
"I love you."

Park Chanyeol stood in front of a gravestone, as his hand was occupied with a smaller hand of his son. Tears ran down his face as he silently sob over the loss of his loved one. His son kept rubbing away his own tears as he stared at the gravestone.



Chanyeol met Baekhyun during his second year of middle school. Byun Baekhyun was a social butterfly so basically everyone knows who he is.


They shared art class together so when their teacher partnered them together, they instantly became friends right after. They stayed friends throughout middle school and until high school. Chanyeol developed feelings for the other during their first year of high school but kept quiet about his feelings.


During their junior year, Chanyeol couldn’t take it anymore so as they went out for the movies during a weekend. When he was walking Baekhyun back to his house he stopped him and confessed.


Baekhyun was shocked and stayed quiet, Chanyeol took his silence as a rejection. Smiling softly he turned around, walking away from the boy he loves. Chanyeol heard his heart broke, oblivious to hearing footsteps running towards him. He felt his arm yanked by a strong force and made him turn around, seeing Baekhyun panting softly.


Chanyeol was confused on how the smaller was chasing after him, even more confused as Baekhyun leaned up to plant a kiss on his lips. He pulled away, flashing Chanyeol a smile as he confessed he loved him too.


The two became boyfriends afterwards. Giving out small kisses during school, they told their parents about their relationship. They accept their relationship, seeing their sons happily in love.


Soon graduation is around the corner, the two boys spend time searching for a place for them to stay at. They signed up for the same college and currently waiting for their answer.


Baekhyun stood in front of the stage, the valedictorian giving out his speech towards his graduates, giving them good luck in their future and live in happy memories. Everyone clapped as soon he was done, the band played their music as they all tossed their caps into the air.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s parents threw a party for their graduation, as the boys were preparing to leave the next day to move into their new house they bought. Both boys celebrated their new liberty, preparing their new lives as adults.



During their second year of college, Chanyeol went out with his older sister to go shopping. As they walked around, he spotted a jewelry store and walked inside. Walking through the ring section, he saw this beautiful ring that matches Baekhyun’s personality. He bought the ring and smiled to himself, thinking it’s about time that he and Baekhyun should move on to the next chapter in their lives.


He spent days in discreet, preparing the best way to propose his longtime boyfriend. It was hard since Baekhyun is pretty sharp on catching on things that were weird.


They prepared their day normally, waking up next to each other, take showers together then eventually eat breakfast together before they go to school. But as Baekhyun woke up, he didn’t see Chanyeol beside him but a letter.


Opening the letter, it contains:

“I called the school and excused us from classes for today. Meet me at the park at 2pm sharp. There’s something I want to show you.



Baekhyun raised an eyebrow in confusion, he shrugged before preparing his morning normally. As it turned 2pm, he walked towards the park they were supposed to meet.


From afar he could see his boyfriend leaning against the rail at the edge of the lake. Walking towards the tall figure, he called out his name.


Chanyeol turned around and smiled, waving a hand at him signaling him to come closer. As Baekhyun was beside him, he wrapped an arm around him.


They watched as people were fishing and water skiing in the lake. Chanyeol sighed softly before he suggested to go somewhere to eat. During their date, Baekhyun felt something odd about Chanyeol but decided not to question him.


Throughout their date it’s finally time to propose, Chanyeol stopped and faced Baekhyun. He rubbed his hands as he knelt down, taking out a red velvet box containing his ring. Baekhyun widen his eyes as he saw his boyfriend at a position that could make anyone cry. Holding back his tears, he watched Chanyeol open the small box revealing a beautiful ring.


“Baek, you know I love you right? These years we have been together were the happiest memories I ever had, besides meeting you back in middle school. I thought about how is it like to wake up beside you, as my forever lover. So I decided to finally move onto the next chapter in life. Byun Baekhyun… Will you marry me?”


Baekhyun finally released his tears and jumped on Chanyeol, tackling him down on the ground as he cried ‘yes!’ on his chest. Chanyeol chuckled softly, sliding in the ring onto his now fiancé’s ring finger. Cupping his face, Chanyeol leaned down to give him a gentle kiss.



Their marriage day has finally came after months of planning. Chanyeol stood at the altar with his white suit, waiting for his husband-to-be to come out.


Baekhyun finally walked through those doors, smiling widely at Chanyeol. Baekhyun wore the same white suit but with a rose on his pocket. Saying their vows and the priest announcing them as husband and husband, they finally became wedded partners for life. Chanyeol couldn’t be any happier.


During the reception, they greeted friends and family who were happy for the happy couple. As their dance finally came on, Chanyeol took his smaller husband’s hand and lead him at the dancefloor. Baekhyun smiled as they danced, leaning his head against Chanyeol’s chest.



At their wedding night, Chanyeol wanted the night to be special for Baekhyun. They stared into each other’s eyes as Baekhyun walked backwards, the back of his knees hit the bedside as he lay down on the bed with Chanyeol on top of him.


They exchange I love you’s and kisses while taking off their clothes softly, Chanyeol kissing his exposed skin as Baekhyun moaned softly.


As they finally became one, Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun softly as he filled him up with so much love. Baekhyun grasped onto Chanyeol as he said his name softly.



