
Good job, You did well...


[EDIT]:ive just proof read it now, and there was some gammatical errors and so I fixed them..





1.6k - 



He'd always tell me i'm nice and I did a good job. He'd always pat my head and tell me I did well. I always smiled when he did that, when he told me, that I did good, that i did something.

I'm stuck all day, writing, or rather, scribbling lyrics. They looked extremely clumsy and rushed, like I just saved different love poems from google and put them all together. They sounded like a child wrote then. My brain wasn't working at this time of the day, '2:34' read the clock on the corner of my screen. We just had lunch, well, I just had my lunch. I ate alone in my studio, shuffling in some ramen as I sat. I'm not full but at least I'm not hungry, that's the least I can do for my self. 

I scanned the paper once more, they were still bad, if not worse. 

The door creaked open, yellow almost gold light seeping trough the room that only had one screen to illuminate it. Seungcheol stepped in, switching on the lights as he did. 

"It's not good for your eyes to write in the dark." He said, and I can almost hear his smile traced along his words. His caring and loving words.

"I can't write lyrics anymore." I whined, my head hanging low, eyes still on the sheet. 'I've got the tune, the beat, but the lyrics are just. No." I breathed out again. And I heard him release a sigh his smile still lingering with it.

"But that's good right. Now you've got yourself started. You have the beat. That's a good thing." He smiled now walking towards me judging by how his shadow that came closer and by how I heard the door close.

"I can't get myself to write lyrics good enough for our comeback despite all of the pressure.."

"Try sleeping, then maybe when you wake up, you'll be inspired and out of your old shoes. Can I see them?" He asked, hand hovering above the paper I placed over my keyboard. I nodded my head once, and he took it, scanning the words with his eyes. 

"This is good, for a first try, you've got yourself somewhere. That's really something to be happy about." I looked at him, his face still up with the usual cheerful glow.

"I can't do this, I've done a horrible job these days." I said, ignoring his words as I slump myself deeper in the chair.

"Don't say that." He smiled patting my head until his hand stopped moving, just placed on my hair. "You're nice, You did well." Then his smile grew bigger.

What does 'You're nice' even mean. I thought. I don't get that part where he says 'you're nice.'

He leaves the room, leaving it bright as the light was switched on when he entered. But he did leave the room bright, emotionally speaking. My mood wasn't as sour as before. Maybe I can do this, maybe I just need a little bit of time to rest. Only just a little bit.


I opened my eyes, feeling a lot better and maybe a little more inspired to write lyrics. I felt like I could write a poem. I got up from the couch on my studio, flipping open the blanket and going back to my chair which looked exactly the way I left it. I started scribbling again, now the words held more emotion, more impact and not just a clump of letters with rhymes and melody. It actually sounded nice with the tune, and maybe after a few times rewriting it, it may sound nicer.

We're going to perform at Inkigayo later, Pretty U and Chuck. Everyone was getting ready as I tidy up my table. I quickly slipped on a sweater, since the Performance clothes were too precious to be accidentally showered with random drinks. 


As we line up to perform, the noonas scattered around us, finishing up final touches and fanning us. God bless them for their patience. When It was time to perform Chuck, I took a breath, releasing stress from my limbs and my neck. The song started and everything went smoothly except for Seungcheol, he was a mess. He stumbled most of the time, his voice kept fading during his rap lines, though I couldn't blame it because even in the dream concert the mics were . (even the ear pieces.)

In Pretty U, the same happened, he kept stumbling by himself but maybe I looked the same, since I could not stop myself from worrying about him. (He is my boyfriend after all...) After the performance, sweat covered our skin, and our hair stuck to our foreheads, but I couldn't care less since I need to check on Seungcheol because clearly he's not okay. 


Seungcheol disappeared the moment we got down from the car. I took it as a message to let him cool for a while, I'll talk to him later, when his senses are less messy, for now, I'll let him sort of what he has to. And if somehow he's still a mess when I talk to him, I'll just help sort out his mind, that's how we work. We make sure not to be too suffocating while also not being too detached. 


