Does The World Hate Me?

One Too Many
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“You’re actually ting me, Jeong! I told you if you ever wanted to move out to go live with Momo next door, tell me who it is so I’m not paired with a random stranger who probably is psychotic!” Nayeon screamed into her phone, throwing herself onto her bed.

This world actually hates me.

“Aish– calm down, I know this girl; I would be there to introduce you if Mr. Jung didn’t make me take my singing exam again,” she sighed.

“Wait what? You’re retaking it?”

“Um, yeah—” Jeongyeon cut off, a quiet paused that caused Nayeon’s eyes to roll out of disbelief. She could hear inaudible talking on the other end, supposedly from Mr. Jung, “As I was saying, I was with Momo last night and—”

“Alright, alright! I get it, ugh, jesus, I can’t believe you actually were gonna tell me that,”

“ㅋㅋㅋ, Oh and before I go, I have the spare key so you’re gonna have to open the door yourself...” Jeongyeon laughed at her misfortune, her laugh was almost provoking Nayeon to kill her even more.

Nayeon groaned, punching her teddy bear beside her. Gosh, this girl. She let out a heavy huff before returning to the call.

“Yeah, I appreciate I have such a great ex-roommate,”

“Aw, I love you too, have fun!” Jeong said, sarcastically. She hung up and Nayeon was left with antcipating a dreaded moment of waiting for that terrible knock on the door that would change her disappointing life for ever and—

Oh .

Nayeon dropped her phone on her bed, cleaning it up hastily as she sprinted towards the door down the hallway. Most excercise she had all month, honestly. She loosened up a bit, losing the anger she had at Jeong only a few minutes ago. Another knock provided a boost for the already messed up, rushing 20 year old girl.

Her hand grasped the door knob and with a click, the door opened, a smile appearing on her face just to seem that little bit polite even if she was the most exhausted girl in the world.

You knew Nayeon either as ‘that one JYP trainee’ or the smartest girl on campus. Or well, neither. You’d just know her as the one who’s always sleeping, which contradicts her excellent grades— somehow. How she got accepted into JYP was beyond anyone’s interest or knowledge but, she was a talented girl, and the fact that she was meeting another trainee could help their friendship, maybe they could talk about that? Other than the struggle that is being a trainee, what the is she gonna be like? Nayeon knew some to none of the trainees, even if she was one of the older ones.

“Hello!” Nayeon bowed, her eyes visibly tired and her body unable to bow properly.

“Hello! you’re...” The girl bowed, her brown hair swooping down as she tilted her head to look at her phone, “Nayeon, right?”

She nodded, automatically awakening at the sight of her. Living with Jeongyeon was one thing, but living with her would be a struggle.

Brown hair, shoulder-length and curled. She didn’t seem Korean, since her speaking was a bit off and you could hear her accent in her greeting. She had white, porcelain skin but besides that— she was just plain beauty.

“Uh, Jeong’s gonna drop off your key in around an hour, you can start unpacking, your room’s down the hallway, 3rd room on your left,”

She smiled, “Oh, thank you,” Mina said, lugging her bags behind her as she swung them over her shoulder. Nayeon closed the door as soon as she was out of sight, sliding down against it.

God, why does she have to be pretty? I have enough on my plate right now, I can’t have a gorgeous girl wandering into here, and I didn’t even get her damn name.

Nayeon stood up, her body extremely exhausted from social confrontation. She

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