The Switch

Taekook Forever


Jungkook awoke with a start to his alarm going off, obscenely loud.


Peering out of sleep ridden eyes he scrambled to grab his phone mashing the screen in a frenzy just to get the thing to shut up.


Wait. Girl’s Generation? That’s not my alarm tone.


Jungkook blinked one eye open blearily peeking at his phone.


What the ? Why’ve I got Tae’s phone?


He blinked a second time, rubbing his eyes hard to get the sleep out.


Wait. Why am I in this room?


I’m in Taehyung’s bed?




Curiosity and confusion overpowering his sleepiness, he got up, stumbling into the lounge seeking an explanation.


His mind scrambled to recall the night’s events. It had been a chill affair, practice had finished at a comfortable 12am (for once). He’d watched anime with Taehyung and Hoseok. Then the boys had all ordered takeout much toJin’s chagrin. Jungkook distinctively remembered saying goodnight and going to bed. To his bed. Definitely not Taehyung’s.


God I’m going insane.


BTS’ schedules were jam-packed at the moment and the boys were all on the brink of exhaustion.


Just the previous week Jungkook had to pull out of a performance, due to a bout of flu that just wouldn’t quit. Rest, his doctor had instructed and Jungkook had inwardly scoffed when have I got time for that.


Taehyung had stepped in for Jungkook and Jungkook smiled remembering how the boy insisted he lip-sync to Jungkook’s parts rather than sing them himself.


It had been weird to watch them perform without him, but Taehyung whole-heartedly lip-syncing his section was the funniest but most endearing thing in the world.


Where is Taehyung?


Jungkook’s thoughts abruptly came to a halt as he looked up to see himself walk into the room.




He stared, disbelievingly at himself , who was staring right back at him in obvious confusion.


God I am going insane, it’s a dream he relaxed slightly, observing himself across the room.


Holy I’m lucid dreaming. I’m self-aware! This is awesome .


Taehyung will trip out at this, can’t wait to tell him!


Jungkook walked up to his - other self? It was strange, looking at himself as a person, not in the mirror. Would this other self sound the same?


His look-alike’s eyes were wide and he could see him shake slightly as Jungkook walked towards him.


“J-jungkook?” his other self said shakily. Yup same voice.


“This is weird.” Jungkook responded, before clapping a hand over his mouth in surprise.


Why the do I sound like Taehyung?


This dream is next level.


Jungkook #2 pointed up at his face, wordlessly, mouth hanging open.


Jungkook frowned, touching his face. I need more sleep, man.


I am asleep.


I’m dreaming.


Jungkook the fake stepped forwards, grabbing both his wrists and began dragging him in the direction of the bathroom.


Too tired to protest or question, Jungkook followed obediently.


Hope this isn’t a mental breakdown he thought, worriedly.



Looking up at himself Jungkook’s face dropped into an incredulous stare. He leaned closer, staring at himself in the mirror in absolute shock.


Taehyung stared back at him, mirroring Jungkook’s shocked expression.


Taehyung leaned in simultaneously for a closer look, in perfect sync with Jungkook.


I-i’m Taehyung? ? This is a ing weird dream. What the .


I’m definitely having a breakdown. The boys are gonna kill me. What an inconveniently timed breakdown.


Jungkook gawked at himself in the mirror, it was a little bit terrifying to see Taehyung staring back at him. He brought up his hands to his face. His fingers were more slender than usual and a bit longer, his hands a little more tanned and soft, smaller.


Yup. Definitely not mine.


Jungkook turned to face his lookalike.


Taehyung is soooo going to get a kick out of this tomorrow he thought.


“It’s me - T-Taehyung” his lookalike said hesitantly eyes slightly unfocused.


You’re dreaming Jungkook he repeated again, meeting the boy’s stare.


“This is the weirdest dream I’ve had” Jungkook confessed, and it felt strange confessing to himself.


“N-not. Not a dream” said Taehyung in a hushed whisper. “I-I don’t know what’s going on or how this happened but it’s not a dream. This is real. I-I’m you.”


Jungkook stared back in confusion, rubbing his eyes for perhaps the tenth time that morning.


“Holy .” he managed, his head flooding with a million thoughts.


This cannot be real. Oh my god I’m literally losing the plot.


“Are we having the same dream?” he questioned.


Taehyung-that-looked-like Jungkook started laughing now “Oh my god Kookie, what the !”


