Part-Time Lovers

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Characters: Yesung, Siwon, and slight Victoria

Genre: Romance

A very short one shot


we are strangers by day, lovers by night

knowing it so wrong, but feeling so right

you and me, my part time lover


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404 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's pretty sad 😔
Chapter 1: Bittersweet love story
Chapter 1: So sweet but sad that they have to hide their relationship. It's bitter that their love is too forbidden to even share the same dinner table or just spend another night together. It's romantic but yet so hurtful. I hope they could protect their love until seeing the silver lining.
Chapter 1: I'm glad that in my country, gay relationships are already ok. I mean it isn't really welcomed in open arms but people know it happens and if the parties are professionals and they are monogamous, people do not mind much anymore.

I'm sad that in some countries, people has to go to this extent or worse to hide the relationship. :( Anyway, in relation to this story, Siwon is super sweet. :)
sunghyora1998 #5
Chapter 1: oh god! it's verry sweet
Cenya14 #6
Chapter 1: So sad they have to hide their relationship
jongwoontrash #7
Chapter 1: Awwww this was so sweeeeeeeeeet!!! :O :O :O I love iiiiiiiit~ Fighting, YeWon! :D
siwonie #8
Chapter 1: This is beautiful and i'm crying T__T
I mean the situation must be hard on them T.T
if only i could read longer of their story ;A;
Cloudest #9
Chapter 1: ah it's sad but sweet at the same time I wish they could spend more time together :( poor siwonie he misses yesungie so much
thanks for sharing I enjoyed it so much actually I love your stories ^^
Melodyewonkyu #10
Chapter 1: Oh so poor them to meet and do all to cover the true feeling.
But the worst is poor Vic must to be their third wheel and can not find herself some guy!!

Thank you to sharing YeWon, I love you.