A year after their marriage, they decided to adopt their first child together. Walking into an adoption agency, they walked through the newborn’s section. Baekhyun had his eyes locked on a baby boy who’s crying, his skin snowy white. Chanyeol saw Baekhyun eyeing the crying baby and smiled, walking up to Baekhyun.


“How about him? He looks perfect.” Chanyeol said, Baekhyun nodded his head before asking an employee if they can hold him.


As the employee handed Baekhyun the baby, Baekhyun fell in love with the baby. The baby has beautiful eyes, even have a beautiful smile as the baby showed his gummy smile.


After the paper work, they finally took their new baby home. Park Sehun, they named their baby.


Sehun was a good baby, barely crying at night. His new parents showered him with so much love as he grew up.



Chanyeol was busy typing in his laptop when he heard glass break in the kitchen. Taking off his glasses, he walked to the kitchen seeing Baekhyun cleaning up the glass, slightly shaking. Concerned he walked towards his husband.


“Are you okay?” He questioned Baekhyun but Baekhyun just smiled at him, saying he was fine. Not believing him, he decided to finish his work tomorrow. He helped Baekhyun clean up the glass.


“Baek, you should rest. You look a bit pale.” Baekhyun nodded and wobbled his way to their bedroom. After cleaning up the glass, he grabbed a cup of water and some pills with him as he walked to the bedroom.


Baekhyun laid down on the bed, his hand covering his eyes. Chanyeol knocked on the door and walked towards him.


“Here, take these pills.” Baekhyun took the pills, hoping his minor migraine could go away. Chanyeol was a little worried. Baekhyun was beginning to tremble softly lately, dropping things like he was grasping them well.


“Baek, maybe we should go to a doctor. You seemed weird lately.” Chanyeol said but Baekhyun shook his head, not wanting to go to the doctor for a minor migraine. Chanyeol kept insisting it and Baekhyun agreed to go, just to prove him wrong.



Baekhyun had some tests ran onto him such as an MRI scan, spinal tap, blood and urine samples, etc. Chanyeol doesn’t know what to do as he hold his now 4-year-old son.


After weeks of waiting, they are sitting in the neurologist’s office. Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s hand as the doctor told them that Baekhyun has ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Baekhyun was shocked, losing the grip on his husband. Chanyeol pleaded the doctor if there’s any way Baekhyun could survive this. Unfortunately, nobody has ever survived this disease.


As they walked out of the office, Baekhyun wasn’t even speaking at all. Chanyeol comforted him by hugging him. Baekhyun finally let out the tears as he was blabbering about how life was unfair. Chanyeol stayed quiet as he let his husband let out his anger.


“It’s okay Baek, I’ll be here for you. Sehun is as well.” Chanyeol wiped his husband’s tears and kissed his lips gently.



Baekhyun’s symptoms began to get worse as he couldn’t move his feet and ankles, he couldn’t walk anymore so Chanyeol bought Baekhyun a wheelchair. Baekhyun’s parents were upset on how their son would have to suffer like this. Baekhyun smiled his parents and told them that he’ll go through this happily.



After a year and two months, he can’t move his lower half of his body. But Baekhyun still smiled through. Sehun didn’t like how his papa can’t do simple things like pick him up from school or carry him to bed. But he decided to help his papa with anything he needs.



2 years after the diagnosis, Baekhyun is paralyzed from below his torso. He began to have slurred speech and his fingers are beginning to lose feeling. Chanyeol decided to buy a bed that can elevate the head of the bed for Baekhyun.


Baekhyun is on bedrest now, he can do minor things like eat, brush his teeth, comb his hair. He isn’t allowed to leave his bed unless for a shower or to use the bathroom.



3 years later, Baekhyun cannot move his arms anymore. He now has breathing problems so he needed an oxygen mask to help him breathe at night.


Baekhyun smiled softly at his husband as Chanyeol hold him close during the night. He kissed his forehead as he finally slept.



4 years into the disease, Baekhyun cannot move his body. He can’t speak and barely breathing. “It’s time.” he thought. He looked up at everyone in the room, trying so hard to form a small smile at them. At his parents, his friends, finally at his family. Chanyeol smiled down at him, his hair softly as everyone in the room said their goodbyes.


“I love you Baekhyun, make sure you wait for me up there in 80 years.” Everyone chuckled softly, as they wipe their tears. Chanyeol removed the oxygen mask to give Baekhyun a short kiss. As he pulled away, Baekhyun let out his final breath.


Everyone cried silently as Baekhyun left the world with a smile on his face.



Present time, Chanyeol smiled down at the gravestone. His gravestone had his late husband’s name engraved on it. Placing down the lilies on the gravestone, knowing that Baekhyun loves lilies, Chanyeol looked down at Sehun, who’s looking up at his dad with his big eyes filled with tears.


“It’s okay, Sehun-ah. Papa will always be there in our hearts.” Chanyeol finally turned to the gravestone, seeing his memories play in his mind and his tears ran down his face.


“Sleep well, Baek. I love you.”



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Chapter 1: This was really beautiful, I know i was supposed to feel sad but the way you let Baek 'go', was really beautiful