The corner of Jungkook’s lips twitched slightly, he never could hold out long when Taehyung was laughing.


“Oh god.” Jungkook broke down, pulling his hair.


“Stop!” chastised Taehyung, “you’ll pull my hair out!” he was doubled over in laughter at this point.


Only Taehyung would find it hilarious and not alarming.


“H-how do we find out if this is y’know, real? ” whispered Jungkook.


God is this real? He could barely believe himself, how can I consider this real.


“It is” affirmed Taehyung, convinced.


“Last night we watched anime with Hoseok-hyung and we ordered fried chicken and Jin-hyung wailed and then you disappeared to bed.” said Taehyung confirming the evening’s events.


“This morning I woke up and I felt a bit weird. I realised I wasn’t in my room when I heard Namjoon-hyung’s god-awful snoring. How do you put up with that by the way? When I got to the bathroom I saw my face, well - your face and nearly had a heart attack. I walked into the lounge and then saw you .”


“This is so sooo weird” went on Taehyung giggling a little, “I guess we just act as if we’re each other and then I dunno maybe we’ll wake up tomorrow normal?”


Jungkook nodded, still unconvinced it was real.


I can’t believe I’m going with this, but do I have a choice.


“Yeah, I guess we can’t tell the others we’ve switched bodies” and as the ridiculousness of their predicament hit Jungkook  he broke into a smile because what the  I guess it’s pretty ing funny. Unbelievably funny.


“It’s so weird looking at you and you’re me” said Taehyung, poking out his tongue. It was strange seeing that so Taehyung gesture, but on his own face.


“Likewise” agreed Jungkook, grinning. “I’ll just take a shower and then come talk to you in your room, we can do this. I know you.” Jungkook poked out his tongue, copying Taehyung’s gesture.


“I’m Taehyung and I have a cute baby face and a deep man voice” he drawled, making a series of bizarre aegyo gestures.


“Hello I’m Jeon Jungkook and I’m the golden maknae and I’m good at everything” said Taehyung putting on the most pompous of faces.


“ off” laughed Jungkook, “Don’t do anything too weird whilst you’re me” he said, growing a little nervous at the thought of Taehyung havingfree reign over his every word and move.


Taehyung winked “don’t tempt me”. “I’ll announce to the world that Jeon Jungkook is in love with me” he taunted, cheekily.


Jungkook flushed at that, the comment hitting a little too close to home.



He wasn’t in love with Taehyung, but he did make Jungkook happier than anyone else in the planet, and he did get a little fuzzy-headed when Taehyung constantly clung to him like a monkey. Jungkook wasn’t super touchy with the other guys, but with Taehyung he didn’t mind, he kinda liked it, if he was being really honest.


“Okay get out now” Jungkook shooed him away, and it wasn’t but a second later that Taehyung swung open the door poking his head around.


“Um Jungkook? Um. Don’t look at me too much in the shower.” Taehyung said, tone a little timid.




Jungkook hadn’t thought about that. Was that weird? Taehyung was obviously going to see him fully , was going to wash him? Obviously not him but his body?


Jungkook blushed furiously at the thought.




The two boys sat side-by-side on Taehyung’s bed, which wasn’t an unusual sight. All the boys in BTS were close, but Taehyung and Jungkook were the closest, inseparable. So much so that Namjoon had affectionately dubbed them ‘Taekook’.


Jungkook had scoffed at the name, silently praying it wouldn’t catch on. His position on it changed slightly however, when Taehyung had looked up at him with a blinding smile “Oh my god! We’re Taekook!” he’d said excitedly giggling, throwing his arms around Jungkook.


Jungkook couldn’t despise anything that Taehyung liked, he had a ridiculous soft spot for his hyung and relented to anything that would make him smile. The name had stuck ever since.


BTS had a fan signing event later that day, and then a long night of grueling practice ahead for their upcoming tour.


“So” began Jungkook, stealing a glance at the Jungkook-Taehyung, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed as usual. “You gotta try act like me okay? And I’ll be kinda like you.” Taehyung nodded.


“We should brush up on our parts in the songs and our dance solos.” suggested Taehyung “And feel free to dance to your fullest extent as me” he carried on, laughing.


“Oh and Jungkook?”




“Get ready to use a load of aegyo at the fansign, people expect that Kookie.”




