
Who am I ?
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Inside kaejong high school 


"why are you doing this " 

she said while crying over and over and you coulde hear her sobs all over the place

" because honey you are transitive on my properties " 

said with high-ed voics 

"What properties you talking about for god sake !! " 

she wonder about it !!

" Oops honey your time out , goodbye , say hi to satan in your way to hell "  











A sound of screaming could be heard in the school pathway 

"what's that !! Did you hear that jae ?  " 

Baek said listen carefully here and there !!

" yes , god I'm so scared " 

said jae trembling to his friend 

"It's coming from here , let's see " 

Follow after the sound...

" no please baek , let's go back to class " 

holding his friend trying to stop him from going there 

" don't be a coward , it may be a trick " 

baek scoff to him 


" I don't want to " 

 he hug him self refuse to listen to him

" come on " 

 he dragged him through the pathway toward the sound




he took his friend to the sound way , in empty pathway make your body shivers in fear and horror ,youngjae hold on tight in his friend 

"baek " 

he clutch to his friend arm very tight 

" relax jae, we almost there " 


in their middle of walking toward that room in a steady steps , what's behind that door ?

A ghost !!

A dead body !!

A kidnapping !!

 Baekhyun hold the door handle to turn it and see what's the cause of screaming and...

" what are you doing ? "


jae fall on the ground 

" god you scared us " 

baekhyun said putting his hand on his heart and youngjae still on the ground breathing heavy , his legs betrayal him from fear 

" sorry , but really what are you doing here ?" 

A student with them in the class talked from behind them

" we heard a screaming voice so we follow it " 

baek said imply 

 " I didn't hear anything " 

he told them 

" ah xiao its coming from here I'm sure " 

 baek sighed over his classmate 

" I was study inside the library here and really didn't hear anything  " 

he told them again 

" weird " 

!!baek questioningly looked at him

" maybe we were illusion baek " 

jae said simply 

" illusion doesn't come for two people in the same time jae " 

baek scoff 

" ok I'll go back study , the break after minutes " 

he goodbye them ,return to his work 

" ah yeah , let's go jae " 

baek lend his hand to jae who were still on the ground 

" yeah , ok " 

jae stood up and they leave toward the cafeteria 











at seoul police department 


" sir , we found a dead body in front of kaejong high school , hurry up " 

" I'm coming " 











 "what happened here ? " 

the police officer asked 

" at 1pm , we had a call from this school told us about this daed body , the reason of death still unknown " 

his assistance told him simply about the case 

" is she a student in this school ? " 

he asked about the young girl who've had been found killed 

" yes sir , jung emy , 17 years old , I talked with the principal " 

told him about the importent things

" who made the call ? " 

!!he wonder

" a young boy was trying to runaway from school " 

he informed him 

" his name ? " 

" byun baekhyun , sir " 











" hello Mr.byun right !! " 

said the police officer after enterring the room 

" yes sir " 

said baek politly

" you were the only witness " 

the officer informed him 

" wah~ that's really awesome !! " 

baek jump joyfully !!

" what's the awesome in it Mr.byun ? " 

the officer wonder !!

 " I'll got famous in the school , oh I can't believe that I'll be th

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