
Not You
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Minah’s POV

Age 7:

“Okay kids it’s time to go play kickball outside who wants to be team captain?” my teacher asked as a group of excited children gathered around her. Two little boys shot their hands up at their teacher’s question to be captains of the game.


“Jaehyun and Shin will be our captains then. Alright everyone out to the field!


Everyone all ran out to the field excited to play the game but I lagged behind. I was never really good at sports, not really that pretty, and average in school so no one ever bothered to pick me. I was always everyone’s last choice. From being the last one picked in kickball to being the only one without a lunch buddy. It was never me.

Jaehyun picks Jisoo first.

Shin picks Kyungsan.

Then Jinae is picked.

Haneul was next.

There’s about 10 people left and Shin points to me! Me of everyone left! I smile and start to take my first step forward but


“No, not you Minah. I was pointing to Hyunjun.”


I retrieve my foot and tried to hide my reddening face and avoid all the stares and snickers from the others in my class.

It’s Jaehyun’s turn and there are only two people left, me and this girl Hyeri. She wasn’t anything special, a wallflower if anything. Maybe just maybe in this scenario, I wouldn’t be the last to join a team. Jaehyun opens his mouth and of course


“Come on Hyeri.”

How could I even think for one second that I’d actually be picked over Hyeri? I put my head back down and laugh to myself, what’s wrong with me? I’m foolish, that’s what’s wrong with me. I walk over to Shin and the rest of the team only to be excluded out of the circle as they discussed strategy.

It’s never me and I’m not surprised anymore.


Age 9:

We were supposed to pick partners for a science project. As soon as the teacher dismissed us to leave our seats to sit with our partner, everyone paired up together— everyone but me. There’s an even number of students in our class but I understand now that no one truly wants to pick me.

Our teacher walks back in with little things we’d need for our experiment and sees the group of three girls in front of her.


“What are you girls doing? No groups of three, one of you has to go pair up with Minah.”


“But Ms.Song, I go everywhere my twin goes so I can’t just leave her.” of course, the twins Ahri and Ahrin go everywhere together and they get anxiety when they’re separated.


“No buts, one of you has to go. Who will it be?" I get up from my desk and walk over to the situation.


“I’m okay with working by myself. It’s always been just me, so there’s no problem in the three of them working together Ms.Song.”


“Minah sweety-”

Before she can even finish her sentence about how it wouldn’t be fair to me I grab my supply bag and head back to my desk. I know it was rude of me but when people isolate you for so long isn’t natural for your heart to become cold?


Age 16:


Classes are going to start soon and still no sign of our history teacher which is actually odd as he is always punctual to class. Another year alone with just me, myself, and I. I wouldn’t say I’m depressed or anything, just rather lonely. My parents are the best parents I could ask for. They work hard during the week and have the weekends off, but two days just aren’t enough for me to spend with my parents. I had an older brother, a twin older brother actually. Mom’s birth was complicated and he didn’t make it through the first week after birth. His name was Minhyun and he was supposed to be my best friend. At least that’s what Mom tells me. I wonder what it would’ve been like to have him here, would I have friends? Would we eat lunch together? I wish I knew. But what can I say? That’s my life and life’s life, no stopping the way it wants to work.


At exactly 8:00 AM our history teacher walks into class and as soon as he gets to the podium the whole class is settled down as if they weren’t just animals 30 seconds ago.


“Good morning class.” A bunch of grumbles of good mornings and sighs were expressed by my oh so lovely classmates.


“Let me try that again, good morning class.” everyone then straightens up and greets Mr.Lee like a well respected class would.


“You guys are setting a bad example of the school for our newest student. Mr.Byun why don’t you come in now?”


