
Sweet Couple, Adorable Twins

Jaehwan is humming while waiting the twins to finish their class outside the kindergarten. After five minutes of waiting, he pouts at the boredom and pulls out his phone, decides to play some game while waiting.

After waiting for another five minutes, the bell finally rings and Jaehwan immediately exit the game and places his phone back into his packet.

“Ummaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” the twins chorus and run into their mother’s arms.

“Babies~ did you two have fun today?” Jaehwan asks and pecks the twins.

The twins nod and giggle. Jaehwan then helps the kids to get into the car.

“Umma~ What did you cook for lunch?” Hongbin asks and pats his empty stomach, he is hungry from running and playing around at the kindergarten.

“Umma didn’t cook lunch today” Jaehwan answers, still focus on road and driving.

The twins whine loudly in the car. “I’m hungry!” Wonshik exclaims and pouts.

“Me too!!” Hongbin exclaims and crosses his arm.

“Boys, calm down. Did you two forget what day today is?” Jaehwan chuckles and comforts the kids, he feels like his eardrums going to burst if the twin continue whining and yelling in the car.

The twin finally calms down for a while to process their mother’s question in their small brain.

“Today is…” Wonshik begins.

“FRIDAY!!!!!!!” Hongbin finishes the sentence for his twin brother.

“So are we going to appa?” Wonshik asks with a smile. Jaehwan nods to his question and the twin sequels in happiness.

It is their weekly routine. Every Friday after Jaehwan picks up the kids, he will drive to his husband’s office to pick up the elder then they will have lunch together then go home together since Taekwoon only works for half day on Friday.

Jaehwan gives a call to his husband as he reaches.


“I’m here. The twins with me”

“Appa!!! We are here” the twin screams.

10 minutes later, Taekwoon walks out from the building and his eyes immediately locates his husband’s car. He runs over to the car, smiling brightly as he will be seeing his family soon.

“Hi babe” Taekwoon says and leans over to peck his husband as he enters the car.

“Hi hyung” Jaehwan greets shyly.

“appa!” the twins greet with a smile.

“hi boys” Taekwoon answers with a loving smile.

“What are we having for lunch?” Taekwoon asks as he puts on the seatbelt.

“We haven’t decide yet. Do you have any idea?” Jaehwan replies.

“Hmm.. Lets go have some meat. You said you wanted to have it, right?” Taekwoon asks and places his hand on his husband’s tight.

Jaehwan smiles and nods, turning to the left towards the direction of the restaurant.

As soon as they reach the restaurant, the twins can’t wait to get off from the car. They keep whining that they are starving.

They walk into the restaurant, each of them carrying one of the twins.

“Wonshikie, stop playing with your chopsticks. Hongbinie, sits properly” Jaehwan asks the twins to behave themselves when Taekwoon is ordering their food.

“Boys.” Taekwoon says in a stern and low voice and the kids immediately behave themselves. Although Taekwoon is a gentle father, he can be a scary father when he is angry.

Taekwoon smiles almost immediately when Jaehwan takes a seat beside him, he places his hand on his husband’s thigh again and Jaehwan’s hand goes under the table to hold his husband’s hand.

“MEATTTTT!” Wonshik exclaims excitedly as he sees the waiter serves them those meat.

“Sweetie. They are still raw. Wait for a while and appa will give them to you” Taekwoon says and starts grilling the meat while Jaehwan feeds the boys with some side dishes.

“Okay. The meat is done. Who wants the first piece of meat?” Taekwoon asks as he picks up the meat with his chopsticks.

Hongbin immediately does aegyo and smile brightly at his father and he earns the first piece of meat with his aegyo.

“What about me?” Wonshik asks and pouts, points at his empty plate. Taekwoon chuckles and places some pieces of meat for the elder twin.

“Here” Taekwoon says and feeds his husband with some meat in which Jaehwan accepts it shyly.

“How are you still so shy?” Taekwoon chuckles and asks.

Jaehwan pouts and decides to ignore his husband or else the elder will keep teasing him.

“Are you guys full?” Taekwoon asks as he sees his sons and husband already stop eating, leaving him alone who is still eating non stop.

The other three nod and Jaehwan reaches over to wipe the kids’ dirtied hands and faces.

“Lets go” Taekwoon says as he is done eating and leads his family out of the restaurant.

The drive to their home is a cheerful yet noisy drive. The twins are singing loudly along the songs while playing with toys. The kids are so noisy that Taekwoon can’t hear what Jaehwan is trying to say during the drive.

The kids run to the door as they get down from the car. However, neither of them manage to open it. Jaehwan laughs and opens the door for the kids. If not, it will take forever for the kids to reach the door knob.

The twins immediately run to their room and change into some shorts and shirts.

“Umma, we want to take a nap” Hongbin says as he enters the living room with his twin brother. Both of them are holding their favourite plushie tightly.

“Then lets all take a nap together” Taekwoon announces and puts away his phone.

Jaehwan looks at him with curious. Yet, he still follows his husband wordlessly with the twins.

Taekwoon opens the door of his and Jaehwan’s bedroom.

“Go in. We all will take a nap together here” he says and the twins run into the room and climb up the bed while giggling.

“Lets all sleep together. Our bed is big enough to fit all of us” Taekwoon says and pecks his husband’s forehead. Jaehwan nods and joins the twins on the bed.

“Sleep well. My three babies” Taekwoon says and places the blanket lightly on them. He then lays beside his son and soon fall asleep, joining his family to take a nap.

Enjoy reading :D

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shafiqah_tatsmato #1
Chapter 26: Authornim~~~ please update more chapter.. i want to read more about this family
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 26: Aww I missed this sweet family :3
Happiness03 #3
thank you for coming back♡♡♡
It doesnt matter how long the chapter you're posted, the important one is u're here kkkkkkk~
Chapter 26: Thank you for updating, need to read more bout this little family ;)
amyhanny3 #5
Chapter 26: Miss you Authornim... Take your time dear... I'll be waiting...:-)
Happiness03 #6
Chapter 25: very very very very very cute awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww XD need more their cuteness kkkkkkkkk ^_^
Chapter 25: i want little wonsik and beannie in real life ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ uber cuteeeeee
KTsuki-chan #8
Chapter 25: Twins really means double the trouble, double the happiness x)
I believe in the strong link between twins, it's way more powerful than simple siblings...
As always, our two cuties are together... x3
KTsuki-chan #9
Chapter 24: I swear again you're going to be attacked by endless comments full a "awwwwww", hearts, and all XD
They are just the incarnation of cuteness >_<
Sojin, you're way too insignifiant to weakened their love, so shoo~~
Happiness03 #10
Chapter 24: Awwwwwwwwww as always ♡ perfect ♡.♡
Cuteeeee adorable awwwwwwww totally like thissss!!!