
Blowing Hot Air

   Jooheon closed the door to his apartment lazily. He walked over and slumped on his couch, putting his bag under his head. He felt the crash of textbooks, but he’s used to it. Jooheon signed up for summer sessions at his university and those classes were ending. However, it's been stressful since he found out about that damn air conditioner of his being broken for the past four days. Since he can't concentrate in the heat, he always leaves the house to study and do assignments, but he was too tired to leave. Jooheon only had one more week and he wanted to end those courses stress-free.

  Jooheon began to doze off from the heat when his phone went off. He groaned and dug in his bag for his phone. He searched and sighed when he found it. He looked at the alarm notification telling him to go catch the bus. At this time Jooheon was supposed to be on his way to the library since it was impossible to study at his house. He jumped up and decided he wasn't in the mood.

  Today, Jooheon was going to stay home and relax no matter what. By home, Jooheon meant his complex, because his apartment was too hot. He grabbed his bag and went toward the door. He was then hit with an evening breeze only to exhale from the feeling.

Jooheon is a “diligent” student; does his work on time, studies every other day, and makes sure to be completely focused. Francine, however, has driven him a little off course. She’s like his big sister and he really cares for her, so he overwhelmed himself about her conditions.

  He thinks she may be a little emotional right now since she thinks Hyunwoo is leaving. So she must need comfort in some sort of way, and that's why she's suddenly in love with Jooheon. He really wants to help her get over Hyunwoo appropriately.

  Jooheon dialed Francine’s number. Just one dial tone went by when an active Francine reached the phone. She was huffing and puffing as she whispered a greeting. “Did I catch you at a bad time”, Jooheon said confused. There was a pause, which startled him. “Nope, I’m just exercising. How are you?”, Francine answered. Jooheon laughed and unlocked the gate to the pool at their complex. Jooheon forgot about Francine’s daily warm-ups. “Wanna meet at the pool?”, Jooheon settled on a long chair and took out his book.

  He heard sounds in the background and chuckled. She’s coming over. “Yeah, see you”, Francine hung up. Jooheon was happy she didn't find an excuse to not come. As he opened the book, he was hit a wave of drowsiness. He thought he could beat it with the movement he's had, but now it dawned on him. He closed his eyes just for a little bit. However, he just fell asleep.

  “How are you going to invite me, but not be awake”, Jooheon heard. He could feel the dip in the chair and a wet hand on his face. “Jooheon~ I know you're awake”, the girl cooed. Jooheon tried to open his eyes, but he was in limbo. “Francis?”, he said with disbelief.

   “Jooheon, you better stop calling me that”, Francine threatened.  Jooheon could finally see, but it was sort of blurry. “Or what”, he tried to sit up and see her. She laughed at the sleepy man. “Are you supposed to be scary”, Francine placed her hand on his chest. Once Jooheon saw his best friend's face centimeters from his, he backed up and saw the full picture. Francine was wearing a bikini top and shorts. “You must get a kick out of showing your stomach all the time”, Jooheon pointed.

  “Let's be honest, this 4 pack is impressive”, she flexed. Jooheon chuckled at the big headed woman. “Maybe for regular people, but not for a trainer”, he patted her thigh. “Oh and you must be real toned under this shirt”, Francine teased lifting his top a little.

“I’ll let you have that one, Fran”

“Like you let me and Hyunwoo have the looks?”

 Francine laughed at her own joke, but Jooheon just smacked his teeth. “Alright, okay”, He rolled his eyes. “Don't worry, cutie”, Francine babied him. She brought her hands to his cheeks and pinched them.

As cute as Jooheon knew he was, he had always been around the gym trainer Francine and the dancer Hyunwoo. They've always been so fit and tight, while he was still average. He wants to work out, but school was his only priority.

  Jooheon began to make cute noises as Francine pinched him. When another tenant walked through the pool gates, they stopped. Francie dropped her hands as Jooheon turned away. They snickered like they were plotting something. They met each other's eyes and laughed harder. “Alright, so where is your bathing suit”, Francine said between laughs.

  Jooheon looked at her. “I'm not getting in”, the man said watching his friend stand up. “You came to the pool to just chill”, Francine guessed. “You bet”, the college student got comfortable. “So you plan to just watch me get in”, the guessing woman eyed Jooheon. Francine brought her hands to her sides and pushed her shorts down. Jooheon kept his eyes on Francine and simply said “Yep”. Once she was out of her clothes, she grabbed his hand. “Get in anyway”.


“For me”


“I could just pick you up”, Francine threatened. Jooheon glared at her. “You don't think I will”, She smirked. “How you just gonna come insult me and then turn around and show off your strength”, Jooheon smirked. Now feeling playful, the man stood and scooped up his friend. Francine may be all muscle, but Jooheon was still strong enough to deal with her.  “You better put me down”, Francine threatened. “Okay”, Jooheon faked dropping her. Francine yelped at his antics.

  She also had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Jooheon began walking towards the pool and stopped at the edge. “Fran, I don't think I can hold you any longer”, Jooheon faked as he wiggled. “Stop”, she whined. He wobbled, but seriously this time. “”, Jooheon dropped his best friend in the water. As the water splashed up, he felt the splat that must have hit her back.

   Jooheon stood startled for his life. He couldn't see Francine's head. All of a sudden, her coiled hair floated to the top, but not her whole head. He stuck both his arms in the water to try and grab her, only to be pulled in. Jooheon collided with the water as he caught the look on Francine's face as she finally popped up. She looked angry, but damn, she was so cute. “You motherer”, Francine yelled.

   Jooheon was caught off guard again, but he loved not thinking when around Francine. There was always something new with her and maybe that's  exactly what he needed. She just had a way of making his day with just her presence. Jooheon swam to the surface and watched Francine glare from the wall of the pool. She was ready to bring a world of hurt onto him, but he wanted it.

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At one point, i was just going to delete this story, but then I saw everything in my head and had to start back writing


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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 4: This was a good chapter
Lotuspassion #2
Chapter 3: Yea he likes her
Lotuspassion #3
Chapter 2: Do a sequel
Chapter 2: So who is it that she is desiring? Or will this be a love triangle?
Interesting. Is she doing transference of feelings?