
Slice And Fire

Yoongi is a sniper.

Or so he likes to think, not when he can't even find an appropriate hiding spot to begin with.

"Dammit." Yoongi scrambled back up the tree he was hiding in, concealing himself moments before a guard waltzed past below. He cursed under his breath.

Not surprising if this tree becomes his new house.

He is in an estate courtyard, and directly facing an open window, but there is no one in sight, especially not the target. Yoongi had been staking out for almost two whole days, and he hasn't even got a glimpse of the target.

Plus, he's hungry. So hungry he's seriously considering cooking and eating one of the guards and throwing his job down the drain.

Perhaps God finally took pity on him. Someone appeared standing beside the window, and seemed to be engaged in conversation with another. Yoongi rubbed his sore eyes, blinking away the tiredness and almost fell out of the tree.

It's the target.

Yoongi panicked, because oh no what am I supposed to do the target is in sight. He shifted nervously and the tree leaves rustled, drawing the suspicious gaze of the family cat below.

Okay, breathe. First, set up. Yoongi mentally whacked himself for not setting up way before and only doing it now. He took out the parts of his sniper rifle and quickly assembled them, slotting in a few bullets after and taking aim.

God this stupid gun is heavy.

He waited a few minutes for the perfect shot, all the while getting exponentially pissed at the heavy rifle. It's not like he can set it down somewhere--he's in a tree of all places. Goes to show he at choosing a sniping spot.

The skin of his finger grazed the trigger, and he hesitated. If he hits the target he will be rich, but if he misses he's cooked turkey. The difference between heaven and hell lies in a single bullet and his crappy skills, not exactly reassuring. He's surprised someone even hired him.

The target moved a little further from the window, and Yoongi almost panicked again. No time for all those useless thoughts now, time is running out. He pressed down all the way on the trigger and a small golden bullet launches out of the nozzle. He watches it zoom towards the target, heading straight for the target's temple. Almost there, almost there.....then the target moves away and the bullet flies right into a wall.

"What the ! What in the ing hell was that supposed to be?!" Yoongi pointed an accusing finger at the target and yelled to no one in particular. The target's gaze moved to the tree and that's when Yoongi stupidly realised he blew his own cover.

"ing hell!" He shouted one last time before jumping out of the tree and running off elsewhere.

Moments later, he hears an announcement ring throughout the entire estate.

"Intruder breach, I repeat, intruder breach. Protect the mistress and eliminate the threat at all costs."



Yoongi ended up playing a game of hide and seek for almost an hour.

" this ." Yoongi cursed as he threw himself into a rose bush for the umpteenth time. He's already covered in blood and scratches, and he doesn't know how much more of this he can take. He laid down uncomfortably and pried a few branches apart to peek outside.

A pair of shoes hit him on the head.

"Ow, what the--" He shut up, remembering that he was supposed to be hiding. A pair of feet then landed soundlessly before his eyes, stayed there for a while, then ran off.

Following behind was the thunderous melody of a hoard of guards.

"Catch him! Eliminate the threat!"

"Hunt the rogue!" A few gunshots were heard.

"Protect the mistress!"

When the cacophony finally died down, Yoongi shook the shoes off and stood up.

Black and green shoes. Yoongi has already seen too much green today. The shoes pissed him off.

Whoever dumped these on him is going to pay.

But for now, hide.


Yoongi is all set up again on a low wall concealed by trees, and lying in wait for the target's next appearance.

"Oh, so you guys just wait it out, huh? I thought you guys spot the target first before choosing where to fire from?"

Yoongi really did fall off the wall this time.

"The hell?" He glanced up at one of the trees and saw an unfamiliar face.

Is he a guard? Why is he in a tree?

The chubby-cheeked boy laughed.


Then, "I'm not a guard, no need to panic."

ing mind reader.

"I just saw you setting up and thought it was interesting, so I came."

"Who are you?" Yoongi huffed, picking himself up and climbing back up the wall.

"Oh yeah! I'm Jimin, nice to meet you sniper-nim." He stretched out a hand and smiled--a smile that would put the sun to shame.

"It's Yoongi." Yoongi mentally slapped himself again for giving his name out so easily.

"Oh, hi there Yoongi-nim!" Jimin's hand is still outstretched.

"Hey." Yoongi grunted back, but didn't take the hand. Jimin laughed awkwardly and retracted his hand, then sat down beside Yoongi.

"Go away, you're blowing my cover." Yoongi hissed and moved away from Jimin.

