I'm In.

All In A Day's Work

Zelo's money was in a duffel bag and they all sat in the center of his unnaturally large apartment. The boy really did have money - too much for his age. He was calling Youngjae, who for some reason decided to give Zelo his number.

"What do you need?"

Zelo smiled when he heard the hacker's voice. "I want to visit. Where are you hiding right now?"

Youngjae sat up at his computer and clicked open a self-made program. He typed in some details and a radar popped up on the screen, showing four other red dots aside from Zelo's phone. One of his eyebrows rose. "Picking up on other people's signals. Who exactly are you trying to bring over?"

"Good people. Come on~ You trust me, right? It's not like I would bring FBI over to your place." A small unconscious smile started to form on Zelo's lips. Daehyun rose an eyebrow and glanced towards Himchan. Himchan shrugged in similar bewilderment. Zelo looked amused - flirty, maybe? 

"Mhm, okay, and why should I trust you?" Youngjae questioned as he grabbed the paper cup to his right and started sipping soda from a straw.

"Because I used a on our one night stand, isn't that considerate?" As soon as Zelo said '', Youngjae started choking on his drink and coughing loudly. The four that surrounded Zelo looked shocked, wondering how recent was the one night stand because Zelo was just barely of age. 

Although Zelo couldn't see, he knew Youngjae's face was red - flushed with embarrassment - and he was right. "Zelo. I'm going to kill you when you get here! I swear! There are other people there you !" Youngjae yelled through the speaking end of his phone, face still red. He hated how easily his emotions were manipulated by that idiot.

"So," Zelo smirked, "you're saying you'll give me your location?"

The hacker froze, thinking about the words that flew out of his mouth without thought. "Ah..." Youngjae sighed. Technically, that's what he meant, and Youngjae never lied. Oh, that was a lie in itself. "I guess. I'll send the info to your phone."

Zelo grinned to himself. "I'll see you soon then~" After he hung up he waited for the chime of his phone that meant he received a message. When it did ring, he stood up and grabbed his bag. Maybe he would have said something witty, or a cocky joke, but not when he looked at the varying expressions around the room. The funniest was Daehyun's, his mouth hung open. "What?" Zelo spat, not liking the judging eyes he received from some.


Youngjae put his hands over his face as soon as Zelo hung up. Normally he didn't have one night stands - honest. He wanted the to mean something. He couldn't just do it for fun. But Zelo was extremely y, flirty, convincing, and oh my God. Youngjae was ever redder than before, and his cheeks felt even hotter.

How would he deal with the thief being around him again?


"One night stand?" Daehyun asked Zelo as they sat, waiting for their flight to arrive.

Zelo shrugged. "I'm young and hormonial. It's only natural." In his mind at least.

"Huh," Daehyun crossed his arms in thought. "So what'll happen once you see him again? You're not exactly supposed to stay in contact with your one nighters."

"I don't know. But he's fun to tease. Maybe I could get another one from him."

"Careful, being so attached to him could lead to something more." The older warned.

"I'm not attached to him, just the ."

"Well that's one disgusting way to put it." Jongup spoke without even looking up from his phone, too invested in the game he was playing. Zelo huffed in annoyance and slouched in his chair.


After putting their belongings in two different hotel rooms, the group headed out to where Youngjae told them he was. They expected a home with an overwhelming amount of computers; with cables and wires littering every inch of every room. 

Not a garage with tools and a car he was fixing up.

In the middle of an open field.

A little ways away from the nearby town.

"Aren't you a hacker, why the heck are you fixing up cars?" Daehyun asked, questioning Youngjae on his activites. Youngjae rolled out from under the car.

"I'm a technician, hacker, anything to do with math science and technology. Don't limit my abilities." He stated as he stood up, twirling a wrench in his hand.

"Yeah but isn't this grimy? Why would you stoop so low?"

Youngjae looked annoyed. "Because it's a way to pass the time."

"Wouldn't you rather-"

"Shut up!" Youngjae yelled and threw the wrench that was in his hand. It hit Daehyun in the center of his forehead. Luckily Youngjae didn't have much strength, meaning it didn't hit hard enough for a concussion or brain damage. Just a big bruise that would stay for days. "ing dickhead."

"Let's get on with it." Yongguk stated, rubbing the pain in his head away with his fingers on his forehead. He sighed, frustrated. 

