Chapter two

Pizza Lovers
"Thanks Bam Bam" 
"No problem Yoongi hyung!" He locked the pizza holder thing 
Don't laugh I don't know what that thing is, it looks like a woman's hand bag mixed with a suitcase 
"Don't stay too long!~" Bam Bam warned as I drove to Jimins address
I nodded in a bit of annoyance and stared straight ahead 
I've never met Jimin before and when I ask Jaehwan about it he always says things that worry me 
Is this Jimin a drunkerd? 
Nah Jaehwan said he was too "cute" 
Whatever that means 
The apartment didn't seem too far from the pizza place why doesn't he just come pick up the pizzas?
As soon as I was in the parking lot I heard loud Big Bang music playing in the two story apartment room 
"Must be him" I mumbled under my breath 
I sighed as I walked up the steps 
I arrived at the door and just as I was about to knock, a guy with orange hair swung open the doors and grabbed the pizzas
I heard another loud yell
I am offended mister orange head
"OH MY GOD SO IT'S A NEW GUY" A new voice yelled over the music
"I just want to get paid and leave" I mumbled 
A young looking guy came to the door and looked me up and down
I choked on my spit, what the hell is this kid saying?!
"IM JUNGKOOK!" He smiled a goofy grin
"....Min Yoongi" 
"I'm older then you I'm pretty sure" 
"IM 18"
"I'm older" I said in a annoyed tone
"JIMIN WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING YOU SO LONG!?" The kid with orange hair said coming up behind jungkook and leaning on him 
I sighed and turned around, when I looked back a new person was in front of me
He had black hair and the cutest eyes
They turned into crescents when he handed me the money
He was short but looked pretty built 
But it wasn't hard to be intimidated by his clothes 
He had ripped jeans and a black tank top on that let his muscles....shine
"I-uh thanks" 
"You're very welcome, you're gonna deliver to me next time right?" He sounded teasing and flirtatious
I wasn't about to lose to his... amazing jawline and prefect hair 
"Only if I'm on delivery" I answered blankly tucking the money in my pocket and turning to leave 
"Wait I didn't get a name!" 
"His name is Yoongi!" The Jungkook kid said yelling over the music
I gritted my teeth and tried walking faster 
"I'm Jimin!" He yelled loud enough so I could hear 
"I know" I mumbled
I speed walked to delivery car 
When I looked back to his apartment room he was still there 
He looked like he was staring at me 
When he saw that I was looking back he waved cutely and smiled his weirdly adorable eye-smile 
I shook my head as I drove back to work 
Now I kinda get what they mean by "cute"
I was greeted by all my co-workers 
They stared curiously at me 
"Yah! What are you staring at?" 
"...oh nothing, how was it?"  Lay said leaning against the counter
"It was fine" 
Then Jaehwan squealed 
"GUYS JIMIN TEXTED LOOK" I glared as literally all of them scurried to the phone 
"What's up with you guys and Jimin?
Weren't you guys afraid of delivering to him?
He doesn't seem that cool to me anyways"
Okay maybe that last part was a lie 
"He's really cool Yoongi, like amazingly cool, and we're not scared of him...just scared of losing our jobs" Jackson said trying to grab the phone
Okay that sounds dumb how can a single guy make you lose your job?!
 "He and three other guys sing and dance! Though one of them looks like a chicken when he tries to dance" Bam Bam said mumbling about some Namjoon guy
Which I've never heard of 
"He seemed dorky to me" I muttered
I ignored the rest of the conversation and continued to work 
While the others fanboyed over some text 
Though...I'm kinda curious as to what he said 
-That afternoon-
"I'm going to have you deliver to him more often" 
"Whyyyyyy?" I yelled in my pillow 
"He seems to like you" 
"Like me how?! I literally just gave him pizzas and left" 
"I actually don't know this time" Jaehwan shrugged as he rummaged through the fridge 
"Can't you let some other worker deliver to him?" 
"It's your job Yoongi, you do what you have to do" Jaehwan smiled before speaking again
"And besides aren't you a little curious about him?" 
"... I guess, those other kids are way too loud though" I muttered 
"I know" he sipped on his cup of hot chocolate and I stared at him 
"Yours is almost ready, don't stare at me like you're gonna eat me" Jaehwan laughed
I changed the channels until I grew bored and finally decided to go to sleep
I won't have to deliver to him until next week so I'm good for a couple days
-next day- 
"Whyyyyyy" I grumbled staring at Seokjin with pleading eyes 
"Hey he's still a customer" Seokjin patted my shoulder like he pitied me
"But it's a Friday! He's messing up his own routine!" 
Seokjin nodded and continued to pat my shoulder 
I know I sound like a whining baby but seriously? How much pizzas does this guy need? 
