How was your first time?

Hold Me Tight - (VKook/BTS)

Ⓙungkook stayed with Taehyung for the rest of the weekend to keep him company. He also visited his mother as Jungkook had to work on Saturday evening, and that’s when the blond male decided to visit his last family member he had left; he also felt guilty for not having visited her in a while as he’s been quite distracted lately, but he didn’t want to make excuses. He did in all honesty forget about her for a couple of days, and he felt bad when he was standing over her bed, looking at her beautiful peaceful sleeping face… If only she’d wake up soon, Taehyung thought. He’d be really truly happy if she woke up. He missed hearing her voice - her voice that wasn’t just heard over videos or records, but actually her real life voice. He missed hugging her when she’d hug him back. He missed having a conversation with her, or just looking at her eyes when they were open.


Just the sight of her made him tear up, but he had cried so much yesterday he felt like he was empty with tears by now.


For the rest of the weekend, the two males spent more time together as usual. Jungkook just told his family he’d be staying out with him and they allowed it, although Taehyung was sure he hadn’t told them they were more than just friends, or they probably would’ve reconsidered it, but if Jungkook didn’t want to tell them yet, he obviously didn’t have to. Not if it meant the chances of him not being allowed to be with him shrank.


Taehyung was indeed jealous about the whole thing: he wanted to be able to talk to his mom when it came to relationships. He wanted her to be the first person he’d tell when he came out of the closet. He wanted her to be the first person he introduced Jungkook as his boyfriend to.


But he just had to accept the truth. The hard truth that she was still in coma, fighting for her life to stay alive, and he appreciated her spirit to go on instead of giving up and leaving everything up to him. He knew she loved him dearly, and that she’d always fight for him when she could.


Jungkook came up from behind Taehyung as grabbed his hand to hold onto whilst they both stood over her bed, hoping to see something happen; hoping for a miracle.


“Hello Mrs Kim,” Jungkook bowed politely, causing Taehyung to smile at his actions. “I’m Jeon Jungkook, but you already know that,” he chatted like she was awake, which made Taehyung happy as he knew she meant a lot to him. “But what you probably don’t know is that I’m very close to your son, Taehyung. He’s such a good friend, and I love him. And I don’t just love him as my friend, but I do really love him.” Jungkook turned towards the other and planted a kiss on his cheek.


He motioned for Taehyung to continue the talking. “Yeah, actually, we’re together,” he smiled, glancing at his boyfriend who smiled proudly at him with a nod. “I really like him, so I’m hoping you will too. We’re happy together, and I hope you’ll wake up soon so I can introduce the two of you.”


Taehyung knew if he kept on ranting, he’d end up crying again, and therefore ended it shortly by giving his mother a light kiss on the forehead, and not long after Jungkook’s shift ended, and they went back home to his house.


On Sunday night Jungkook was forced back to his house by his parents, but Taehyung didn’t mind and said he’d manage. And when Monday followed after, everything went back to how it always was when it came to the school.


The day started as usual when Taehyung walked up to his locker to get his books out, and he actually mentally counted, and when he hit zero, Hoseok came up to him with his usual happy grin. “Hello Tae,” he greeted as nudged him slightly on the shoulder, which Taehyung only smiled to and nodded back to him. “Wait, did you just greet me back? Who are you and what have you done to Taehyung?” Hoseok kept on going with his usual jokes and humour, although he was right: Taehyung didn’t really usually greet him back, although he hadn’t noticed before now. Sometimes he even wondered why Hoseok wanted to stay friends with him when all he did was to treat him like he was invincible, or just think of Jungkook and become completely absorbed whenever he was around. It was kind of embarrassing thinking back like that, but Taehyung was glad he was changing to the better.


“You seem a bit down,” Hoseok commented as they were waiting for their teacher. “Did something happen this weekend?”


“I’m the opposite, actually,” Taehyung smiled at him, “Jungkook and I spent the weekend together, but we visited my mom on Saturday, and she’s been on my thoughts a lot lately, so that must be the reason why.”


Hoseok nodded. Taehyung had told him a few weeks ago about his family, and mother, and he now understood why he was always alone when it came to his family, and he understood that he wasn’t always so chatty when it came to talking about family. That’s why Hoseok never mentioned about his family or home ever since the blond male had told him.


The period before lunch Hoseok was dragged out of the classroom to attend meetings as he was chosen as the class’ president and had to attend a lot meetings. Hoseok wasn’t exactly the kind of student to do such things, but he said he wanted the credit and that he’d do good things to the class and his classmates, and he was always in a good mood and wanted to help the other’s out.


Taehyung knew Jungkook was his own class’ president as well. Every time it’d be an selection, they all chose him over and over again, ever since their freshman year; honestly, he couldn’t tell whether Jungkook sincerely enjoyed the work, or if he just played it off as he knew none of his other classmates actually wanted the job, and just chose him to their advantage.


When lunch finally appeared, Taehyung had bought his lunch in the cafeteria and sat down at an available table, but he wasn’t alone for long as Hoseok came creeping up on the blond one.


