Three Years with Bangtan

The Red Carpet
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pointless blabber circulating around all 7 members of Bangtan (because i’m still not over Bangtan’s 3-year anniversary)
i wrote this at one go on a train ride, and i kept Namjoon&Jungkook’s 알아요 on replay throughout writing, so listen to it for more feels.



As Namjoon walked down the red carpet which only belonged to people with the highest honours in the music industry, he couldn’t help but to reminiscence about the years he has furiously dedicated to music. The years for which he has toiled to make flawless and unique music, the trendsetter of South Korea’s hottest music genres with douses of his special tweaks; the keypoints that make the music Namjoon’s.

Many years ago, as a mere teenager of age fourteen, Namjoon has already written more than hundred songs stashed up in his cardboard folder. Namjoon has a habit of writing his lyrics by hand; he felt more attached to his songs that way, able to genuinely pen and convey in the most direct and accurate fashion. In addion to that, he has numerous basetracks stored up in his computer. Some produced over weeks of tweaking and changing of melody, adding autotunes and removing base beats; some produced in mere forty minutes just by plain inspirition striking him in the middle of the night. That happens rather often, which leads to Namjoon often ruining his own sleep cycle just to get his inspirations down to legitimate productions.

That’s Namjoon’s level of passion for music. The whole beauty of production, composition, lyric writing, recording … his passion for music burns so strong he could flunk an language exam at college but write lyrics with flow and phrasing that attracts attention just by ear.

At the start, Namjoon didn’t receive the amount of attention he actually deserved to. Some people were even questioning his leadership, skills, and potential, some even commenting nastily on his taste and preferences, and all these no doubt has affected Namjoon to a certain extent. But he was determined to prove all of them wrong. He stuck to his style, be it music or fashion. He knows, he is living for himself, for the other six he has to lead, and the sea of supporters out there who acknowledge and embrace his unique flairs. And he made it big.

He stood on the stage, with the red carpet stretched from the pavement, up the stairs, to where he was standing at that moment. In disbelief he just walked this path of honour, an expression of plain daze plastered on his face while he wait for his turn to be interviewed on the stage.



He glanced to his sides, where six other boys around his age stood. They were equally, in a daze and flustered; they didn’t know which camera to look at, with endless flashes on their faces. The boy with dark red hair stood especially, with mouth agape, still wondering if this moment is reality or just another of his longer, pleasant night dreams.

Oh yes, that boy often dreamed. At night, during the day, anywhere, anytime. Before they got active in the music industry, he would dream of the day they release their first track; after their first release, he would dream of their first moment of recognition; and after that he would go on to dream of their first time achieving a new high for themselves… and so on. Oh boy, Kim Taehyung dreamed a lot.

A young boy with big dreams, a boy who constantly sought for improvement; Kim Taehyung was the first to approach Namjoon one day, quietly but firmly stating that he was going to write a song and Namjoon is going to approve it for release, for sure. Namjoon was initially doubtful; but what Kim Taehyung wants, what Kim Taehyung gets; because the amount of hardwork he puts in is astonishing. Hold Me Tight is really beautiful. The fans will love it. Good job Taehyung. He will never forget the day he submitted the piece he helped to pen lyrics for.

Taehyung smiled softly at the camera taking his picture, but quickly diverted his attention to his left, where a boy, towering above him, was trying his best to keep his composure but visibly flustered by the amount of attention he was receiving. Taehyung chuckled softly. Aish, this hyung ... He reached out for Seokjin’s wrist, gently pulling him closer to his side to prevent him from further wandering to the edge of the stage, but careful not to tug too hard to further aggrevate his neck injury.



Seokjin turned around and found himself dragged gently right next to Taehyung. Taehyung gave him an assuring smile, and Seokjin responded with a thankful nod. He has always thought this group of younger brothers were godsent; always by his side when he needs affirmation, assurance or assistance. As the oldest, he has always done his best to take care of the younger ones; always making sure they keep their health in check, constantly feeding the boys with nutritional, motherly advice, as well as essential, healthy food. Because he knows. He knows that if he doesn’t keep these young boys in check, they will probably have instant ramen every day, with occasional luncheon meats and sausages thrown into the broth. They all work so, so hard. If they don’t get proper care they may just break down any time.

And so Seokjin always kept that in mind. Always putting the rest before himself, because he is the oldest. He knows, also, that he has a lot to learn from the younger ones, in all different aspects, and he is always thankful for their patience and love in coaching and helping him master and overcome obstacles. He gives his best at everything, despite knowing that he may not be gifted with the most flexible body or the best vocal chords. You have really improved a lot, Seokjin. We see you changing and putting in extreme effort to better yourself. Seokjin always keep track of the words of encouragement for him. And he will set these encouragements as his new benchmark, and make sure to further surpass them. That’s his level of determination, that managed to get him to where he is.

Seokjin’s neck hurts. He injured it a while back, but he chose to put on a strong front and went for activities. He performed physically intensive songs with the injury, and did his best to hold the pain in, because h

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Chapter 1: THIS IS SO EMMOOOO!!!!