All heads including mine turn towards the door and there walked in a guy about average height for a teenage guy with black hair. He made heads turn and mouths gape. He was— of course— good looking and would fit into the popular crowd by lunch today no doubt about it. Since he was already going to become one of those who ignore me, might as well ignore him before he gets the chance to do so to me. I rest my head down and try to sleep as I am not much of a morning person at all. Although I shouldn’t be falling asleep in class I do it anyway, sure my grades aren’t all A pluses but a few naps in class won’t drop me to rank 82 in our level so no fret. I spent the whole hour and a half of history sleeping, no one disturbed me because no one cared to. I heard the bell ring for our break but I still sat there and didn’t move. Just wait. Wait until everyone else leaves so no one pays attention to you. Don’t you move a muscle Yoo Minah. I hear fast retreating footsteps out into the hall and once I heard the classroom door shut I shot my head up and stretched my limbs out.


“You’re awake I see.” I turn my head to the source of the masculine voice and at my actual surprise, it’s the new kid. I look at him and he looks at me. His features are actually quite nice. Nice brown eyes, raven black hair, and a nice smile.


“Rise and shine sleeping beauty! It’s break time you should go meet up with your friends!” I scoff at him and tilt my head “Friends? Friendship isn’t real.”


“What do you mean everyone has friends and a lot of them last a lifetime!”


“No, not everyone has friends and friendship only lasts because you see them regularly. Most friendships crumble because of the separation they go through.”


“You don’t have any friends do you Sunshine?”


“And so it finally clicked in your head that I don’t. It took you longer than I thought it would.”I get up to walk out the door but as soon as I grip the handle his hand grips my wrist.


“Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun. You’re new seatmate and new friend. Pleasure to meet you! I think we could both use a friend!” I yank my wrist back from his clutch


“I’ve gone years without a friend, what makes you think I need one now? Just because you’re new and need friends doesn’t mean I need anything from you. There are a lot of other people willing to be your friend around here. Just look for the cocky dudes and ignorant girls, they’ll gladly take you in. Now if you’re done, I’m leaving.”

I walk out the classroom and out into the halls, there wasn’t a lot of people in there but it wasn’t completely empty either. I start to think about what he said to me, both of us could use a friend. I’ve gone nearly my whole life without someone coming up to me first so to have someone start doing it now is unnecessarily awkward. I walked up to the nearest vending machine to get myself a snack and before I could put in my dollar someone else beat me to it. I turned to scowl at the person but to my surprise it was the very same boy that I just spoke to,


“Pick whatever snack you want, on me.”




“It’s what friends do!”


“We’re not friends and I don’t need you to pay for me.”


“It’s just a dollar so pick now or I’m picking!”


I sigh and press E1 for some cookies, it drops down to the open slot and just as I was about to pick it up again he beat me to it!


“My money my cookies!” my mouth gapes open, is this dude serious? He just took my cookies! Mine!


“Would you like some?”


“I would but I don’t need it from you, I can buy my own.” just as I was about to stick my dollar in he shoved the bag in my face.


“Why buy another bag when there’s someone willing to share with you? It makes no sense!”


“If I buy my own you have yours and I have mine. No need to share with a stranger.”


“But we’re not strangers! We’re friends now!”


“No that’s what you assume we are. You don’t know my name and I can hardly remember yours.” I leave him there alone and walk back to class, just a few steps after I left he calls out to me.


“Yoo Minah, that’s your name. Mine is Byun Baekhyun, remember it!!” I froze. He knows. Holy crap he yelled out to me. He reached out to me first. I shake my head and continued walking, give it a few days and he’ll never speak to me again.



Man I was wrong about that. He’s in all my classes and sits next to me in all of them. Throughout the months of school he constantly ta

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wtxsehun #1
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! I love angst. A sequel would be perfect.
Chapter 1: This just break my heart.....sequel please...
secretdiary #4
Chapter 1: SEQUEL3...PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!
manlyteabubbles #6
Chapter 1: a sequel would be gr8 my heart hurts I NEED CLOSURE
Chapter 1: sequel pls pls pls i need it ! i love this story TT.TT PLSSSSS JEBALLLLLLL SAVE ME FROM THIS HEARTBREAK