Am I the Lucky One?

What Am I to You?                                   5gEtKRkbm4UW3gMMjZenDG.jpg




Silence fills the room as the girls stare at the picture in the middle of the table. Neither one wants to bring up a different topic or start to talk about something new.

Thoughts kept rushing through Seulgi’s head, ‘should I make something up and lie for once?’ ‘no I can’t do that it would be against my word!’ Subconsciously her hand made a fist having her nails dig into her skin because for once in her life Seulgi didn’t know what to do. It’s one of her most defining characteristics as a person who knows what to do on the spot and she couldnt think what to do.

After 10 minutes of thinking she took a deep breath ‘alright time to let it out’ she stated mentally as she readied herself to say everything she knew. “You see this bruise on my hand unnie?”

Irene tilted her head as she grabbed the latter’s hand in confusion. She stares at it for a moment wondering if it's related to her accident but nothing comes to mind. “I was involved in your accident not just a bystander” Seulgi said. “I was in the front seat of vehicle because your parents wanted me to be your photographer for the wedding.” “my injuries weren’t severe since the airbag protected most of my body except for my right hand and although I have recovered, I won’t be able to operate things with my right hand for about 5 more months even with the current therapy i’m having.

“As for Seolhyun and you in that photo I did take it but even I don’t know what happened that day at this moment here.” Seulgi breaths after what seemed a good enough explanation.

“How come you never told me seul?” Irene asks.

“Simply because I was told not to tell you and now that you know what I know, i’ll be leaving the country for awhile” Seugli shrugs.

“So now you’re in----WAIT WHAT?!” Irene stands up as Seul’s statement just hit her. “Why didn’t you tell me that you would be in trouble if you spoke about it? I would of played the clueless bunny then so that you can stay here with me!”

Irene maybe confused as someone lost in maze but she would gladly stay trapped forever inside of it if that would result in her childhood friend staying beside her.

“I can tell you more but it looks like we’re out of time” Seulgi states looking at the door. “Wait don’t go” Joohyun quickly moves her hand to grab Seulgi’s. As if on queue the door is busted down by a squadron of private soldiers owned by none of other than Irene’s family itself.

“DO NOT MOVE!” the masked soldier shouts.

Seulgi immediately grabs the hand Joohyun had reach out with and pulls a knife out from behind her shirt.

The masked soldier immediately fires 3 bullets at Seulgi who had moved her body on instinct to protect Joohyun and blocked all 3. Luckily all 3 hadn’t hit any vital organs but seulgi was bleeding nonstop as the her body caused Joohyun to trip and fall on floor with seulgi on top of her.

“Seulgi………..” Irene mumbles the other words of her statement as she in shock. She wonders why did her best friend pull a knife on her and in fact why now. ‘She didnt pull it out when I went to get water or when my back was to her why now.’

“Joohy….Joohyun unnie” Irene snaps back to reality realizing that her childhood friend is bleeding out on top of her. “08012014” Seugli mumbles…

“Remember those numbers you will need it someday” she said as giggled at how much blood she lost.

The masked soldier had called for paramedics as soon as the bullets hit their target. He knew that if info is leaked that the target was killed serious consequences were in order. He couldnt move the body from Irene Bae otherwise Kang Seulgi might die even if the wounds aren’t fatal.

“Two last things as I am sure the paramedics are almost here” Seulgi says as a grin plants itself on her face.

“Tell me quickly” Irene states hesitantly as she looks back and forth between Seulgi and the door full of armed soldiers.

“I’ll be gone for a month or 2 but it can be longer that’s for starters” Seulgi takes a quick deep breath. She moves her right hand to Irene’s cheek and cups her hand upon first touch.

“I love you Bae Joohyun” Seulgi states as she presses her lips against Irene’s.

Irene’s eyes flutter close as her lips meet Seulgi’s. She found herself replying the kiss with an unknown passion as she enjoy the taste of Seulgi’s lips, sour but sweet at the same time with an addicting flavor that just makes you want to savor it all. Unconsciously Irene’s hand had moved to Seulgi’s cheek after brushing back some loose strands of the latter’s hair.

Paramedics arrived causing a rather immediate ending to the scene in front of them with the mask soldier removing Seulgi from on top of Irene.