Jungkook attempted his cutest aegyo face only to be insulted by Taehyung laughing in his face. “God not like that! You’ll ruin my rep as being Bangtan’s most adoraaable V” he drawled, with an exaggerated tone.


“God my voice sounds high!” Taehyung giggled, poking Jungkook in the ribs.


“My voice is not high” grumbled Jungkook. Truthfully he didn’t quite mind the trade of the voices, he enjoyed the deep melodious tone of Taehyung’s voice.


“Okay, maybe a little” he admitted, scowling. “When we swap back, can I keep your voice?”


Taehyung chuckled, “only if I can keep these abs my god” he flung up his t shirt his abdomen appreciatively. “Mmmm” he continued, himself “feels good” he smirked, sending a wink in Jungkook’s direction.


Jungkook cursed the instant reddening of his cheeks, leaning over and pulling down Taehyung’s t shirt firmly.


“Clothes on hyung” he reprimanded.


“, don’t call me that” said Taehyung, grin disappearing slightly as Jungkook’s reappeared.


“Ha! Call me hyung!” he demanded excitedly, making the connection.


Maybe today will be funner than I thought he decided, as Jimin hollered at them to get to the van.




“Taetae’s quiet today” remarked Jimin, ten minutes into the van ride. Jungkook looked up after a prod in the ribs from Taehyung.


Oh yes. I am Taetae, Taetae is me.


“Tired” said Jungkook, “Hoseok-hyung was snoring and you kept farting in your sleep” he quipped, shooting a grin in Taehyung’s direction.


“Did not!” responded Jimin, pouting angrily. He looked like an oversized baby when he pouted, a baby with far too much muscular definition.


“Taehyung you look soo good today”, remarked Taehyung cheekily, the sound of his own voice unnerving Jungkook.


“Thanks Jungkook” he responded gruffly, evil-eyeing Taehyung.


“Honestly” Taehyung went on gushing “you should really keep your hair that brown colour. Even though you suit basically every colour, natural’s my absolute favourite by far”.


Jungkook could hit Taehyung at that.


“No Kookie, natural really suits you ” Jungkook countered. “I wish I had your hair, it seriously suits you. “I’m incredibly jealous of your looks, you know that. And your abs of course, I'm so jealous ”  Jungkook smirked, game on Tae.


“You’re too nice hyung” chided Taehyung, “everyone knows that you’re the girls’ favourite.”


Jungkook opened his mouth ready to respond, before he was rudely interrupted by Yoongi.


“Now I don’t know what the  is going on, and this compliment giving is really lovely and all, but I’m going to vomit if you continue Taekook .” said Yoongi, dripping with sarcasm.


“Yeah what the heck Kook? Why don’t you compliment me like that?” chimed in Jimin.


Jungkook had forgotten quite what their ‘compliment war’ might look like to the others. He couldn’t really explain and say no it’s not what you think, I’m complimenting myself.


He glanced across at Taehyung, who was visibly shaking with laughter, not meeting Jungkook’s eyes.


Jungkook bit back a chuckle, willing himself to stay silent for the rest of the ride.





The fan-signing event was packed to the brim as usual and Jungkook groaned inwardly at the knowledge that he had to play Taehyung.


The first girl that came up to him had requested he write down the teammate he was closest too. He’d instinctively started writing Taehyung, before scribbling all over the poor girl’s note and then writing Jungkook. She was red as a beet and clearly over-excited so Jungkook hoped she’d missed his slip.


20 minutes in and Jungkook was about to die from all the aegyo he’d been requested. He knew he had Taehyung’s face but the expressions still felt foreign, and he hoped they looked passable.


Another thing he’d noticed, was the amount of questions he got about himself.


Why does everyone ask Taehyung about me? He thought, curiously.


It had felt funny, scribbling down replies about himself, and he couldn’t help talking himself up a little, remembering the earlier ‘compliment war’.


At one point Taehyung had come over threading his hands through from behind him until they clasped together comfortably on Jungkook’s chest.


It felt weird staring down at his hands not attached to his own body.


He noticed the fans went crazy at this gesture, and heard near a million shutters clicking.


Oh. Taehyung generally initiates hugs more often than me. That’s the excitement.


Jungkook stood up abruptly taking Taehyung by surprise, swinging him around until he was cradling him like a baby.


