Chapter 2

Scarred Beauty

“Don’t think you are part of the family just because you live here.”

“Have you looked yourself in the mirror? Because I see ugly written all over your face.”

“I will do anything to get you out of my house.” She stepped on the broken glass shards.

“Don’t!” Ahreum yelled as she sat up with tears in her eyes.

The alarm went off a few minutes later. Ahreum sighed as she silence her alarm. Yet another bad dream.

Entering the school gates, she went to her classroom. As usual, she was the first. Looking at her table, she traced the writings on her table top. ‘Ugly’, ‘Pig’ and many other hurtful nicknames were carved on it. How can school get more and more dreadful every day? Ahreum heard footsteps along the corridor so she quickly wiped her tears away. She didn’t need another ‘Crybaby’ engraved on her table.


“Today we have a new transfer student joining us.” The teacher announced, adjusting his spectacles.

The class excitedly cheered and peered out of the classroom. The class fell silent as the new student walked in. Seconds later, the group of boys at the back of the class cheered and wolf-whistled.

“Hello everyone. My name is Jung Yoori.” She bowed with a sweet smile.

Ahreum’s heart fell upon seeing Yoori, her cousin. It didn’t take long for her cousin to spot her in the class. She swore she saw her smirk when the others weren’t looking. The moment the school bell went off, Ahreum quickly ran out of the class.

“Park Ahreum!” Someone yelled from behind.

She halted.

“Aren’t you glad to see your cousin?” Yoori walked to the front because Ahreum refused to turn and face her. 

“I am so glad to see you.” She hugged her.

“How can you still look so ugly after all this time?” she whispered in her ears.

Breaking the hug, she flashed her innocent smile as if she hadn’t said those words a second ago.

“I’ll see you around often.” She winked and walked off.


“Why aren’t you eating?” Myungsoo stared at her untouched bento.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you?” Myungsoo waved before Ahreum’s face.

“She’s here.” Ahreum said listlessly.

“Who is here?” Myungsoo placed his chopsticks down.

“My cousin transferred to our school.” Ahreum said in her trembling voice.

“That cousin?” Myungsoo’s voice had a tinge of anger.

She nodded and this time, Ahreum couldn’t bring herself to fake a smile.




“Meet my daughter, Yoori.” Uncle Jung her hair.

“Yoori, this is Ahreum. She will be staying with us from now on.” Ahreum waved.

“I’ll leave you two to play together.” Uncle Jung smiled and left the two alone.

“This is my house and I am not interested to play with you. Go away.” Yoori spat.

Ahreum thought Yoori was afraid of strangers thus, explaining her hostility. However, she realized she really hated her. Everything she does, she would pick fault in them. Everything she said, she would roll her eyes. However, she only showed her hostility when they were alone. Before her father and everyone else, she was like an angel with a halo. She was obedient and perfect. Ahreum lived quietly in the house at a basement room, together with the helper of the house.


“Yah. Get me a glass of warm water.” 15 years old Yoori shouted across the living room.

“Here.” Ahreum handed her the drink carefully.

She took a sip and threw it on the ground.

“It’s hot!” She yelled, standing up from the sofa.

“You did it on purpose, didn’t you?” she folded her arms.

“It was not that warm.” Ahreum defended. She had checked the temperature before serving it. 

“You’re right. I did this on purpose but what can you do our pathetic homeless Ahreum?” she smirked.

“Clean it up before my parents return else you’ll get it from me.” She walked off.

Ahreum picked up the glass shards and tears fell when she ensured Yoori was out of sight. She wished her parents weren’t watching her from above in this state. The tears blurred her vision and Ahreum accidentally cut herself with the glass shard. The blood gushing out stained the ground. However, she continued picking the glass pieces up. Yoori’s parents were returning soon.


“Hey guys, let me introduce to you my favourite cousin. Her name is…” She paused.

“Park Ahreum! Ain’t she beautiful?!” Yoori laughed and her gang of friends echoed.

Ahreum had never hated her name so much until that day.

“And guess what? Our beautiful Ahreum aspires to be a singer.” She pretended to gasp.

“With that face of hers? Our Yoori would have better chance at that, come on!” Her friend pushed her.

Ahreum stumbled back a few steps to hit the fence behind her.

“Ahreum, I brought my friends here to hear you sing. Won’t you sing for us?” Yoori flashed that innocent smile of hers again as she whipped her phone out.

“Any song request?” she hit the record button.

“2NE1’s Ugly?” Her friend suggested deliberately and they laughed.

Ahreum bit her trembling lips as she looked away.

“Why aren’t you singing?” Yoori growled, holding Ahreum roughly by the chin.

  “When your master tells you to bark, shouldn’t you obediently obey?” Yoori shrugged.

“I-I think I'm ugly and no-nobody wants to love me…” Ahreum started crying.

“Go on.” She demanded.

“J-Just like her I wanna be pretty… I wanna be pretty…” More tears fell and Yoori smirked.

“P-Please stop.” Ahreum begged.

“Fine. Let me help you to be pretty then.” Yoori bent over and picked up some mud, smearing it on her face.

“Now you look so much better.” She nodded approvingly.

Ahreum fell to the ground and they laughed at her from above. Yoori dug in her branded bag and pulled out a pocket mirror.

“Every time you want to be a singer, look in the mirror and remember how ing ugly you are.” She threw it in her face.

With that, Yoori and her gang left Ahreum sitting in the mud, sobbing her heart out.


“You’re here! We were worried sick!” Yoori ran over and hugged Ahreum.