“Ms. Bae are you hurt anywhere” ask the soldier with a serious tone.

“I am fine why are you here?”

“Once the target had leaked the information to you we were ordered to remove her from your presence as she will be sent away to a different school under a different name so that you and her may never meet again”

“That’s not fair I asked her about it and I made her tell me why must she be punished?” She screamed at the soldier.

“Regardless she will be punished for it” soldier says sighing.

“I know you work for my parents and I have a request…..actually no a demand” Irene stands up.

“What is your order?” the soldier bows waiting to receive it.

“She will not be living under a new name and her new life will start in the US among the family she has” Irene writes as speaks in order for the soldier to deliver the message.

“Her life will be peaceful and she will not be harmed by the cooperation in addition to that if I find something wrong with her I will stop attending school altogether and shut down our cooperation.” Irene writes down the paper.

Irene turns to the masked soldier and hands the envelope with the message to give to her father. “And now as punishment for you my soldier.” Irene stares at the mask the soldier is wearing.

“What do you wish for my punishment to do my lady?” Soldier looking up while one knee.

“Stand up!”

“Yeeee...Yess….. YES SIR!” the mask soldier stands up immediately. The soldier felt the room’s temperature dropped as Irene’s eyes meet the mask. A cold rigged gaze had fallen upon the scene as the soldier knew Irene’s heart had finally gone cold with no hint of being able to return to the warmth she once had.

“Take off your helmet and reveal your mask that is your punishment as I know your men and women do not know your identity”

“But madame why am I receiving such a shameful punishment?” the mask soldier ask only to receive multiple bullets from Irene’s simple and yet deadly gaze.

“Did I say you can question my judgement upon your actions of firing your gun in a non firing zone I might add” Irene crosses her arms as she looks upon the soldier tensing up. “Now remove your helmet and mask immediately.” Irene looks at the soldier with a straight face.

“As you wish” the soldier slowly takes off the helmet to reveal a head full of long beautiful hair that stops just before her soldier. She pulls down the mask and reveals her face only to leave Irene even deeper in confusion.

“WHY DID YOU DO IT HUH?! Irene ran towards the soldier only the grab the collar pull the person towards her to show how angry she is. “GOD YOU BETTER GIVE ME GOOD REASON WHY YOU DID THIS!” Irene kept shouting to no avail as the soldier wouldn’t answer her demands.



Irene immediately forms a right hand and punches the soldier leaving an imprint on the cheek




A/N: Sorry I took so long to update I forgot I had finals for the past 2 weeks so starting this story was not the greatest of ideas but ill be done soon and will try to keep up with my posting as much as possible since I'll be going away to none other than KOREA!!!! My cousin and I have been planning this for about a year now and we got enough to go! I will do my best to keep up with the story and any holes you find should be explained as things go and dont forget to comment and you can be a silent reader which is cool too (because thts me too lol) Enjoy your summers and I will see you guys in the next chapter.

Kura Out~~~

*heaving breathing* 

"Did we miss him yet?"


"Well this frustrating"

"Hey you do u know where fagrvffncaiufcnaifubhaduibhaodshyif"

"Stop it we arent suppose to talk to them"


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Wow wow where is the wenrene tag? Sooo seulrene???? When it's seulrene wow yes juhuui
18 streak #2
Chapter 4: im an idiot ladies and gentlemen and the reason why is bc I didnt pay attention at all to my own poll and forgot the various ship names and the ppl involved and now looking back at it feel like an idiot

sry guys ik most of u would like seulrene/wengi aka seuldy (based on vote) and lucky for u guys i've got material for all of that (hence the long update period between the story chapters)
Oh man 15 votes for wenrene? ;( but but but Seulrene?!
18 streak #4
Chapter 3: After the 5th chapter ill be doing some monologues for some of the characters that have been introduced
Vote for who u want to have it down below
u can vote for ppl who havent introduced but know tht their mono will come later
u can also give suggestion as to wht events will help irene regain her memory
mokimoki #5
Chapter 3: Seulrene please!!!!!
18 streak #6 <==vote for your favorite pairing here

only the top two pairings will become official in the end as the pieces are being put back together from this poll

other pairings ill decide on during the process
however this will not be the only poll tht comes your way!! You have been warned :)