He flashed his best aegyo, Taehyung’s head like a child. Yes, Tae would totally do this to me.


Taehyung had looked up at him, eyes dancing with laughter.


The move sent the fans into literal pandemonium and Namjoon smiled over at the two smugly as choruses of 'taekook' were chanted from the crowd.


The rest of the fan-sign went fairly smoothly for Jungkook, and stealing Taehyung away in a corner afterwards Jungkook enquired how it went for him.


“I put myself as the best looking for every rank BTS’ looks questions” Taehyung had admitted giggling. “I also attempted a Jungkook y silent stare at a few girls, they were totally in love with you.”


“I kinda had fun” admitted Jungkook, “it’s fun being you for a change, let’s do this more often.”


“Definitely” responded Taehyung, enthusiastically, as if they were talking about a normal occurrence.




“What’s up with you today, Jungkook?” queried Hoseok-hyung, “You’re acting a little weird?”.


Be normal Jungkook silently pleaded Taehyung.


“I haven’t had a lot of sleep” Taehyung said, “I’m a little bit drained to be honest.”


The others murmured in unison. Jin-hyung patted his forehead affectionately. “Too much late night practice?” he queried, “perhaps tonight we could have a bit of a rest?”.


Taehyung shook his head firmly. “Not that.”


What is he up to.


“I-i think I like someone. I literally can’t sleep” Taehyung laughed.




Jungkook choked.  you Taehyung.


The boys were all immediately cackling and tackling Taehyung.


“Our Kookie’s growing up” sang Jimin excitedly, “Who is it?” Hoseok-hyung demanded.


“Not telling you ers” responded Taehyung, giggling.


you Kim Taehyung.


Jungkook quickly realised that the real Taehyung would definitely have a reaction to that revelation. So he got up and slid behind Jungkook wrapping his hands around his waist.


“So cute” he said, pinching Taehyung’s cheeks.


“Little maknae in love” he continued, cooing.


Looking up he realised Yoongi had that look from earlier in the car again.


“Yuck” Yoongi spluttered, disgustedly. “Anyone would think that you have a crush on each other” he stated, deadpanning.


Taehyung stiffened visibly against Jungkook and Jungkook unentangled himself speedily, forcing a nervous laugh.


“Don’t be jealous” Jungkook said, cringing at the trembling in his voice.


Taehyung broke the awkward silence that ensued. “It was a joke guys ha ha, I got you!” he said, a bit lamely.


“Yah yah Kook, sure it is” teased Jimin.


Taehyung shrugged and disappeared from the room.



Jungkook followed, finding the boy in the bathroom.


“What was that for” he hissed irritably.


“I dunno Kookie, sorry thought it’d be fun” said Taehyung hanging his head. The apology in his tone and his look of misery hit Jungkook instantly and he immediately backtracked saying it was okay. God I’m so weak for him he sighed.


Even though the face and the voice looked exactly like him, he could still see Taehyung, in the mannerisms and the facial expressions.


“I’ll get you back Taetae” he said, lightly tapping his bum  his own bum to ease the tension.


Taehyung flashed him a smile, “try your hardest” he winked.




Thankfully Jungkook’s admittance of exhaustion had got them a well-deserved evening off. Jungkook sighed in relief, sure that he would’ve began singing all his own parts and been all off in the dance sections. The others obviously wouldn’t have understood and it would have caused them unnecessary stress if they thought Jungkook and Taehyung were cracking with the pressure.


Jimin ambushed Jungkook shortly after they got back to the dorm.


“Tae, does he know?” he whispered, and Jungkook could tell from his tone it was serious.


“Does he know you like him?” Jimin went on, eyes questioning.


Jungkook felt his stomach drop to the floor, no, below the floor.


Of course Taehyung likes someone.


Why do I care so much.


“W-what?” Jungkook said, faltering.


“I saw him today” said Jimin, “he was different Tae, something was different.”


“W-who?” said Jungkook, baffled.


“Jungkook of course, you idiot.” Jimin berated. “Jungkook the guy you’ve been in love with all year” he teased.


Jungkook’s eyes widened and mouth dropped open in surprise. He could feel his entire face going red to the tip of his ears.


Jungkook the guy you’ve been in love with all year.


Taehyung liked him?


Could it really be true?


Jungkook muttered “No I didn’t tell him.”


But yes, he did, because you just told him.


Thank you Park Jimin, thank you indeed.


