
Read if u like to screm for da gheis

“Moonbyul makes me unstraight.” Wheein says.

(yes I know unstraight is not a word but this is crack so now it is)

Yongsun raises an eyebrow. “Unstraight is not a word.”

“Well in this fanfic it is.” Hyejin counters out of nowhere.


“Breaking the fourth wall.” Hyejin shoots a web out of her fingernail and flies out the window.

Yongsun helplessly watches as Hyejin flies into a dumpster.  She turns to face Wheein. “Unstraight -you mean bent?”

“If you mean bent by she can bend me over anytime then yes,”

“Wheein please just,” A headache begins to form. “Stop.”

“No u need to know that I am unstraight for Moonbyul.”

“The word is bent.”

“Maybe for u grandma but we live in modern society now.”

“I’m only 26.”

“Tell that to your 3 gray hairs on your head.”

“Wheein please”

“But yes I am unstraight for Moonbyul”

“why do u keep saying that” Yongsun whines.

“because she a hoe” Wheein picks up a hoe. “The gardening kind.”

“Is this really English?”

“no we don’t know English but the author cant write Korean and her audience might not understand Korean either so…”

“so are we speaking Korean… or English…”

“…I don’t know…”

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Chapter 2: It's so random.lol I love it!
Chapter 2: Lmao!
Chapter 2: this is crazy .... haha ! i like it
Chapter 1: looool! so random and good. love when the 4th wall is broken
Chapter 1: Heck yeah i like to screm for da gheis! And the last part will forever be a mystery
Chapter 1: were u okay when u wrote this :))) anyway good crack fic hahaha thanks
justanother-reader- #7
Chapter 1: XD.... Is hwasa okay?!?
Well this is interesting Mhmmmm mm even from the title itself got me curious
Chapter 1: What did you... XD.. I can't this is too much, my stomach hurts now.
pinkcuddles1 #10
Chapter 1: Haha author-nim, did you have one too many drinks when you wrote this? xD Lmao, for some reason I laughed more than I shouldve especially at the hoe part and at the post title.