“What are you doing in the toilet cubicle?” The security officer shook his head.

“I-” Ahreum bit her tongue when she saw Uncle Jung’s worried expression.

“I am sorry.” She apologized instead.

“It’s not over yet.” She whispered in her ear.

That night, Ahreum realized Yoori was really scary. She could do so much more than she imagined.


“Ahreum, I am tired.” 18 years old Yoori said as she closed the door behind her.

“What do you want?” Ahreum backed away protectively.

“I am tired of seeing your sickening face in my house.” Her true self surfaced again.

“Let’s end things once and for all.” Yoori dropped the vase and screamed loudly.

“What are you trying to-”

“I will do anything to get you out of my house.” She stepped on the glass shards.

Blood gushed out from her foot and incessant knockings were on the door.

“Don’t think you’re part of my family just because you live here.” She smirked.

The door burst open and Ahreum saw the looks of distrust in the eyes of Aunt Jung.

“What did you do to my daughter?!” She screamed, shoving her aside and helping Yoori up.

“It’s my fault, mum. I shouldn’t have quarrelled with Ahreum. Don’t blame he-”

“Apologize!” Yoori’s mother demanded.

“What?” Ahreum’s eyes widened.

“It’s not me! I didn’t do anyt-”

“Apologize or get out of my house right away!” She screamed.

Ahreum stared at Yoori who cried louder deliberately to add fuel to the situation.

Ahreum walked out of the room in disbelief. She went back to her basement room and packed up.

“You shouldn’t have brought that darn child home! Look at what she did to our daughter!” Aunt Jung complained to Uncle Jung.

“What happened, Yoori?” he turned to her.

“S-She pushed me and the vase fell. I stepped on the glass shards and…”

“Thank you for allowing me to stay here for the past years.” Ahreum bowed.

“Are you protesting right now?” Aunt Jung scoffed in disbelief.

“Fine. Leave all you want. You’re an adult now huh?” she kicked her luggage.

Ahreum picked her luggage up and walked out of the house. 

To: Ahreum

I am sorry. –Uncle Jung

“He knew.” Ahreum laughed and more tears fell as she sat at the bus stop.



“Did she say anything?” Myungsoo asked with his eyes laced with concern.

Ahreum shook her head and lied, “She didn’t.”

Mrs. Kim was the one who allowed her to stay at their house for several weeks until she found a place for rental in Myungsoo’s neighbourhood using the money Uncle Jung wired her every month. She promised herself to return every single cent to him after she graduated. She didn’t want anything to do with Jung Yoori and her family anymore. However, here Yoori came strutting into her life again.

“Don’t worry. I am here.” Myungsoo squeezed her hands and Ahreum nodded.

 “Here’s Part two, Ahreum.” She smirked and took a picture.

Walking down the rooftop stairs, she almost bumped into someone because she was on the phone.

“Yah. Watch your way.” Sunggyu glared.

“Sorry-” Yoori apologized as she quickly read his nametag.  “Sunggyu-ssi.”

“It’s fine if it is you.” Sunggyu winked and she laughed.

“This is getting interesting. Kim Sunggyu, son of SN entertainment is here too.” Yoori thought to herself. 

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Chapter 14: Your last sentences tho :( I thought Gyu and Ahreum would make a good pair before, but now I'm more to Myung's side. Ahreum's insecurity over Sunggyu's words (when he was drunk) affected me. She might be right and..wrong too. While Myung has always been there for her, but he gets too much that second lead characteristics lmaooo #justiceforsecondleadguy
jjaehwa_ #2
Chapter 14: Omg I need more >_< I screams way too much in this chapter . Sunggyu is just- omg. And Ahreum seems to be too conflicted- aye if you know what i mean- hah anyway continue this piece of art you creates right here author-nim . I'll support you!!
Chapter 14: I caught up with this ahahaha ;)
and I finally understand the guilt part you were talking about
#teammyung but I guess we'll have to see where the pen takes you :o
myung stuck by her since young but then again, from recent chapters, it doesn't seem like they know their best friend at all /ponders
So far, sunggyu doesn't really move me but who knows, maybe I'll end up rooting for him /shrugs
komorebix #4
Chapter 13: Okay, now I ship Sunggyu and Ahreum. I like how he is tough, yet gentle towards her. Hopefully my ship will continue to sail
Chapter 13: I can relate those snacks part tho *sigh* Both guys play important roles in Ahreum's life. I honestly think she makes a good pair with Gyu & maybe being a good friend with Myung is enough, like a treasured friendship.
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh she's going to debut!!! I'm so excited for new updates!! As for the shipping I'm honestly torn between Myungsoo and Sunggyu I can't decide who'd be better for Ahreum
Chapter 13: Well I want Myungsoo but half of me want Sunggyu. How will that suppposed to work? lol
sunggyusshi #8
Chapter 13: im glad that updated this story!i love this story so much!Ahreum inspired me in many ways.Thanks for creating this story.:")
komorebix #9
Chapter 12: I'm starting to ship Ahreum and Sunggyu so hard!!! I'm happy that Sunggyu is against plastic surgery for Ahreum. He's sweet to her even though it may not seem like it.
jjaehwa_ #10
Chapter 12: I don't really know how to describe my feelings as I read this fanfic . Like I can felt myself get triggered by it. Everything in here are absolutely same as my situation. (just, I'm not a little overweight like Ahreum) Reading this fanfic makes me realize how grateful I am cause they are people who might suffered more than me. Anyway, love the story so much! I'll wait patiently for another updates, author-nim~