“Heard you head fun this weekend,” he smirked cheekily at his friend, “how was it?”


“How was what?” Taehyung asked innocently, ignoring the other as he rolled his eyes, and started eating his food.


“Last night, of course, what else?” he snorted. “How was your first time?”


At that moment Taehyung had taken a sip of his apple juice, and by Hoseok perfect timing in asking such thing, he managed to make the juice go up his nose, and even splattered on the table in front of him. “Hoseok!” he yelled flustered.


“Taehyung!” he mimicked him. “Seriously, aren't you going to tell me?” he asked, looking surprisingly serious, and hurt.


Taehyung felt bad for turning mad at him, but he couldn’t please him what he had in mind. “If you’re talking about…”


“,” Hoseok finished for him so he could continue.


“Yeah, that,” he started, “then I can’t tell you much.”


“In details, yeah, I respect that, but you gotta tell me something,” he said, “I’m your best friend for Christ’s sake, aren’t you going to tell me if it hurt or not?”


Taehyung’s eyes widen. “Will it hurt?” he gasped.


“Wait,” Hoseok hesitated, “you didn’t do it last night?” he asked confused, and also disappointed.


“I don’t know what you heard, but no, Jungkook and I didn’t sleep together,” Taehyung finally answered.


“Why not?” Hoseok asked with a frown.


“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” he sassed him.


“Are you afraid?” Hoseok asked, ignoring Taehyung. “Afraid it’ll hurt too much?”


Taehyung stiffened. “Maybe…”


Hoseok started laughing. “Every first time stings a bit, but you’ll enjoy it, I promise you that,” he winked.


Taehyung frowned at him. “How can you promise me that? Have you actually done it yourself?” Taehyung waited for Hoseok’s slow reply, but when all he did was being quiet - for the first time - that’s when he realised why. “Oh my god, have you slept with someone?” he gasped. “When? Who?”


“Keep it down, will ya?” Hoseok growled as the blond’s tone kept going higher the more surprised he got. “I’ll tell you if you promise me not to tell anyone. Not even Jungkook, or anyone else, okay?” Taehyung nodded eagerly, surprised by himself how curious he was of his friend. “I asked Jimin o - “


“IT WAS PARK JIMIN?” Taehyung yelled surprised, not even believing his ears right now.


“SHUT UP TAE!” Hoseok yelled as he knocked him on the head so he’d sit down at his seat again after standing up out of reaction when he yelled. “Can I finish?” he barked. “As I was saying, I asked Jimin out for a date, and it all went incredibly great; we both had an amazing time, and when I was supposed to drop him off to his house, he invited me inside as he was alone at home.” Taehyung could see the deep blush that was forming on his cheeks. “And you know what happens next I assume,” he grinned.


“Oh my god,” Taehyung repeated, still just as surprised. “You slept with Park Jimin?” All Taehyung could think of now was about Yoongi.


“I did, and more than once,” he smirked, “but we’ll meet each other tonight, and I’ll ask if he’ll be my boyfriend.”


Taehyung’s jaw dropped. “You slept with him before even asking that?”


Hoseok rolled his eyes at his friend. “Not everyone is a goodie goodie like you Taehyung,” he laughed. “But I’ll ask him tonight.”


“But Park Jimin’s straight,” Taehyung mumbled, mostly to himself, but Hoseok heard as well.


“What? Jimin has never been straight. He told me he always suspected himself as gay, but had a hard time accepting it, especially as it came to his family, so he pretended he was straight to everyone until he couldn’t anymore and just gave in. Although he did tell me I can’t tell anyone about us in case someone would figure it out and tell others, and then his family would know.” Now Hoseok turned completely serious again. “I mean it Taehyung, don’t tell anyone.”


Taehyung pushed Hoseok’s head backwards with his hand and snorted. “I know I know,” he said, “I won’t tell anyone.”


“Promise?” he asked with big eyes.




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oxoxHOTTESTxoxo #1
Chapter 17: I'm sad for yoonmin :( so so so sad. But the way it ended made sense I guess. As for Taekook, it ended perfectly.
oxoxHOTTESTxoxo #2
Chapter 15: I hope yoongi doesn't leave again.... so sad :(
Chapter 17: I liiike it <3
I have never loved angst before but i made me love angst u promoted angst very well
Fuyu_Ein_No #5
Chapter 17: Agh! I loved it so much~~ but when I saw it was the final chapter my heart broke *cries* T^T I seriously loved it....
ParkMisun #6
Chapter 17: One happy ending for TaeKook but a sad ending for Yoongmin and Homin? Wow. How bitter-sweet... a hella good story tho, you tryna kill us with the feels?
daniaza #7
Jiyeon_rayen #8
Chapter 17: Been reading this for straight 3 hours
Now that i am done i don't regret it
Great story keep it up
Chapter 17: just found thiss fanficc last nightttt
its super cuteeeee<3
andd eventhough i also kinda love yoonmin couple but i think ur decision about making yoongi left is the right things , or else is gonna be making any senses

anywayy thankyou for writing these authornimm