I'm probably annoying Seokjin with my whining 
But it was different because normally Jaehwan would just tell me to man up but Seokjin just nodded until I stopped whining 
"Sorry, ill stop is my job after all" 
"That's good that you realize what you have to do" he patted me once more and left to clean up tables 
"YAY IT'S YOONGI-SSI AGAIN" the Jungkook kid said yelling but this time there wasn't even loud music 
Yea the music was still there but it was quiet enough that you could speak normally 
"You are an odd kid you know that" 
"Hey! I'm an official adult, not a kid" he retorted 
"Sureeee" I nodded impatiently  
Jimin was taking forever this time 
What is he doing!? I got other places to be you know
Other places to deliver pizzas to!
The orange kid came to the door and smiled 
"Sorry Jimin lost his wallet and he can't find it" he seemed calmer then he was yesterday 
"I'm Taehyung!" And back to yelling
"Hello" I said trying to put a smile on my face 
Seokjin said even if I hated them they are still customers 
Pretty sure it looked like I was constipated though 
"You're a quiet one huh? The others would've fallen into Jimins arms willingly" another guy said from the couch 
How many people live here?!
"What do you mean?" 
"Every other guy or girl that ever delivered here has either come inside and let Jimin...."entertain" them or even "entertained" him" the guy kept using air quotes as he spoke
"Oh but you mister Yoongi, are putting up a fight, and Jimin isn't used to fighting for his prey" 
This guy has a really weird way of speaking 
"Um okay?" I said annoyed, I have no idea where this guy is going with this one sided conversation 
"So I'm saying, be careful, when Jimin wants something..." 
"Jimin gets it" Jungkook said finishing the other guys sentence 
"Exactly" the other guy stood up and walked towards me
"I'm Namjoon" 
"He's not much for conversation huh?" Taehyung said chuckling 
"I just don't like talking to strangers" 
"Hmm, here's my number then" Namjoon went for a pen and paper and scribbled down something 
"Sir I don't think Im allowed to take personal info" I said as he continued to hand me the paper
"It's just my number, plus the customer is always right, and you might need some Jimin help in the future"
"Whatever"  I muttered 
"Hey! Sorry I lost my wallet and I-" Jimin ran to the door and was interrupted by jungkook
"We already told him" 
"Oh, here then cutie" he winked at me as he handed me the money 
I counted it and saw that there was another paper with a number on it
' Here is my number hottie text me xoxo <3 
"Wonderful" I sarcastically muttered under my breath
"Thank you" I said in a monotone and walked away 
I heard Taehyung and Jungkook laugh as Jimin said and I quote
"I hate it when you go but I love watching you leave"
Who in their right mind would say something like that? 
My ears and face got hot and I wanted to walk away even faster
I squished Jimins number into a little ball and stuffed it in my pocket 
I plan to burn it over a fire 
I drove away without looking back at the apartment 
I really hope no one finds out about this 
I walked in the restaurant and was bombarded by Jaehwan 
"Dude you're supposed to be off work!" I growled as I tried to peel him off me 
"Taehyung texted me about what happened! You were gonna tell me right?" 
"No" I said stoned faced 
"Well I know anyways so ha! But seriously? Jimin gave you his number and you rejected it!?" 
"I still have it but I plan to burn it when I get the chance" 
"You aren't effected at all by him?" 
"Taehyung told me how red you got don't lie" 
Oh god please strike me with lighting 
I groaned as I hit my head on the wall
"Wouldn't you have gotten red if he said something like that to you?!" 
"Probably" he shrugged and kindly handed the lady her pizza and smiled gently 
"I hate you, please don't make me go back there again" I put my hands together and basically pleaded 
"Nope! I've never seen Jimin or you like this so I think I would like to have more fun" He dinged the bell and smiled at the kids as they paid 
Why is he working? He's supposed to be home, this dork 
"I've never hated you more then I do now" 
"You loveeeee me" 
"Go die in a hole" 
"Gladly, and ill haunt you forever as a ghost! Or a vampire! Or a zombieeeee~" I glared at Jaehwan as he pretended to be a zombie 
"You idiot" I tried to hold back my smile but failed as he attacked Wonshik 
Wonshik squeaked and fell to the ground saying 
I laughed so loud the customers got annoyed
I didn't care this was hilarious 
Wonshik got back up embarrassed and started hitting Jaehwan 
"You idiot!" His face was red and Jaehwan couldn't breathe from laughing so hard
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Chapter 7: Nothing... Smitten by ChimChim's iness that's all ;3
Chapter 6: Aww, oppa is falling ;)
Chapter 6: Its not rushed... Its cool. Since its a short fic. ;)
Chapter 5: "NO NEED TO FEAR PEASANTS! MAKNAES ARE HERE!"- I was holding my laughter so you can only imagine how I laughed after reading that line :D
The texts are so hilarious. OMG!
Chapter 4: Hahahaha...
"Now, how do I cook"- LMAO.
Chapter 3: Suga oppa!!!~ stop killing me with that attitude ;)
Chapter 2: This is so awkward yet, so hilarious. <3
Chapter 1: Oh my God!!! Suga...
Cilla_04 #9
Chapter 7: Awe!!!!!! Yoonmin is so cute!!! Awe I love caring Yoongi!
Cilla_04 #10
Chapter 6: Haha I love sana!!!!!!!! She's so adorable!!! Shy shy shy!