When The Night Falls

Part-Time Lovers
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Seoul Court seems busy this morning. Lawyers, common citizens, prosecutors, judges, and polices are walking through the hallways, heading to the court chambers or judges’ offices. Yesung is one of those people. Once in a while, he throws a small smile to other lawyers he passes by. Yesung pace is getting slower a little bit as he recognizes a quite taller man walking from the opposite direction of his.

Siwon, the taller man, curves his lips, forming a smile that shows his dimples. His figure looks perfect under his prosecutor robe, indicating he is about to have a court session.

“Busy day?” asked Siwon as they steps are getting closer.

“Divorce case gives the biggest headache.” Here comes Yesung reply, almost in a monotone voice.

“Take a break, Mr. Lawyer,” said Siwon.

“Say that to yourself, Mr. Prosecutor.” Their shoulders bump as they pass each other and then part their ways.



Even with his tall figure, sometimes it can be pretty hard to spot Siwon behind the stack of papers on his desk. A frown can be seen clearly in his forehead. It’s past his working hours but it seems that Siwon has no intention to leave his office. Most of his colleagues have gone home around two hours ago, leaving Siwon in an empty and almost dark room.

A sound of ringing telephone suddenly fills the room. The echo can be heard clearly even on the hallway outside the office. Siwon stares at the ringing phone for quite some time.

Two. He counts the ringing.

Three. And then the phone stops ringing.

A grin can be seen on Siwon’s tired face as the said man grabs the phone on his desk and start pressing some numbers he remembers clearly. He waits a couple minute before he finally puts down the phone and continue his work – at this time with a big smile decorating his handsome face.



It is 6.35 PM when Yesung leaves his apartment driving his Hyundai Avante. The street on Friday night is as busy as usual. Yesung looks at his wristwatch before he looks at the traffic light which has just turned into green. Yesung sighs in relieve. It seems like he will arrive on time. He certainly does not want his girl waiting for him. Even though she is such a lovely woman, but once her mood turns bad, she can be so deadly.

6.55 PM. Yesung arrives in time!

The said guy gets off the car and throws his key to a valet parking officer. Yesung walks quickly inside an apartment building and gets on an elevator that will bring him to the floor where his date resides in.


Sitting in front of Yesung is a pretty girl on her knee-length peach dress with open shoulder. Her long hair is braided on her left side, exposing the right angle of her perfect beauty. Tonight, they are having a dinner in Yesung’s favorite restaurant. It’s not located in busy downtown of Seoul.


Yesung does not really like spending his weekend in hustling bustling place. He prefers a restaurant at the outskirt of Seoul. It’s Yesung’s week. That means the guy has the privilege to set the menu for their dinner. The girl in front of Yesung looks at the man with a smile.

“Seems like your date comes pretty late,” said her in a low voice.

A waiter comes to their table, bringing their main menu consists of their favorite pastas. The waiter leaves them few minutes later.

“Caught by some files, perhaps. Or traffic.” Yesung shrugs. It’s not something odd for the person they are talking about to come late. Yesung knows exactly how hectic - and sometimes unpredictable that man’s work can be

“Ah… Not that late.” The girl replies while looking at a man who has just entered the restaurant.

“He looks hot in white,” commented the girl as she exchanges look with the man. He is wearing white suit that fits his muscular body perfectly. Even without a tie – perhaps the guy forgot to wear one or it is part of his style, and with a pretty disheveled hair, the said guy does not look less handsome.

Without feeling embarrassed or afraid, the girl fixates her gaze to the tall man who is currently walking towards their table. The girl throws a smile the guy walks pass their table and reach the empty seat right behind Yesung and the girl’s table.

The girl shifts his glance to the window glass on her right side. She is now looking at the reflection of Yesung and the man who apparently sits on the opposite of Yesung.

“You know I cannot always cover you both up. I love you, Yesung but we cannot do this forever. I understand that people know us as a very good friend, but there’ll come the time when people will start thinking we are really a couple.”

Yesung lets a small laugh. “Since when you care about people’s opinion, Victoria.”

The said girl sighs loudly. “Since I’m 28, and still single. My mother starts bombarding me with this marriage question. And with this situation.”

Victoria points his finger to both herself and Yesung. “… I won’t have a date forever!”

Yesung smiles apologetically. “I’ll introduce you to a nice guy from my firm or someone that I know. If you find a click, then I can have two of

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411 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's pretty sad 😔
11 streak #2
Chapter 1: Bittersweet love story
Chapter 1: So sweet but sad that they have to hide their relationship. It's bitter that their love is too forbidden to even share the same dinner table or just spend another night together. It's romantic but yet so hurtful. I hope they could protect their love until seeing the silver lining.
Chapter 1: I'm glad that in my country, gay relationships are already ok. I mean it isn't really welcomed in open arms but people know it happens and if the parties are professionals and they are monogamous, people do not mind much anymore.

I'm sad that in some countries, people has to go to this extent or worse to hide the relationship. :( Anyway, in relation to this story, Siwon is super sweet. :)
sunghyora1998 #5
Chapter 1: oh god! it's verry sweet
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 1: So sad they have to hide their relationship
jongwoontrash #7
Chapter 1: Awwww this was so sweeeeeeeeeet!!! :O :O :O I love iiiiiiiit~ Fighting, YeWon! :D
siwonie #8
Chapter 1: This is beautiful and i'm crying T__T
I mean the situation must be hard on them T.T
if only i could read longer of their story ;A;
Cloudest #9
Chapter 1: ah it's sad but sweet at the same time I wish they could spend more time together :( poor siwonie he misses yesungie so much
thanks for sharing I enjoyed it so much actually I love your stories ^^
Melodyewonkyu #10
Chapter 1: Oh so poor them to meet and do all to cover the true feeling.
But the worst is poor Vic must to be their third wheel and can not find herself some guy!!

Thank you to sharing YeWon, I love you.