"That's not possible, we are completely hidden by trees." Jimin replied, unfazed.

"They are going to spot you sitting up."

"Nah, I'm in camouflage attire." Jimin paused. "Also, there aren't any guards around at the moment."

"And why is that?"

"I took them out when they were chasing me just now."

Yoongi just grunted in reply, too preoccupied with what he's currently doing to listen. Then, the meaning of his words sank in.

"Wait, what? You did that yourself? All of them?"

"Yeah! I was hired to kill that target, but since you're already gunning for her I might as well sit back and watch. I'm going to get my money all the same."

"Just what are you?"

"An assassin."

Yoongi did a quick scan of the boy. "Wow, looks can really deceive." Then his line of sight was overcome by the black and green shoes on his feet. "And you aren't going to get away with throwing those shoes on my head."

"Hehe, sorry."

Silence descended between them as Yoongi switched out his rifle's ammunition for a tiny silver needle. He must make sure to kill the target this time.

"How much poison has that needle been coated in?" Jimin broke the silence and gaped in awe. "And where had you get that? It's so cool!"

"It contains approximately six different neurotoxins and bacteria, and the boss gave it to me."

"Wow, that's alot! But don't snipers work for the military?"

"If I did I would have killed you by now, no offense, but I quit and now I'm hired to kill."

Why is he telling Jimin so damn much?

He returned to the waiting game, gun nozzle pointed directly at a closed window and hoping someone would go and open it.

"Hey, do you want me to open the windows?" Jimin piped up.

Yoongi swears the boy is a mind reader.

Yoongi glanced at the house, just in time to spot a guard walking out. When he didn't reply immediately, however, Jimin took it as a yes and jumped off the wall.

"Oi, wait--" Yoongi shut up as he watched Jimin charge towards the guard at lightning speed, then in another second was off to the window, leaving the guard to bleed out on the ground.

Yoongi could only gape.

A few seconds later, Jimin was back on the wall.

"How was that? right? My trainer keeps saying I have to go faster." Jimin visibly slouched.

Yoongi stays silent, because that was already so fast how is it possible to go any faster??

Someone entered the room Yoongi was aiming at--the target(just his luck). She switched on a radio and started dancing along to the music.

Stupid girl, there's a sniper on the grounds and your window is wide open.

And then,

Wtf she's moving so fast.

Yoongi growled in annoyance and poured all his focus into aiming. If he misses this time the boss is really going to kill him because the 'high-tech needle' will be in enemy hands.

Yoongi shifted around searching for the perfect angle and finally settled on one. His index finger pressed down on the trigger lightly, hungrily waiting for the target to move within range.

And then he was pushed off the wall by Jimin.

"What the ! Jimin!"

"Sorry, but there's a specialist team headed right for us! I suggest you run!"

"I was just about to hit my mark!" Yoongi raised his fist in complaint, but picked up his gear and made an escape anyway.


Yoongi was just sitting in the plains outside the estate and cleaning his rifle with a cloth when Jimin showed up again.

Dragging the bloody body of the target along.

"I killed them all, and decided to help you with the target while I was at it." He grinned, only a few scratches and mild cuts visible on his skin.

Yoongi's eyes bulged, then he groaned. "Thanks but no thanks, now I won't get the money I was hired for."

"Huh? Why not?" Jimin was genuinely confused.

"Not everyone is as nice as your boss who will give you the money even if you weren't the one who killed the target." Yoongi pointedly said. "So yeah, I'm probably not getting anything for all the I've been through."

Jimin's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no, I'm so sorry!"

"Sorry isn't going to change anything, brat." Yoongi replied as he started packing up.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." Jimin repeated as he stumbled towards Yoongi. "I will give you half of my pay if you want." 

"I don't need it." Yoongi stood up and prepared to leave.

Jimin grabbed onto Yoongi's shoulders. "Then let me make it up to you some other way."

Yoongi shook him off. "No, it's fine, really."

"Please?" Jimin pouted a little. ".....Hyung?"

Yoongi stared at Jimin. Did this kid really just call him hyung?


"You should really work on your assassin image," Yoongi gave in because how can an assassin be so cute. "But fine, you better make it up to me, and for those shoes as well."

Jimin's thousand-watt smile in reply was worth it all.

Maybe he could get himself a new partner too.

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rollingpie #2
Chapter 1: Cute! You should make more of this story~
ZaneWalker #4
Chapter 1: This was so cute!