenka #1
Chapter 1: It's so beautifuly written, I really enjoy it, I'm digging yoonmin fics and yours it's one of my favorites ^_^
It will be a comment on your story. I hope that you'll appreciate my review on this.
It was the first time that I finished a story with in it. Most of the time, I didn't finish stories because I was disturbed by this.
But here, I appreciated it. I mean , it was not ONLY about this, there were a more complicated story behind this.
I loved how you wrote the story; I think it's original. Seeing the same scene from a different point of view is really interesting.
Your writing is good (I mean there is no major mistakes) and I am looking forward for the your next story ;)
Fighting Author-nim and thank you for being this talented and share it (^o^)
oh_amal #3
The story and the plot is so good.keep it up!
sueisa #4
Chapter 25: Interesting story love it
bighitbangtan #5
Chapter 25: Yes!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 25: who will be the main pairings??? :o
Chapter 25: YESSS i wanna read it!
taniaphan #8
I think the plot is really interesting. Nice