
Broken windows,graffiti and cigarette buds everywhere. This school is a mess. Did her parents not search up this school before sending her here? Ofcourse they didn’t, business first, Danbi second. That was how it always was, and Danbi didn’t usually mind. But ever since they got robbed it was like she didn’t even exist. She takes in a deep breath ,hoping to ease her nerves. Nope,not helping. She grabs the straps of her backpack extra tightly and finally finds the courage to walk into the school. She was an hour late already anyway. Her parents had fired her driver,and Danbi did not know how public transportation works.So the five minutes she had spent staring at the school with fear weren’t important anymore. The hallway is almost empty ,however the students that are in the hall greet her with a smirk. Their eyes twinkling with amusement. New students don’t come in often,especially not students like her. She gulps as she makes her way to pick up her timetable.


“Yah,are you crazy?Who do you think you are coming to the rooftop?You know that nobody is allowed up here.” The blue haired boy says as he steps closer and closer to the intimidated boy who had just burst trough the door.

“ T…transfer student,there is a transfer student.” This raises the interest of the others on the rooftop.

“Thanks for informing us,now leave.” He waves him off and the boy is gone within the blink of an eye.

“Let’s go see the new student shall we?”


The teacher hadn’t even bothered to introduce her to her new classmates. Not that they seemed to care anyway,but it made her feel even less welcome. How she misses her old school right now. She was popular and everybody greeted her with a big smile. Her mind begins to wander as she thinks about it. But her daydreaming doesn’t last long. With a loud bang the door slams open and a couple of boys walk in. Everybody sits up straight at the sight of them. She rolls her eyes, she had expected her classmates to pay attentention to more important things than that. She quickly turns her attention back to her textbook. Not that it was interesting,she had learned all of this stuff last year.

“That is not a way to greet the Sunbae’s who have come to welcome you.” She looks up to see a pair of eyes only a few inches away. The guy stands up straight again,one hand in his pocket and the other one brushing back his grey hair.

“We are BTS.” She hides her shock,she had heard the whispers about them and she would be stupid not to be scared. But all she can do is blink and before she even noticed she had already said it.

“Yeah so?” Yeah i am so going to die right now. The few classmates in the room gasped and whispered to each other. Is she stupid?

They scoff and narrow their eyes at her,but luckily do nothing else but try and intimidate her with their stares. The grey haired guy clicks his tongue.

“Watch your back, Kim.Dan.Bi.” And just like that they left. She was scared,why and how does he know her name?

“Good job princess,don’t let those fools get to you.” She jumps in her seat and looks next to her,the spot that was empty just mere seconds before was now taken.

“I’m Zico,leader of Block B and the reason why this school is called Nalina.” He winks.


She definetly didn’t expect to make friends today,but she and Zico instantly clicked. Although she doesn’t completely trust him and his friends,they are fun to be around.

“U-Kwon,you said you dance right?” He nodded with a big smile.

“Do you know any dance studios close by,i’ve been wanting to get back into dancing for a while but don’t know where to go.”That was a lie,i just need a reason to not be home.


They had just completed a small robbery and went to celebrate at club Cypher. Suga however has been in a bad mood ever since they spoke to Kim Danbi. How could one of their victims not be scared,or even worse,not even know them?Or was she really just that stupid. It annoyed him to no end.

“Hyung holds grudges just as well as his beer.” Jimin jokes.

“ How did you even know her name?” “She did look familiar.” The maknae line discusses.

“Haven’t you guys realized by now that your almighty hyung knows everything?” With a smirk he pushes himself away from the bar and walks to the pretty girl he has been eyeing.


On the other side of Seoul,7 guy sit around a table ,all with a bad mood. Except for one.

“ So how do we get back at them?” one of them asks.

“ I’ve been investigating some of their recent activities and went to spy at their school today. I know exactly what we’ve gotta do.” With a smug smile he throws a photo of Kim Danbi on the table.


Very short/kinda vague/boring chapter i know sorry.But this is just a short introduction,hope you guys liked and let me know what you think :)

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atyaf12 #1
Chapter 1: Omg I love it so far it looks so interesting and it's going to be more action and drama that's the type of feelings I got when I read this chapter heheheh I just love it . Danbi looks interesting as a character she appears to be scared be she dosent show it to others she is just bold and blunt she looks like they type that dosent really think was he is any or not pleased with People , I like that about her, not that there are enough chapters to show that but that's just my first impression of her. And it looks like suga will be involved with her as well hehehe I can see that he lent I've cuz he didn't get the reaction he wanted from her, so I will be thinking that this sorry is mostly about them , and I will take a guess and think the 7 dudes at the end of the chapter are got7 heheheh cuz u tagged them so I just made a wild gusee. ~.~
I love Block B so I hope. There will before of them +.+
Heheh can't wait for the next chapter >.<
keep going:)