
Midnight Feast
''shh...they'll hear us if we aren't careful..'' Tiffany Hwang crouched in front of an open door, while peering out to the empty corridors. No one was in sight. Her friends behind could only sigh and click their tongues at her. Every few minutes, Tiffany would stop and demand that they all hibernate in their little corners because she had heard the sound of one of their mentors coming. It was always a false alarm. If she had heard the clicking of heels, it always turned out to be one of the girls with them. She'd hear an imaginary cough from the distance and she would hunch and make the rest scram to their hiding positions.
''Jessica! no, don't!'' Tiffany furiously whispered as she watched her best friend go on ahead, completely ignoring Tiffany's warning. Jessica ignored the whine from behind her, rolling her eyes. At the rate things were going, they would never get anywhere near the kitchen.
The girls had been making plans for as long possible to raid the staff kitchen. Being only allowed to eat healthy food for more than a year, they were yearning for the taste of something sweet.
It all started when Sunny had spotted some of the staff cooks standing around one early morning with a large box of chocolates between themselves. They had been joking around and telling one another to make sure that none of the girls could see the chocolate. The staff women had sat around, discussing about when they could give the box of chocolates to the girls. It was their gift - a special gift, because they felt bad for never making desserts. However, the manager had found out about the box of chocolates and had ordered them to remove it from the premises. The staff had been conflicted on this matter, and so ended up deciding to keep the box of chocolates to themselves.
Otherwise, they would be at risk on losing their jobs.
Now, the girls absolutely adored the women and men who cooked for them but even they, had their weak spots, and they had not stopped drooling at the thought of all the goodies that could be hidden away in the staff kitchen. what their manager would say to them! they'd own up to the truth anyway. They'd never let the cooks get into trouble for their own dirty plannings.
The kitchen keys were in Sooyoung's hands and she slowly twisted the keyhole, and the door opened. Voila! the girls immediately ran in without thinking, before Tiffany cried wolf. All the girls stopped in their tracks with deer in headlights expressions plastered on their faces. It had been ANOTHER false alarm.
''You have to be careful!'' Fany whispered in a harsh tone, ''anybody could come here and catch us at it!''
but the girls turned away and began to ransack through all the drawers and cupboards.
''Found them!'' Hyoyeon held the purple coloured box aloft in the air, with a triumphant look on her face. She looked at the other girls and saw that they were ready to pounce if she did not share as soon as can be.
The girls sat in a tight circle, dividing the chocolates between themselves. There were exactly 18 chocolate pieces altogether, and 9 of them.
''It's almost as if these chocolates were made for us!'' Sunny squealed, which made Yuri roll her eyes.
''Don't be ridiculous. It' a coincidence''
When the chocolates were all divided, the girls began to eat. The sounds that flew from their mouths was enough of an answer for how long they had lasted without the taste of something high in sugar and calories in their mouths. And then the girls began to hug one another, and pretend to faint in utter excitement and ecstasy.
''This is definitely way better than an .'' Seohyun said, causing the other girls to look at her in astonishment. The youngest girl who was as innocent as a newborn looked back at them, guilty.
''How would you know what an feels like?'' Yuri snorted, ''you know it's not like the way people describe it...''
Yoona, half-way through her second piece of chocolate pressed forward until she was face to face with Seohyun. The two had a long-suffering staring contest, before Yuri broke them apart.
''Ok, what is it? what the hell has she been up to? reading books on ? trashy romance novels? what is it?''
Yoona shook her head, and then her eyes brightened, ''Seo baby...''
Seohyun began to blush and focused on her last chocolate. She popped it into , while her cheeks flamed red.
''She's had , am I right?'' Sunny turned to Yoona.
Yoona had a knowing look. Yur's eyes could have fallen out of their sockets, ''she's lying!''
''and it was with Yonghwa oppa.''
the girls all turned to Seohyun once again. But the younger girl refused to meet their eyes.
Then came the flood of questions as they all wanted answers and details about exactly how it went, where it happened, how it was like, and what Yonghwa was like, and why on earth she had kept this from them for so long.
''You're such a....'' Yuri began, and each one of the girls turned to her with daggers. She held the word and bit her tongue. If it was anything that caused Yuri to want to reprimand the girl and humilate her for her ual encounter, it was to do with the fact that...the baby of their group had before her. Yuri was a , but a closeted . While the others had lost their ities quite a while ago, Yuri had yet to do so despite bragging about her conquests in the past.
It was a bit late before they realised something was up. As each girl turned away, surprised and amused at all the juicy details of the magnae's first time, they found their second pieces of chocolate missing. They all turned to face Sooyoung, the obvious culprit. The food monster.
''Sooyoung!'' Tiffany whailed, ''I turn my back for a minute and you're eating away our shares!''
''Alright! what's going on here??''
A flick of the kitchen light interrupted their midnight feast, and all the girls saw their manager looking in at them with clear anger spread across his face. 
And then, they ran for it.
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