
Mistaken Burglar


Ryeowook suddenly froze on the spot when he heard something. He realised that someone is unlocking the front door. He quickly place his book that he was originally reading on the nightstand and quietly tried to find anything to defend himself. He cursed softly when the floor creaked a bit making a little noise.

He slowly opened his bedroom door and tiptoed to the living room not trying to make any noises while holding an umbrella with both of his hands. He halted his steps when he heard footsteps nearing him. He glanced to the side just to find a black figure approaching him.

"Stop!" He shouted at the figure. "D-don't go near me." But the figure didn't listened to him and kept approaching to his direction.  Frightened, Ryeowook lifted up his umbrella and began hitting him.

He continued hitting until the figure pleaded for him to stop. "Ryeowook-ah! Stop! No stop hitting me!"

He suddenly stopped his actions wondering for a little while why does the voice sounded so familiar. Realising who is it, Ryeowook clumsily make his way to the power switch to on the lights.

"Omg Kyuhyunnie!" He gasped. "Omg I'm so sorry! I thought someone was trying to rob our dorm."

Kyuhyun looked at him annoyed and in pain,"Right, who in the hell will even dare to break into our dorm? You do know the security is quite strict, right? So the chances our dorm getting robbed is low."

Ryeowook facepalmed himself for momentarily forgetting about how strict the security knowing that there are idols staying in he building. He then helped Kyuhyun to stand and brought him to their shared bedroom.

Short and lame. Sorry about that! Comments are appreciated. Sorry if there are any mistakes ><

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hahahaha omg okaaaay this is cute i was 15 when i wrote this 😂


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superannesnow #1
Chapter 1: Hahha poor kyuhyun get beaten up by wookie.
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHa hopefully Ryeowook kissed the pain away XD
Chapter 1: Wook was so engrossed in his book that he forgot.. That happens a lot to me.. Ahahahahahah