Jimin exhaled harshly, as if he’d been holding his breath.


“Damn” he said, disappointment evident. “I kinda thought you’d confessed and you started secretly dating or some . That’s why you guys have been weird all day.”


“Maybe I’ll tell him soon” said Jungkook, unable to keep the grin from his face.



Jungkook didn’t get a chance to steal Taehyung alone that night, much to his disappointment, save for the quick goodnight.


“I’ll see you tomorrow” Taehyung said, “or maybe me” he laughed.


Jungkook went to sleep smiling from ear-to-ear, replaying Jimin’s words on repeat in his brain.


Jungkook the guy you’ve been in love with all year.


Jungkook the guy you’ve been in love with all year.


Jungkook the guy you’ve been in love with all year.




Jungkook awoke with a start, instantly recognising Namjoon’s not so gentle snores. Pulling up the covers he glanced under, back to normal .


He got up, a lot more energy than usual and raced out the door to find Taehyung, only to crash into him in his doorway.


“Ouch” Taehyung moaned, picking himself up off the ground. “Watch where you’re going hyung” he whined.


Jungkook burst into laughter at that “Yah Taehyung, please do keep calling me that.”


“I forgot you ” Taehyung launched himself at him, attacking him half-heartedly, pulling him into a tussle on the floor.


“ing Taekook” groaned Namjoon, crawling out the room, fully wrapped up in his duvet.


“M going to sleep in your bed Tae” Namjoon grumbled.


Taehyung eventually conceded (as always), “it’s not fair” he whined, “you’re too strong Kookie”.


Jungkook pulled him to his feet, smiling victoriously.


“I can’t believe yesterday happened” said Jungkook when Namjoon was safely out the room, shaking his head still in utter disbelief.


“It was fun being you” responded Taehyung, poking out his tongue.


Jungkook was happy to see real Taehyung back to himself.


He looked far too good for someone that had literally just crawled out of bed. His brunette hair stuck up at awkward angles, his eyes were still half shut but the chocolate orbs still peeked out, twinkling. His extra-baggy sleep shirt swung half off one shoulder revealing his perfect sun-kissed skin. His lips were puffed and pink and a little bit chapped and his tongue lolled out casually. But he was perfect. Too perfect.


Jungkook forgot he was staring.


“You’re staring” Taehyung stated, pink hitting the top of his cheeks.


Everything came back to Jungkook at the moment.


Oh my god Jimin. Last night. . Oh my god.


“Because you’re beautiful” Jungkook said, not a hint of humour in his voice.


Taehyung’s lips parted with a soft gasp at the statement.


“You know we’re back to being ourselves now” he said hesitantly, “you’re not complimenting yourself you’re complimenting me.” he pointed at his chest, tone serious.


Jungkook stifled a laugh had Taehyung always been this adorable?


He smiled wondering just how on earth he had managed to convince himself he wasn’t in love with him.


“You know Jimin told me something yesterday, when I was you.” Jungkook said, looking him straight in the eye.


Taehyung’s eyes widened slowly, “what?” he asked, tone strained, unsure.


“He may or may not have mentioned that you have a crush no, that you’re in loooove with me.” Jungkook smirked, raising an eyebrow.


Taehyung’s mouth flung opened and closed like a fish.


He was rarely ever rendered speechless but he definitely looked at a loss for words.


Jungkook wanted to just a little bit further.


“So yesterday, the compliments, they were real - right?” he teased.


Taehyung buried his face in his hands.


“J-jungkook, um I’m sorry m -”


Jungkook stepped forward quickly, wrapping his arms around Taehyung, pulling him close.


“I sorta maybe kinda might potentially possibly be a little bit in love with you too” he admitted, voice barely above a whisper.


Taehyung’s head flung up at that, unromantically butting Jungkook in the head.


“ sorry. What?” Taehyung said, unbelievingly.


“I said that I love you” said Jungkook, firmly this time, not breaking eye contact.


Taehyung blushed prettily, flashing a blinding smile.


“You love me?” he again pointed at his own chest, still in a little bit of disbelief.


“I love you Kim Taehyung."



Taehyung’s face seemed so uncertain and Jungkook needed him to know, to know how serious he was.


“You are my favourite person on the entire planet and would be if we went to any others.


I love being with you.


I love spending time with you.


I love how you make me laugh and be silly.


