
Umbrella Love


[Narrator’s POV]

Hearing those words from Yonghwa’s mouth, Seohyun’s heart fluttered.

It caused her to look at him and thoughts played in her mind as to how to thank him for doing such thing and also for worrying or caring, whatsoever, to her.


From thinking too much, her mind couldn’t handle it.

She mentally blocked and is unaware of what she’s doing, though she can hear the sounds of Fireworks.


She walked closer to Yonghwa, whose watching the fireworks display.

Seohyun leaned her face to Yonghwa and was about to kiss him on the cheeks when Yonghwa turned to her side and their lips accidentally met each other.


Suddenly Seohyun’s heart pounded really fast and she regain her consciousness to the world.

Yonghwa who’s really shocked at what happened froze and his eyes are like the eyes of an owl.

More like, it’s bigger than that, it looks like it’s going to pop out.


They heard nothing but their own heart pounding really fast.

Neither of them backed away to broke the kiss.

Seohyun who doesn’t know what’s happening blinked her eyes many times.

Until, it all registered in her mind.


[Seohyun’s POV]


I didn’t know what happened, all I knew was that I was already in front of Yonghwa and our lips are attached.







I blinked my eyes, like hundredths of times.

Lips? Attached?

My eyes wandered down and there it is.

Our lips are attached?

My eyes widened.

What the kdjhguue97t4upugfuorgr!!!!

What the hell happened?!!!


 I quickly backed away and looked down on the concrete ground, feeling so embarrassed and ashamed.

I felt my cheeks getting hot and my heartbeat’s pounding faster than ever that I think it would explode.

IT WOULD!!! I can feel it.!  If I stay longer here!!

My mind is malfunctioning. I didn’t know what to do.


“I.. I’m s-sorry!” I said as I walked away without even bothering to look at him.


How could i?

After I did such a thing?!

Nah-ah! No way even if you gave me millions of sweet potatoes and keroro!.

And why did I even do such a thing?!!

Am I already out of my mind?!!


You’re already going nuts just because of…….. I stopped walking.


“because of?” I questioned myself and think of a possible answer.


But what really is the answer… Someone!!!



The hell!! What are you even thinking of it!

Argh!! This is TOOOO embarrassing!!!!!

Look what I just did!!!

Waaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I wanna die!!!! Like RIGHT NOW!! PLEASE!!

 I cried in my head as I messed with my hair harshly when suddenly I heard someone calling out my name.


I looked back to see Yonghwa following me.

I blushed even harder and walked again to get away from him.


“Seohyu-.. HEY WAIT!” he yelled and tried to catch up with me.

But whenever he’s nearing to me I always walk even faster, though he just never gave up.



Now, it looks like were racing in walking.

People looking at as like we are some idiots.

Like I care! I need to get away from him, quickly!


I don’t even know how I looked like now.  Erm maybe…

My hair’s all messed up.

My face, I dunno? Maybe, as red as potato.

And sweats are already showing up.


“Seo-hyun, s…stop.. walking” he said while panting hard.

He’s tired from catching up with me.


This is my chance! I shouted in my mind as I bit mt bottom lip and go for the run, leaving yonghwa around.


I heard his voice many times calling out my name but I ignored it.

Sorry Yonghwa-ah. I apologized in my mind as I frown.

When I couldn’t hear any of his voice I slowed down and also calmed down.


But just the thought of what happened earlier makes me all uneasy.

I touched my lips by my index finger and mumbled. “my.. first..k…kiss..”

That’s when I had a glimpse of the time on my wrist watch and my eyes popped out.

“8 pm?!!!” I shouted out loud making people look at me in the weirdest way and I immediately apologize.


After I put down my arm the rain started to pour.

“The weather’s good a while ago.” I said to myself as I looked at the sky.

I sighed and run AGAIN as the rain gets heavy.

I went to a waiting shed and rests there for a while.


“fuuuuuu… at least I got away from him.” I muttered.

“From who?” someone asked but I didn’t bother to look at that person.

“Yonghwa.”  I answered.

“hmmm.. why?” that someone curiously asked. I got annoyed; I don’t really like being asked, especially if it’s a stranger.

“because he and I-” I gasped and haven’t finished my sentence when I faced that person and saw that it WASN’T a STRANGER but instead it’s YONGHWA.


How did he…

When was he…

What is he…

My mind can’t even finish my own questions because I WAS SURPRISED.

I quickly turned around and walked away but he caught my left wrist and twirls me around to face him.

My eyes met his and there goes my heart again. Beating like there’s no tomorrow and my whole face turned pink.

I became all stiff just by his touch.

I don’t know what’s happening to me anymore.


Then, Yonghwa’s mouth opened.

“Why are you walking away from me?” he asked in a serious way.

What kind of question is that? It’s like he didn’t even know what happened awhile ago?

“be..because I need to g..go home, fast.” I lied and looked away.

Well, it’s partly the truth. I need to go home cause I know oppa’s really worried now.

“I’ll walk you home.” He said as he open his umbrella. I looked backed at him with a HUH look.

