.. an angel?..

Umbrella Love


Seohyun’s  POV


I sat down and settled the books on the table, and guess what?

I saw Yonghwa sitting sleeping in front of me.

My eyes widened and I giggled at that moment.


Who would have thought that he would be here just to take a nap? :)  I thought.

But ya know he looks soooo angelic…


“is he an angel?” I whispered under my breath while staring at him.


Minutes have passed and I didn’t notice it.

I was so drown in my own world with him.

But reality just slapped me.


Yah, Seohyun!! Stop staring at him!! Do you want to melt him?!!


So I straighten myself up and started reading the book entitled “ALL ABOUT SWEET POTATOES”.



But I can’t focus at all.

I tried so hard not to look at him but I just can’t.

Part of my brain tells me to look at him and the other one tells the opposite.


Ahh.. what do I do?!!

Sweet potato or yonghwa?

Pick one..


Ahh.. this is soo hard.

Can’t I pick both?



Oh, what the heck!

I know that sweet potato is delicious,

But Yonghwa looks delicious too.



Sorry sweet potato.. it’s just for a while.


So I again stared to yonghwas sleeping face,

Using the sweet potato book to cover my face.

So that no one would notice what I’m doing.


I know that this is kinda embarrassing but you can’t blame me.

I’m out of control, just staring at him makes my heart skip a beat.

And I’m kinda liking it?


Now that I think of it… aren’t I acting like a stalker?

NO!! I’m just staring at him! That’s all!!!

Wait! Is staring secretly to a person a work of a stalker?!!



But…. I don’t have any feeling at this guy….




Do I?..


Urgh…. Stop thinking things like that.!



As I stare at this guy in front of me who’s making his arms as a pillow while he sleeps.

I realized how imperfect his face was.

But how come he still looks so handsome?


“Maybe he really is an angel after all.” I muffled as I smile at him.




“mhmm…” he moan as he turn his head to the other side.


Aaawwww~~~ soo cute…~

 I think I’m gonna have a nosebleed..

He looks cute and y when he’s asleep. I lazily smile at myself and rested my chin on my palm.


But a feeling of guilt possessed me when I saw a wound at his left arm.

Maybe it came from that Friday night when they saved me.


I frowned and my eyes became teary.

I didn’t even notice that my right hand reached his wound and caressed it.


“i-I’m sorry. It’s m-my fault that y-youv’e got t-this wound.” I stutterly said and my tears started to fall.

I brushed my tears harshly and I unintentionally awaked him.


He yawned first and rubbed his eyes.

“oh.. S-seohyun-shii” he said in a sleepy voice.

“are you crying?” he asked confused when he saw me brushing my tears away.


“huh? What are you saying?

Me? Crying? Na-ah..

it’s just because of the dust.. the DUST.” I lied to him and I faked a smile so that he won’t notice it.


“oh~” he replied innocently.


OH MY GOSH!!!  Such cuteness.. I can’t take it!!..

“ahh… I’ll go now…” I said.

Cause if I stay a little bit longer I think I might him-

oh I mean, I might do something weird right here, right now.


“wait! Let’s go together.” He said.


Eh? Did he just say TOGETHER?

I stopped for a moment.


Well, since I can’t refuse I answered.. “o-ok.”


Yah! Seohyun, what would happen if somebody misunderstands it.?.

Ahh.. you’re soo stupid.

Is it just me who’s thinking that I’m becoming a little bit stupid…


When I’m with him?


What the—don’t mind what I just said.

Silly me.


Thankfully class is already over and there are only few students left.

“wooohh…” I let out a big sigh of relief.



And who would have thought that I and yonghwa would walk side by side.

Well, at least not HHWW. Oh, bummer. Do I wanna do it with him? NO!! I guess?


As we were walking at the schools corridor I saw a vending machine with SWEET POTATO JUICE.

When I saw it, I think angle’s just song.

Something like.. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~


My eyes sparkled and I think I just drooled.

“I want one.” I mumbled as I bit my index finger.

I looked at yonghwa and asked him. “what do you want? It’s my treat.”

“no, I’m fine.” He refused making me little bit sad but I didn’t show that.


Instead,..” aawww~~ come one~~” I gave him my aegyo.

“It’s my thank you gift for you.”


He just looked at me.

Come on, please work!!.


And then he looked at the vending machine.

“then, I want this one.” he said while pointing at the……




When I heard that it makes me feel overwhelmed.

Does he also like sweet potato?

What a coincidence.


So, I smiled at him and inserted coins than I picked 2 sweet potato juice.


When I lend him his juice he didn’t grab it.

So, it made me feel down.

“yah, do want it or not?” I asked while pouting.


“do you really want to thank me?” he asked me and I just nod.


He gets his juice and suddenly grabbed my hands.

“Then, come with me.” He said happily as he dragged me out of our school.



Where is he taking me?!!




Yonghwa: did you really just stared at me? like... ahh.. the whole time?

Seohyun: ....... ah--

Author: Silence means YES!!

Seohyun: yah! let me finish!!...  ahh... actually,, not the whole time.. >///< .. why'd you ask.?

Yonghwa: oh? is that so? >///< .. nothing...

seohyun: ahh.. ok.. .>///<

Author: what are you guys being shy about, huh?


yeah,, so i didn't know that i would update soon.. lolz..


I'm sorry if you may get confused to my writting.. hehe..

I'll try to do it more properly.. XD


Thanks Couz for supporting me.. hehe.. Yabyatz.. <3


soo,,, enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next one.. keke..


please don't forget to leave a commenta and subscribe.. :)


Seohyun: are you plotting something? cause, i think i just heard you laughed evil.

author: I always plot something. so just wait for the next chapter.. and I know you'll like it.

Seohyun: I knew it! you better be sure or i'll smack you..

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Chapter 12: Update soon~.!!:D
LuckyPui #2
@venusiukaanchovy haha,,you'll know later about the letter.. hha or not.. hha
wahahaha! this is great!! they CHU CHU CHU~ HAHAHAHAHA!
what's with that letter?! xD haha.
update. :D
bibilicious1598 #4
yadayy ln yn.. hbu pkita ung subs
yo! at last you updated! heee. love it!! :))))) <3
tthnguyen #6
She gave him a kiss on the cheek!! ^^
Update Soon!!
magdal #7
awwwwwww how sweet! sweetness overload!!!
tthnguyen #8
update soon!!
Lizzzy12 #9
yeah!! yongseo <3 gaah been looking for a fic about them ^_^
LuckyPui #10
sorry guys.. I think I might not be able to update..
i was supposed to update yesterday, but something came up.

been very busy this days and i don't really have..
also our oral defense is nearing so I guess you'll just have to wait..

sorry, but I'll make it up to you when I have time.. kay?