New Golden Couple of Korea

Well, That Was Expected!

CL and GD sat in front of Papa YG's desk. Their CEO seems enraged and they both saw him keep pacing around his office. They didn't speak any word for afraid giving any fuel to an already roaring fire. Finally Yang Hyunsuk said something after fifteen minutes of silence. He sat first on his comfy chair and stare both of his favorite artist. Then he starts open his mouth as he speak.

"I thought i already told you to be careful not to cause any stupid scandals! you both knows Korea's media could be crazy. Both of you is not an ordinary celeb so you both should be careful. But why the hell this... this video leaked and goes viral? I don't know how to remove those video because it's already spreading in the whole world. So, now i want to ask both of you, in wise act, what should i do now?"

"Well... I'm sorry Sajang-nim. It was... beyond of our control. I know it is my fault though. But.. can't we just stay quite? the media will ignore it eventually. Just do some distraction like debuting that new girl group. I am not ready to say things to media," said Jiyong. "Beside Chae should finish her solo debut too."

"But it's not an ordinary scandal! I've saved your name when your false drug scandal surfaced on media then i've got trouble when Bom drug scandal goes crazy in Korea. I should hire the best lawyer, i should write so many files and company's profit decreasing because these scandals. I should gain our name again in music market and with so much consideration i should make 2NE1 on hiatus. I should take care of Chaerin's America debut. Now, Minzy quit from our agency. People blaming for my lack of attention to her? OH, that just awesome. So much i should do on my feet. Now you want me to do distraction for your stupid scandal? Well, just tell me how that could happened? What was going on that night?" the CEO ranting out of his rage.

"We were attending Soojoo's birthday party that night.."


Soojoo having a party in Seoul's club that night. She was having her birthday party and invited all her friend--including G-Dragon and CL. The club were filled up by so many people from any country. That club was booked for only Soojoo's birthday and were open for public when it reach 00:00 p.m. It's true that the night were so wild. Everyone dancing, drinking, makes out and things. She also invited Skrillex and Diplo to heaten the party. She bought the best wine from outside Korea. As the night getting late, as the party getting wild, Jiyong kept drinking his alcohol and CL already tipsy from drinking a lot wine. They both dancing with their body pressed together. They grind against each-other and being touchy-feely too. CL wore a super y dress that night. She wore a bra and a baggy jacket covering her body. Her leather pants were so short and she wore a black high-heels. On the other side, GD wore a tight jeans and a plain black t-shirt with a v-neck cut. His black hair was a bit messy. He hugged Chaerin and his hand roam all over her body. Cl's hand were on his neck and caressing his soft hair. Their eyes speaks a lot than their body. They looked at each-other with strong desire and affection. Their bodies moved in sync and then as the music beat getting louder, they danced like crazy. GD then pushed Cl to the nearest wall and lifted her. Her legs hugged his waist. Then they both french kissed like there's no tomorrow. The battle of dominance could be seen and it was the hottest things to witnessed. They don't care about the world for a while. They seek comfort, pleasure and the most is, they need each-other. They were unseparable. They thought this party were a private only so they really being wild and do things they never showed on camera. The kiss never end. They both make out in the club and people around them seems don't care. They seen it like both rapper always do that things. After a thirty minute of a heavy make out, they left the club. They head back to his black lamborghini and went to god knows where. Little did they know, someone record their activity. That person who recorded their rendezvous is a fan. She entered the club at 01:00 a.m. She thought there were some parties and she was lucky to spotted GD, CL and their squad partied hard. Even though there's glasses wall separating the public visitors and Soojoo's party, she still could see them. She only intended to record her luck for spotting GD and CL but she was even surprised as they both seems drunk and make out in the club. She even followed them to the parking lot when the both YG artist left. Without further ado, she posted the video on Instagramm. With that, her video went viral and gossip spread like a boom. Her identity remain unidentified since she posted it with fan account and her identity is already deleted. Now, the gossip keep getting crazy as many pictures from Dispacth also released. Media will never let their prey escaped from their grip.

"Next time, don't be so drunk. Sometimes i have a heart attack when both of you get drunk," said Yang Hyunsuk.

GD and CL remain silent. They felt like a fool for letting their conscious slipping away. Their hidden relationship is revealed now and their truth is being seen by the whole world eyes. So there's no escape route from this trouble they made. CL sighs and she said something unplanned by Jiyong's mind.

"Well, i think the only best and wise decision is to give confirmation and releasing official press-conference."

"What? Are you serious?"

"Of course i am serious Oppa. Why else i'm not serious?"

"So much to consider, Hunchae. We kept this relationship undercover for 4 years and we kept denying and saying that we only bro and sis. You have to debute as solo artist and i will be promoting also. With the wild press taggin' along we can't have our freedom and.. how about all the contract for our shows and things? i don't want to ruin you career."

"It's alright Jingyo-oppa. Come what may! besides, i am tired hearing you always rumored with many girl. I know you're close with many female but.. don't you ever think i feel irritated when i heard news you were dating with Kiko or.. some models or.. the recent, you were rumored with Taeyon-ssi. It's ridiculous!"

"Well, you never told me and i thought you know better than believing netizen crazy mind? Those are not true. They're just being delusional."

"Yeah whatever. I don't care anyway if my debute should be pending and i lose many contract. Maybe you are who too afraid to lose your position and reputation."

"I'm not! I always consider you first before me. , let's do this ! If that's what you want, then i'll granted it," said a frustrated Jiyong. "Sajang-nim, tomorrow please arrange an official press-confrence and i hope you can attend as our official testify of our clarification."

"Fine then. That could be arranged easily. That is the best decision. I am also feel relieved to reveal this. I am tired to cover up your liaison."

