Talking to Someone

Handle With Care




She woke up by the blinding light penetrating through the clear glass of window. “Stupid.” She cursed under her breath. She fell asleep in the train – on her journey to meet someone…

Someone, she missed the most…

Someone, she wanted to see…

Someone, she can relay on…

Someone, she cried on…

Someone, she… loves the most…


She got off from the train and walked to her destination. The journey which were suppose to be a short one, doubled. Because the crumpling heart of hers made it so.


“Annyeong.” She greeted and bowed ninety degree. Then she opened a bottle of soju and filled a shot glass full. She then placed it on the stone table.


“It’s been a while.” She chuckled and sat in front of the table. She can felt the rough grass and the damp floor of the earth.


“How’s life? Did I miss a lot?”


“I hope not.” She hugged her knees and rested her head.


“Remember the first time we met?”


            ‘I was late and rushing to class. I bumped into you. You cursed at me because I ruined your favourite shirt. ‘Pabo.’ You said. I took it by heart that I slapped you in the face… The bruises you got from me last for days. I’m sorry about that…’


“Remember when you asked me on a date?”


            ‘You wore that frog PJ to school and brought me flowers. Despite having allergy with flowers, I accepted it with open heart. ‘Stupid.’ You cursed, when I ended up sneezing every second on the date…’


“Remember when I cried in front of you for the first time?”


            ‘I cried because I had a bad day. I cried as if there was no tomorrow. You were there lending me your shoulder. You patted my back and told me everything will be alright. ‘Not everyone is lucky today, Yie Minjee.’ You said, making me better.’


“Remember our first fight?”


            ‘I was jealous when I saw a girl kissed your cheeks. I told you to stay away from me. You stopped me from running away and you took my hands and stared me deep into my eyes. You leaned closer and our lips met. And then your soft lips touched my forehead causing me to shivered, ‘She’s my sister.’ You said…’


“Remember the last time you hugged me?”


            ‘I was leaving to catch my dreams. You promised that you will wait for me. you told me to take care of myself. You told me to stay strong and stand still when a huge wave of obstacles strike. You wrapped me tighter as if you don’t want to let me go. ‘It’s not that we won’t see each other again.’ I said sarcastic…’


“That hug really was something. You were trying to tell me something. If I was clever enough, if I understand you, if I can interpret your mind, I would stay and stick around…


“You really know how to hide it pretty well. You pretended to smile when you really were in pain. You really know how to fool me… I guess those drama class really paid off.


“How am I supposed to believe you when you told me you were sick and then laughed it off? Don’t you know how confused I was?


“It was my fault for not trusting you. I should have known that you were sick. I hate myself for being careless.


“It was your fault too… why can’t you be serious? You think I was too fragile that I would break if I knew about your condition. I promised you that I will be there and my heart won’t change no matter what happen. ‘You are my other half.’


“Don’t you know how sick and disgusted I was when I just found out? Don’t you know how much I wanted to see you and returned into your arms?


“Curse you for this! Yah! Pabo! Don’t you know how much I want you to say that you love me? Don’t you know how much I miss your lullaby?


“Don’t you know how much I wanted to touch your lips again? To feel the hotness of your breath? To feel the spark and the electricity I always got every time I touched you?”


She wiped her tears angrily and stopped herself from talking. She rose up and rubbed off the dirt off her clothes.


She bowed ninety degree, “I guess I need to go home.” She smiled. “Take care.”


She turned around and strode off. A few metres away from the stone table she turned her head and read the name carved on the grey marble tombstone.


‘Choi Minho…’


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AWESOME! I was sobbing ;"" nice oneshoot! :)
EpicPinkPanther #2
kekeke~ I knew it was Minho when it said "froggy PJs"
chas_ssmentrok #3
wahhhhhhhhhh TT________TT
Ah... I felt my heart being pulled... I like hearing Big Bang's Haru Haru.... It really fits the story. Thanks for writing a wonderful ONESHOT. he's my BIAS^^
:( *sobs*.... This story was so heartbreaking. Every word touched me and the haru haru piano vers really goes well with it *sobs*
T___T<br />
The music suited perfectly with this story, and it was an amazing oneshot.
strawberrylumps #7
OMG. UGH. I am so hatin' you for making me cry, lol. LOVE THE STORY♥<br />
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Minho~ <//3
*sob* *sob* .. why ?????? UWAAAHH ~ This is really awesome , that i cried >.< ,,
YAH! YAH! What are you doing! YOU KNOW HOW SENSITIVE I AM!!!!!!!! T-T I was crying and when it was about to the end and that was when I realized Minho died.. YAH! <br />
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Anywaaaay This was really good! I cried!! <br />
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I LOVE YOU OH DEAR AUTHOR, SundayLightForest ♥♥♥
OMG! So sad!!! =( But beautifully written.