
Alone isn't where I want to be



word count: 1149



Monitor screens, paper works, clients, more paper works, Headaches and more paper works were a part of Seungcheol's daily life.
Waking up alone, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner alone, Cleaning the house, Sleeping alone in bed the parts of Jihoon's.

Seungcheol should be glad that he has a high rank on their office, he gets to make more than enough money for him and Jihoon.

He wakes up every day to a sleeping Jihoon. Seungcheol always thinks his husband's the most beautiful being on earth, but sometimes the weight of the stress on work Seungcheol has, ends up being released on Jihoon.

If their friends ask if Seungcheol was a good husband, Jihoon would always say yes.

But Seungcheol knows deep in him that he's not.

Jihoon waits in the dining table as always, just in case Seungcheol would come home early, but yet again he didn't. Jihoon ate the dinner he made and wrapped up Seungcheol's placing it on the counter with a sticky note.

The boy was sitting on the couch reading a book when Seungcheol stumbled in the door. Shoulders dropped, carrying his suitcase.

The man took of his coat, loosening his tie.

Jihoon ran to welcome Seungcheol but only to be ignored.

"Uh, Seungcheol, I'll heat dinner up, if you want." Jihoon said getting the man's coat. He only received a shake of the head as a reply before Seungcheol went in his office.  


Jihoon couldn't sleep, Seungcheol's still at his office, working.

He got up, from the bed, giving up on sleeping. Jihoon went to the kitchen heating up the food for Seungcheol. He can't continue not eating dinner.

Jihoon knocked at the door, his hands sweating.

There came no reply.

"Seungcheol?" He said deciding to peek in. There sat the older male, as expected, still working. "Here's dinner."

"No, thanks," Seungcheol said impatiently.

"I heated it up-" Before he can finish Jihoon was cut of by a slam if a hand on the table.

"Dear God, Jihoon." Seungcheol said his voice loud "How many times do I have to say that I don't want the ing food?"

Jihoon just stood there, head low, his knees shaking.

"Now, that I made It clear, will you please leave me alone."

"Sorry." he said, His shaky voice small. He went outside placing the food back on the counter covering it back up. He placed two sticky notes on the floor in front of Seungcheol's office. The first one saying 'I'm Sorry' and the second one 'I won't do it again.'

Seungcheol ruffled his hair in frustration as he sat back down.


Jihoon's tears were falling down, he's still in the kitchen, he doesn't know what to do. He just wants his husband to be happy and healthy but somehow he does the opposite. He can't help blaming himself. He's supposed to release Seungcheol from stress but to Jihoon it feels like he's adding more. The younger drags his feet to their room, making his way to the bathroom, getting ready to sleep. He looked at his reflection in the white-framed mirror.

His nose and cheeks were already red. He washed his face with cold water, but they were still red. His bangs now sticking to his forehead, His brown hair was a mess, so he brushed it with his fingers.

Jihoon changed into comfortable clothes, going under the blanket. When he lays down he can't help but thinks of Seungcheol. And his tears finding its way back to roll down his cheeks.

He feels tired now, Inside and out. He wants to rest but he couldn't sleep so he just closed his eyes.


Seungcheol heard the bedroom door close, which means Jihoon's about to sleep.

About an hour later he opened his door, wanting to rest, but he sees notes sticked on the floor. He reads it and Jihoon's handwriting was so familiar.

Jihoon always cares about him, even if he shouts at him so much.

His heart ached when he saw Jihoon looking down earlier before he left, his shoulders shaking when he closed the door.

He goes to the kitchen, and the food was still there.

'Please eat it, when you get hungry.  -Jihoon' was written on the sticky note on top of it. He eats it, and Jihoon's food was always good, even if its cold.


He walked to the bedroom, seeing his husband already in bed, his body, small on the large bed.

Seungcheol also changes into sleep-ware, climbing on the bed. He looked at Jihoon's neck then his hair.

He goes close to him, hugging his from the back, and feeling Jihoon flinch, he knew the boy was still awake. It kind of made Seungcheol sad and guilty when Jihoon flinched because, Jihoon wasn't supposed to be scared of Seungcheol.  

"Jihoon?" He said, More than a hundred times more gentler than the last time Jihoon heard it. "I'm sorry I keep shouting at you and making you cry."

Then the latter tuned around, facing Seungcheol. His eyes still glossy and his face--warm.

"Seungcheol?" Jihoon whispered, his honey dipped voice barely audible.

"Yes, Jihoon?"

"I love you." Jihoon cried his voice still small. "I'm so sorry."

Seungcheol's heart just wanted to escape. He didn't want Jihoon to cry like this. He doesn't deserve to cry like this.

"Please don't say sorry." Seungcheol said "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I love you so much, yet, I made you cry. Im so sorry, Jihoon. Please don't leave me alone. I love you so much. It hurts so much when you cry." Seungcheol said, he himself crying "You don't annoy me Jihoon, You make me happy. I'm so sorry I failed to make you feel how important you are to me."

"I love you, Seungcheol." Jihoon said more tears rolling down. What he missed the most was this. Him in Seungcheol's arms, and Seungcheol saying he loves him. "I love you so much. I can't ever leave you alone."

"Please don't, Jihoon." Seungcheol said. Jihoon never got mad at him, never shouted at him, never told him to leave. "I don't deserve it but, please don't ever leave me."

"I won't ever leave you alone." Jihoon said, still in Seungcheol's arms.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Seungcheol looked down to get a view of the other's pretty face. Jihoon's eyes sparkle, and he swears it's the prettiest sight he's seen. He leans in, pressing his lips on the others, Jihoon's lips were warm and soft. How much, Seungcheol missed it. Seungcheol's hands just held on to the others cheek and Jihoon's were pressed gently on Seungcheols chest, feeling the fast beating of the older's heart.

They didn't let go of each other until they desperately needed air.

Jihoon smiled and to Seungcheol it felt like seeing the sur right after a heavy storm.

"Lee Jihoon, I love you."

"I love you too."

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raebmonster #1
Chapter 1: O h m y g o d n e s s
Sugaaabiased #2
God I love your Jicheol stories. BUT DAMN DIGGING MY GRAVE GOT ME MESSED UP.
Altariaaa #3
Chapter 1: This so cute and emotional(?). I cried T.T
swagxxo #4
Chapter 1: IM CRYING OMG its so beautiful
Chapter 1: This ending is so cute! Great job author-nim ^.^
Julie1 #6
Oh my Jisoo this was so freaking cute but like it gave me a heartache im so confused on how to feel ㅠㅠ it was great!!