I love that you make me relax when I’m being uptight.


I love that you force me to watch Disney movies and anime.


I love that you come sleep in my bed when there’s a storm.


I love the sound of your voice.


I love hearing your laugh, especially when I'm the cause of it.


I love that you adore children.


I love how thoughtful and sweet you are.


I love when you’re sleepy and you snuggle me.


I love when you're grumpy and you pout like a child.


I love being on stage with you, it just feels right.


I love that I have the pleasure of being with you every single day.



I love every single bit of you, Kim Taehyung."


It came out all in a rush and he fumbled a little over some of the words, but it didn’t matter. He’d never even quite confirmed all of this in his mind but he knew this was true, Saying it out loud only confirmed it even more.


Oh my god I’m in love with my best friend. I’m in love with Taehyung.


Taehyung was smiling and a single tear made its way down his left cheek.


“I-i love you Kookie. So much” he stepped forward, nuzzling his head into Jungkook’s neck.


They stayed, locked in embrace and Jungkook could burst he felt so, so full, he felt warm and fuzzy and light and drunk and dizzy and ridiculous. He felt in love.



“If you loved me you’d have kissed me by now” whined Jungkook, pulling back with an exaggerated wink.


“Jeon Jungkook!” Taehyung said, scandalized expression.


Jungkook laughed “shut up hyung” and swept him in for a kiss before Taehyung could utter another word.


The kiss was sweet and warm and dizzying and more than he’d ever imagined. Taehyung was soft and warm and so sweet, he tasted of strawberries and Jungkook couldn’t get enough. Taehyung positively melted into Jungkook, eagerly leaning into the kiss, tangling his hands in Jungkook’s hair.




Jimin’s shout temporarily pulled the two apart, still connected by a rather obscene length of spittle.




Jimin continued, practically shrieking.


The other boys appeared in an instant, even Yoongi deeming the news even more worthy than sleep (which was saying a lot).


Jungkook and Taehyung looked up sheepishly at the others and Jungkook instinctively reached out a hand to Taehyung, entwining their fingers.


They endured the mockery and cat calls, Jimin re-telling the story twenty-five times, Namjoon’s excited declarations of “Taekook forever”, Jin’s more than awkward ‘ talk’, Hoseok’s awfully explicit ear-burning talk and Yoongi’s quiet but kind “congratulations”.




Jungkook felt as if he could positively burst with happiness.


He was snuggled on the couch, with a sleepy head of brunette hair buried into his chest.


Perfect he thought, with a smile to rival Taehyung’s own.


“Kookie” Taehyung’s voice filtered into his dreamy daze.


“Mmm” responded Jungkook, eyes half shut, lazily nodding for him to continue.


“When I woke up that day, I left something out.” Taehyung started, pausing.


“Y-you had morning wood” said Taehyung, stifling a giggle.


Jungkook’s eyes shot open, incredulous at the information.


“I took care of it” Taehyung confessed, full blown laughter taking over at this point.


“Yah! W-what! Tae” Jungkook struggled to find the words.


“Your is quite pretty” Taehyung went on, causing Jungkook’s entire face to flame instantly.


“Ugh” spluttered Yoongi, entering at that very unfortunate moment to catch the last of the conversation.


Taehyung continued to laugh louder, and Jungkook was sure he was about to combust.


“You’re unbelievable Kim Taehyung” he finally stated, unsure of what else he really could say.


“But you love me” sung Taehyung, flashing him an innocent smile and puppy eyes.


“Yeah, I love you” Jungkook smiled, “Now about my pretty though?”



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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 1: Lol. Was a little bit confused but Gerd! Ahahhahahahhahahahhahahahaha ! That was funny x'D

I feel like smacking tae! Ahahahh
JungBin #2
Chapter 1: OOh maaan!! I laughed hard ^∇^ really like this story- it's unexpected! Good work, author-nim!
OrionSkyeZoeyy #3
Chapter 1: Goddd lorddddd this is loveeee
Blue82 #4
Chapter 1: I have now died. That last bit was too epic! Morning wood *rolls around laughing*. They need a sequel where they switch again and Kookie gets some revenge because that was just so teasing.
araskey #5
Chapter 1: hahahahah lol that end what the heck?? hahahhahahah tmi :v
jungkookbby23 #6
Chapter 1: Omg those last words got me laughing for good 1 hr