Aigoo My Daughter

Secret RV's Garden
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I moved closer to the mirror as I looked at my reflection thoroughly. Is this seriously happening?


"Yah. Stop staring at my face!" I flinched as I heard my own irritated voice call my attention.


Right. It took us a ton shrieks and screams of disbelief up until 1 in the morning before a not-so-pleasant and a sleepless looking Wendy barged into us and scream into our faces like a mad woman before giving us a short threat:

"I can scream louder than the both of you and I swear to god, if I ever hear another sound from anyone of you I'll scream my lungs out on your ears until your ear drums explode bloodily."


-which kind of knocked us back into our senses and grab a hold of the situation.


And now I'm here inside the bedroom with Joy. I saw my body- or should I say Joy, pacing around the room while fanning her self. "Fudge! Is this seriously happening?! I can't!"


"Do you think I could believe this too?!"


Joy suddenly shot me a blank stare. Gosh, my face looks like a total with that stare! She suddenly ran to me and held my hand.


"Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" I moved away as she tried to get my hand -or should I say her hand, again. What? Has she gone mad?


"Slap me." Joy suddenly said.


"Are you crazy?! Why would I slap my face?"


"I'm not asking you to slap your self! I'm asking you to slap me!"


"You're in my body right now! Why would I want to hurt my face? I mean, your face right now, but not this one that has your appearance- AISH! I'M GOING CRAZY!" I ruffled my hair in annoyance!


Seriously! I need to set things straight before confusion blows up our brains. I wouldn't allow news sites to have 'Joy and Seulgi of Red Velvet Taken To A Mental Hospital' headlines for tomorrow! I breathed deeply and closed my eyes as I try to calm my self down.


We speculated our bodies like mad women. We kept on throwing questions after questions and sarcasms after sarcasms. A pillow was even thrown. And hey, after that, we found out that we don't feel the pain of our old bodies anymore. However, the person possessing it (if that's the correct term), feels it.


"Okay. Let's set things straight. Now, state the same sentence as I do but replace it with your name, just like in graduations arrasso?" I said and she nodded in response.


We look like to teens high in drugs right now. And me, acknowledging the fact that this is really happening, proves that a bit of my sanity is slowly being taken away.


"I, the real Kang Seulgi, is in your body right now."


"I, the real Park Soyoung, is in Seulgi eonnie's body right now."


"And I would be addressing this body as my own for the time being, in order to avoid confusion and not to end up in a mental institution." I said and Joy followed after me. I plopped down the bed as we finished our little speech of sanity.


"What is happening?" I asked with my eyes closed.


"I don't know... Should we tell them about this?" Joy asked.


"Should we? Ey, I thought you told them already!" I shot up from the bed.


"I did! I tried! When you were in the bathroom! But they just laughed at me..."


"But should we try telling them again? And then let's give them an explanation?"


"That would be so weird." Joy cringed. "Yah. Don't you think what we just did a while ago did not weird them out already?"


Joy and I actually asked Irene, Wendy, and Yeri if we could exchange rooms becuase we wanted to sleep together. Since Joy and Yeri are in the same room, Irene and Wendy are in the same room, while I stay alone.


Although I'm alone in a room, it's still a fair share. My room is half or a bit less than half the size of their rooms. It's okay though. I like my own company anyways.


So we made Yeri sleep in my room and I slept in Joy and Yeri's room for now.


"You're right and you're right. Who, in their right minds, would believe that this crap is real?"


"So we're not in our right minds?" Joy asked carelessly as she sat beside me. "We're in our right minds. We're just not in our right bodies."




It was such a peaceful and harmonious morning for Red Velvet today. Well, maybe only for Irene, Wendy, and Yeri. The five girls were seated around the dining table having their cozy breakfast. Irene and Wendy woke up extra early just to make pancakes, muffins, scrambled eggs, and fried bacon strips for their beloved kids slash members.


They were glad that their American style breakfast turned to be quiet and peaceful. Especially Wendy.


Her sense of hearing was a bit too keen last night. Therefore, she heard the muffled shrieks and barely audible sounds from Joy and Seulgi's room. Before she barged in and threatened the two like a real boss and went back to her beauty sleep.


"Ahhh. Now, is this not what you call the perfect morning?" Yeri said as she ate her pancakes slowly and gracefully like a princess.


The girl's enjoying her harmonious morning. She truly felt like a princess; waking up to birds chirping and a surprisingly silent dorm without two girls bickering like it's World War 3, having such a fine weather outside, and finally waking up to a delectable breakfast.


"If only everyday it's like this and Seulgi and Joy wouldn't be fighti- hmph!-" Yeri's speech was cut off when Wendy shoved a whole pancake with lots of syrup into the girl's mouth to prevent her from taking her little speech further.


Wendy noticed Seulgi and Joy look up at maknae. So Wendy immediately made her move.


Yeri coughed a couple of times. And gulped down a glass of water. "Aish! Irene eonnie! Have you seen what she did?!"


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SoulKeeper12 #1
Chapter 3: I almost died of laughter XD i'm not even exaggerating
Kpop_fan21 #2
Chapter 3: Actually I'm so damn confuse with this joy and seulgi part...update soon please...this story is so damn hilarious
Chapter 3: That fan did a really good job. This might be the solution for them to be in good terms again, It's a pity that they were close before.. :( Lol they need to practice their "act", the members might suspect something haha. Irene, does she know something? I hope they get this opportunity to be close again or perhaps.. Like each other in "that" way?? Hmm. Update soon pls keke.
1733 streak #4
1733 streak #5
SoulKeeper12 #6
Chapter 1: Heheheeheheh interesting^^