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Hello everyone. I thought that maybe I would update my lovely requesters on what is going on exactly: the laptop I bought just two month ago died and at the moment I cannot have it repaired. I am an aupair in Scotland after having a big fall-out with my host family in England and while I do get pocket money it is nowhere near enough for something like a new laptop *mine is used, at least 4 years old so getting parts for it would be just as bad..) thus I have decided to try and ask for some 'help'. Because of how broke artists tend to be (I guess) there exists a page where you can buy them 'coffee' aka pretty much donate them a tiny amount of money. Given that as hungarians believe that a lot of small things can still make something big I decided to try that. Will be linking it here. Wouldn't bother much about it if it was not.my laptop really but that is my sole way to make posters... it's maddening that i can't make anything... 


So yeah sobstory over if anyone feels mercy on me feel free to chrck the link out xD 

Sigh XD


Hopefully the next update will actually be posters tho..



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My laptop is DEAD. until it gets repaired I can't make posters... i have no idea when it will be ready.


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Chapter 28: hi long time no talk! i would still love my request to be done! <3
It says it's open, so can I request for a poster?
Sorry if this is a stupid question xD
Chapter 21: hi! just realized phase 2 was up!
im not sure how i feel about it. i like the flames and the colors as good, however now the other things look a little out of place, like the helicopter and vehicle. also, i know i asked for minho's image to be enlarged, however now he looks strange. (sorry for all the criticizing)
Chapter 23: swert damn i like this idea
Chapter 23: this idea tho. nice af.