“well, you can’t just kept on running under the rain.” He paused. “you don’t even have umbrella with you and mostly……. I can’t let you walk by yourself.” He sincerely said.

I didn’t respond to him. I just felt a feeling that this guy in front of me cares a lot to me.



So yeah… I accept his invitation and get under his umbrella.

We walked in complete silence and awkwardness until I broke it.

“I’m sorry.” I spat.

“for what?”

“well, you know… the…. Uhh… kiss.” I stammered as I scratch the back of my neck.

The last word, well I kind of whispered it.

It’s embarrassing ya know! To say that WORD.

“umm.” He replied and the silent and awkward atmosphere came back again.


Soon, we reached my house and well, we bid goodbye.

But before I open the door I called him.

“Yonghwa-shi! Kamsahamnida for today!”I shouted shyly and he looked at me.

Well, even though I’m ashamed of what I did, I still need to thank him.

 “Ne.” he said and smiled gently that made my heart race, AGAIN.

I walked inside my house and leaned on the door as I calm my heart.

Seriously? What’s happening to me?

I stayed there for awhile while thinking of a conclusion.

I looked at my hands and touched my lips.

And who would have thought that I smiled like an idiot as I remember what happened today.



this whole day is somewhat unbearable, right?



It’s a lot of embarrassing moments……









Actually I thought it was kind of….




Err.. romantic?



Kyaaaaahhh!! What am I thinking?!!!



I stopped for a moment and mumbled something that I didn’t expect that would actually come out from my own mouth.













“maybe, I…... like him.”



Well, I mean. It’s just a “like” not a “love”.

Well, who wouldn’t love a guy like him?


I guess no one, right?

It wouldn’t hurt to like him, right?


Well, maybe let’s get to a friend degree. THAT’s all.  I was on the midst of thinking when my phone vibrated, signaling that someone’s calling me.

I answered it and Taeyeon’s voice erupted, saying sorry and all.

That she would clear all the misunderstanding about the boyfie thingy to my classmates.

I smiled and forgave her.

Well, I’m not actually mad at her from the very start.

She sounded so happy from the other line and we hung up.




I was about to walked to the living room when I stepped onto something and picked it up.


what’s this? a letter?

I continued walking as I reached the living room to be greeted by a worried, really worried man, pacing back and forth as he kept on biting his nails.

“oppa, I’m home!” I announced.

Wookie oppa hurriedly run at me and hugged me.

“my gosh seohyun! Where have you been? Do you know what time is it?  Do you know that I’m really worried? I even call a police.” He said in a worried manner as his eyes became teary.

I stared at him in disbelief when I heard the last sentence. “You what?”

“you called a police?” I continued and he just nods.

I sighed and pat his back.

Yup, I told you so. My oppa’s realy really worried that he even called the police station. :D


“oppa, it’s only 8:25 in the evening and I’m already 17, you don’t need to call a police like I’m lost or something.” I said to him.


“no buts, now oppa, I’m hungry~ what’s for dinner?” I asked and I saw him sulked.

What’s with our situation?

“oppa~” I called him but he just pout. I sighed heavily.

“I’m sorry, I’ll never make you worry again.” I said this time I’m the one who’s pouting while he’s smiling.


Then I remembered.

“oh, right. Oppa, I found a let-” I was cut off when I showed him a paper and he hurriedly snatched it from me. “ter?”



I was left, Confused at something when oppa runs to his room, like Flash as a smile was plastered in his face.








What’s with him?




author: that turned out well, i guess? *grins at seohyun*

seohyun: *smacks*

author: what's that for?!

seohyun: why'd you let me do that,?!! do you kno- *hides quickly*

(yonghwa walks in)

author: ohohohoho,, I see. *smirked*

yonghwa: *looking around* where's Seohyun? 



aigoo~~ sorry for the very late update.. XD

this was already written 2 days ago but i don't have time to update it..

anyway.. here it is..


enjoy reading..

subscribe and comment..


I love reading comments.. :D

thank you for patiently waiting for this late chapter.. 



author: what shall i do to you next? *looks at seohyun*

seohyun:nothing! *crossed arms*

author: i see, that you're already falling or are you already? *grins*

seohyun: am not! (>////<)

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Chapter 12: Update soon~.!!:D
LuckyPui #2
@venusiukaanchovy haha,,you'll know later about the letter.. hha or not.. hha
wahahaha! this is great!! they CHU CHU CHU~ HAHAHAHAHA!
what's with that letter?! xD haha.
update. :D
bibilicious1598 #4
yadayy ln yn.. hbu pkita ung subs
yo! at last you updated! heee. love it!! :))))) <3
tthnguyen #6
She gave him a kiss on the cheek!! ^^
Update Soon!!
magdal #7
awwwwwww how sweet! sweetness overload!!!
tthnguyen #8
update soon!!
Lizzzy12 #9
yeah!! yongseo <3 gaah been looking for a fic about them ^_^
LuckyPui #10
sorry guys.. I think I might not be able to update..
i was supposed to update yesterday, but something came up.

been very busy this days and i don't really have..
also our oral defense is nearing so I guess you'll just have to wait..

sorry, but I'll make it up to you when I have time.. kay?