Breaking Up is Hard to do

The Best of Us
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“Hi, sweetie. How are you? Did you know that I love you?” Wooyoung rambled as you step into his car.

“Ummm, I’m good. How are you? You seem… happy,” You suspiciously told. Maybe I should give him another chance. It seems like he realized how he’s been acting and is finally changing.

“I am. It’s because I’m blessed to have you in my life. Not to mention, I get to call you my girlfriend so that’s gajillion times better. Have I told you how much I love you lately?” Wooyoung held your hand with his non-driving hand as you went off to school together.

You held hands all the way to school until you had to go separate ways for your first class. You texted each other during every class you didn’t see each other. It was almost like when you two first started dating. You were texting each other on your way to the class you both had together. In anyone else’s perspective, they’d find you two gross. Then you felt an arm wrap around your back.

“Hey, babe. I missed you!” Wooyoung exclaimed. You giggled which he understood as you missed him as well.

But, you grew suspicious. Even when you first two started dating, he wasn’t this clingy. You admit that you can be pretty clingy, but not to this extent. You just went along with it until you can tell him about it in person after school. Before Biology class started you mouthed, “pay attention.” To this, he texted you, “why?” This was his only AP class that he had that’s crucial to pay attention in. 

After Biology was lunch. Wooyoung usually hung out with his friends while you hung out with yours during this time. He wanted to eat lunch with you, but you told him that you promised to help your friend with the Physics homework. 

“Hi, friends,” You monotonously said. “Lucille, you ready for Physics?”

“I was, but not anymore. What’s wrong? Why aren’t you cheery?” Lucille interrogated.

“It’s just Wooyoung, it’s no big deal,” You try to pass any further questioning. As you said that, your friends turned to face you. All attention was on you at this point.

“Fine. I’ll tell you. You’re all so nosy sometimes,” You snide.

“Oh my. Sassy Sojung has appeared. This is going to be juicy,” Your friend, Ahyeon, smirks. You roll your eyes in return.

“Well, you all have to agree to let me finish the story before you comment on anything. Alright? Alright,” You didn’t give them a choice.

“Here it goes. I was going to break up with Wooyoung today because I realized that I didn’t feel important in his life and that I don’t really love him-”

“WHAAA-” Lucille covered Ahyeon’s mouth letting you continue.

“Anyways… But Wooyoung has been acting really loving today. Way more clingy than I’d ever imagine him to be actually. He’s been wanting to be physically by my side the whole day. Like, no space whatsoever,” You explained. “...You can comment now.”

“First of all, I am offended that I had to be silenced. I have my rights. I know my freedoms,” Ahyeon sassily said earning eyes rolling toward her way.

“Second of all, maybe you should give him a chance. Maybe you’ll fall in love with him as he shows his love towards you more,” Ahyeon concluded.

“I don’t know. I don’t really want to talk about it, it’s too much to handle right now. But, thanks for caring,” You genuinely thanked.

“Wait, let me say one thing before the topic is no more to be discussed...” Lucille told. “Lucille, you need to control yourself even if you know your needs. It’ll help us out big time,” Ahyeon scrunched her face at her and Lucille stuck her tongue out.

“I’m joking! Well… half-joking. One side is telling me that you should still break up with him, but the other side is telling me that you should give the relationship another chance. Ahyeon could be right,” Lucille pointed out.

“I think I’m going to talk to him about being too clingy and why he’s being clingy. I’m sure it’ll be clearer to me once I know why,” You replied with much consideration.

“Oooh! I got a text. Ahyeon, can you pass me my phone please?” You asked.

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InsfiresSwag #1
Chapter 14: This is sooo good omgr