Its been an hour or so after we came back, I cleaned out all my make up and put on different clothes.

I walked off to look for Seungcheol who would most likely be by the rooftop, He always told me that he liked the Pledis building so much because of the view from the rooftop. The door to the said place wasn't the quietest of doors, so I had to open it as slowly as possible to not make it creak and disturb the slumped boy on the floor, his hair ruffled and it moved with the air. I sat next to him and as response he flinched.

"Jihoon." He said greeting with an unusually sad tone.

"Seungcheol, what happened?" I asked him jumping right into it, not giving him time to make up excuses.

"What happened with what?" He said to me. Acting clueless will get you nowhere. I gave him the look I have when someone's being too stubborn, a brow raised and the rest of my face just didn't portray any emotion.

"Okay." He said giving up. A moment passed when he finally spoke; "You know this thing that happens when your friend says something and you're just left to think about it for the rest of the day?" He mumbled, his fingers not staying still as it fiddled with the hem of his sweater.


"Well, there's something Jeonghan said to me a little earlier, and you know how he tends to get very protective with the members, I mean everyone says he's Seventeen's mom, so, I'd understand why he does that. But-" Seungcheol stopped, his eyes shifted form one place to another. "-He asked me if I think you love me? If you ever loved me the way I loved you? And if I'm feeling loved."

"What did you say?" I asked as carefully as I can, I wouldn't blame Jeonghan. I could never. He's just trying so hard to not get the team into serious fights, and he's spend so long taking care of every one of us. When I told him I'm dating Seungcheol, He asked me if I'm sure, and when I said I did, He smiled at me like the burden he's been keeping had been released. Then, I understood him, his care for Seventeen. How much time he takes from himself to take care of us. How sometimes he forgot to brush his hair before a radio show just to make sure that I took care of my hair since it was bleached a lot. 

"I didn't say anything." He said, looking down. "Because I didn't know, If you loved me as much as I loved you. I honestly had no idea if you do."

I looked at him, almost incredulous, but the look was gone in seconds because, well, he had always taken care of me. Always cheered me on and gave me honest opinions. 

"I'm sorry." I said, sighing, I looked down, mirroring his quiet actions "I do love you." with than I looked up only regretting it because what met me was teary, round eyes, his lower lips stuck out, something he did when he cries, his back was hunched forward, and his hands were around his legs, keeping his knees close to his chin. He almost looked like a child. "Don't cry. I love you."

"I just thought that you wouldn't say that you love me and that It was all me who loved you." He sniffed. "I'm sorry I did horrible earlier on stage. I know I looked like a mess."

I looked at him, he really does resemble a puppy, I cupped his cheeks and I kissed his; the only thing I can think of doing. I can feel that his lips were trembling and that they were still pouted but it soon went away when he responded with my kiss, his hand now holding the back of my neck, making me kiss him deeper. If this was what he wanted he could've just went and did it, I love him anyway. 


Days pass and Seungcheol was back to his old self, going around the dorm spreading warmness. When we practiced he stood out because he gave so much more than what he used to (When he didn't know that I loved him). I looked at him as he huffed walking towards me, his sweat dripping due to dancing too energetically. I grabbed a towel and ran it over his face, sometimes he seemed like a child, I had to wipe his sweat for him, brush his hair for him, sometimes dry his hair for him. I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"Good job." I said "You did well." then I kissed his forehead then his nose then his lips, though he's practically still covered with sweat, he was Seungcheol. And who am I to complain...


hope you liked it :--)))

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swagxxo #1
Chapter 1: it just so sweet and puppy seungcheol is full of the cuteness
lefthandednerd #2
Chapter 1: i now have diabetes ty
Chapter 1: this load of cuteness might give me a heart attack ^^
reiyohiru #4
Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Jihoon_98 #5
Chapter 1: Awww... Jihoon is a cutie... Taking care of Seungcheol like that..
Chapter 1: Aaah cuteee ♡