
From Yesterday to the Grave

My first memories of childhood are pure and innocent, much like the majority of this planet. But the purity of innocence fades ever so rapidly as each day folds in on itself, thus irrevocably converting the what is to what was. Quite honestly, I was a very cheerful and happy-go-lucky kid who was unabashedly ignorant to the harsh workings of the world. So much so it was difficult for me to care who I was playing with so long as I was playing and jovial! But alas! When I reached the age of school hood I learned quick and harsh how others could be so ruthless and cold. From day one I knew that I had no chance of fitting in if I stayed true to myself. It was not like I knew point blank I was not going to fit in-as a child, that concept is too in-depth to capacitate, but the fact that I clung to my mother and cried with despair for a good portion of my first year of school was enough for me understand the gravity of my loss.

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