Jiyong's snorted. He rosed from his seat and held Chaerin's hand.

"Let's go home. I'm tired and want your cooking. I'm quite hungry."

"But Oppa... the papparazi still outside the building."

"Don't worry. We'll release the bom tomorrow so let's just walk with our swagger and ignore them, yeah?"

Cl smiles and nodded. They bid their boss farewell and left his office. Then they went to basement. Unexpectedly lots of reporters already in the front of the exit door. they both walked hand in hand and passed through the crazy reporters. The blitz almost blinding their eyes. They ignore many curious question and went through his car. They passed them with struggle and finally made their way back home. The home they shared together that no one knows.

JW Marriott convention hall. 11:00 a.m, Seoul, South-Korea.

Cameras already activated. So many blitz clicking and chatters could be heard. The convention hall already filled by 200 reporters and a hord of fans. They were anxious for a sudden press-conference made by YG. They've anticipated the news that will be brought by YG this time. The crowd is even louder when two artist entering the hall. It's none other than G-Dragon and CL. They both walk hand in hand and giving smiles to every camera that recording them. After their entrance, Yang Hyunsuk Sajang-nim also entered the hall. GD wear a hat and a casual outfit. Black blazer, white t-shirt and jeans. Cl wear a long black dress with a turtle neck while her slender arms revealed.

After the crowd fell into silence, Jiyong start talking his speech. He was beyond nervous and his palm were a bit sweaty. His heart racing inside his ribcage and he just to put his confidence level up.

"Welcome to our official press-conference. Thank you for coming to our invitation," said Jiyong. "As all of you know, i am here to clarify for the rumor that has gone viral a couple days ago. Now, i am officially open up to public that i am in a very commited relationship with Lee Chaerin, the leader of 2NE1. I also apologise in advance for the scandalous video that has spread on internet. This official statement should clarify for any rumor that saying i am dating Japanese model or another particular girl group."

"Also, for those who have been hurt by us, i also apologise. We never intended to hurt anyone. We are in love and we thought this is the wise decision to reveal our relationship now," continued CL.

Some of journalist raising their hands and asking so much question.

"When were you start in relationship?"

"How about the rumor about G-Dragon-ssi and Kiko Mizuhara? Is that only a cover up?"

"Why only now you both decide to release official statement?"

and the question so on..

"We were in relationship in 2013 and though we were facing many problems, we still are in a steady relationship. About Kiko Mizuhara, she is my friend and she is also Cl's friend too. I am a very affectionate person and i treat my friend really nice so people mistakenly assumed i am in relationship with the Model," answered Jiyong.

"As about the question to why we just reveal it now, we have so much to consider and we really love our privacy. So our relationship were hidden out of public eyes."

Yang Hyunsuk also said that he knows their relationship and let their privacy remain untouch by agency because it's their private life. He supported both artist and will not make any disallowance to the both rappers since they are already through the hardship together. He was disagree with the idea of a relationship in the same agency but he knows better than anyone else that G-Dragon really matched with CL.

With that said, Korea's entertaintment really shaken. Articles written, gossip on TV kept speaking about their newly official statement of their relationship. Many fans congratulating both of Korean rappers. Some of them disagree with this relationship but mostly support both of them. Some of fans call theirselves Daragon, Jiko, Gtae said were broken hearted but should accepted the sour fact. Many idol were talking about their relationship. It was expected anyway. Lots of senior Idol and their same generation congratulating them through SNS.

Their fear of a broken career is vanished. Many renewed contract is offered. They are busy with attending many shows to be interviewed. Even YG now considering to make a subunit and release an album of GD X CL. Of course, the CEO said this is profitable to the company and bring luck. Weekly Idols, beatles code, Happy together, running man etc.. asked them to come to their show and they gladly accept. Many people happy for their relationship. Even some TV station want to make a reality show for both of them. Jiyong should consider that offer first. Now their relationship are going to be a consumation for public and their privacy is getting less now. But nonetheless, he is happy that now people stop rumoring him with wrong girl.

"It's confirmed, G-Dragon and CL are madly in love with each-other for four years long! Well, it was expected anyway. Just wait until their marriage day and producing lots of swag, cute babies. The generation of hip-hop will continued by these two leaders breed."

Now, the ridiculous discussion around fans is.. Mino and Suga is their child? Lol, seems like internet mom and daddy already has a child. Could there be another child? Hearing this, Jiyong and Chaelin just chuckled.

"The fans and their wild imagination. I can never understand them."

"Oh but they loves you, Jingyo."

"Mhm, i know, and i love you the most hunchae."

Cl gave him a playfull smack on his chest. Jiyong smile and kiss her temple. They enjoyed their cuddling time between their hectic schedule. Finally, the press give it a rest.


Well, I hope you like it and i am considering to write about this reality show about uri swag leaders xD but i haven't finished yet my another skydragon fic. I know i am such an evil and lazy author. I am sorry if this fic didn't meet your expectation but i hope you really enjoyed it and wish this were true. Lol. Have a good day fellow infiknight!

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I'm sorry in advance for any grammatical errors and spelling. My mother language is not English. So please, do tell me if you spotted it and i'll fix it soon.


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Vivianv96 #1
Chapter 1: So cute ©
eka_kartini #2
Chapter 1: O M G.... i relly6x like this story... it's like true and i hope it will be true... yaa......
Chapter 1: Wha... i wish this was true... and yes please write more skyragon story, and their swag kids kkk
Chapter 1: hehehe..i wish~i wish their make out video with each other really exist. hahaha :p
addy88 #5
Chapter 1: hehehe i like it.. keep writting..
Update sooonnn ^^