"My name's Kim Himchan, I'm a pyromaniac. And this is Commander Bang Yongguk. From the government, but not here to capture you." Youngjae's eyes narrowed.

"I'm Moon Jongup, pyromaniac. Himchan's half-brother. This is..." He gestured to Daehyun but didn't know whether the other was going to introduce himself or not. He seemed too busy glaring the life out of Youngjae. 

"I'm Jung Daehyun. Bodyguard. Good at fighting." He muttered, a childish anger settling within him and making itself at home.

"And you already know who I am." Zelo smiled and Youngjae immediately looked over to Yongguk after scowling in disgust.

Quickly the hacker - technician, whatever - changed visage. A smirk decorated his features and he put a hand over his heart. "And I, as you know, am Yoo Youngjae. Best hacker ever. Skillful, smart, and more handsome than you can ask for." He paused to look over the group and then locked gazes with Yongguk. "Now," the man started, expression going serious, "what are you here for?"

"There's a-" Himchan was cut off by the sound of motorcycles and loud laughter. As if Youngjae wasn't pale enough, he lost any color he had in his skin prior to the noise. His eyes grew wide and his lips dried quickly.

"I - I -" Youngjae stuttered, unable to warn the five of the danger those people were. "I think... I think you guys should go. Uhm, there's a room in the back of the g - garage. Stay there?" The noise grew louder as the gang got closer to Youngjae's garage.

"I smell danger." Himchan pinched his nose. "And it stinks!"


Daehyun looked over to Yongguk and nodded. Jongup stepped into the garage a bit and turned to face the outside. Everybody except Daehyun did the same, other than Youngjae who was already in such a position. "Guys - you don't understand. They're - They're huge. And they have weapons and there's a whole group of them! One person can't-"

"Shut up will you?" Jongup cut him off, an annoyed tone taking place. "I've seen what he can do, have some faith. Just enjoy the show." Daehyun smiled subconsciously.

Before anybody else could say anything, a group of men came up to the entrance of the garage. They were a bit taller than Zelo and had buff torsos. The men wore leather and denim, looking as if they were greasers from the '80s. "Hey, the little one's got a new posse!" One of them exclaimed, earning laughter from the others around him. "New punching bags then?"

"Punching bags?" Zelo mumbled to himself more than anybody else.

"Did you say something, stick?" One addressed Zelo and started walking over to him. He nearly got to the thief's side, nearly placed a hand on him - really. Not before Daehyun put a hand in front of him. 

"You don't get to any of them before you go through me." 

The biker guy scoffed, looking back to his group with an amused grin. "This guy thinks he can take me on! Can you believe the little punk?"

"I don't think, I know. In fact, I can destroy all of you. But violence isn't the answer - how about we just negotiate and end on peaceful terms?" The man scowled at Daehyun's proposition, a dark look casted on his visage. 

"Since you think you're so tough." He balled up his fist and went to punch Daehyun.

It hit. The noise was loud and one could hear a crack, as if a bone was broken. Four of Daehyun's acquaintances gasped, shock in their expressions. Jongup was the only one that smirked. 

Daehyun held a slab of wood - that had been from Youngjae's garage - in front of him. The wood was cracked in half and finally the loose hanging half of it fell, letting Daehyun's face come in to view. He looked bored. "I guess negotiation isn't in your agenda?" He asked a rhetorical question. The man was scowling, upset that someone smaller than him could easily block his attack. Without a response the man punched with the other hand. This time Daehyun moved to the side and grabbed his wrist. "Hasta la vista, er." He landed a sidekick onto his opponent's stomach and pulled on the wrist on the same time. His enemy went horizantal for a split second before falling flat on the ground, clutching his middle.

"He's... strong." Youngjae said dumbfoundedly, admiration flooding his feelings. This type of person was his role model. No fear - only strength.

"He is." Jongup smiled and sighed happily. His veins swelled with pride because he believed in Daehyun since the beginning. He never had a doubt. The pyromaniac grinned quickly, attempting to ignore the sudden speeding up of his heartbeat. "Now he just has to finish off the rest."

"Not really." Daehyun was instantly by their side. He was oblivious to the conversation that took place prior to his arrival. "Pyros sure are surprising, coming out of nowhere."

"What do you mean?" Yongguk came into the conversation, confused as to the underlying meaning of Daehyun's declaration.

Zelo glanced around and his eyes widened. "Guys, where is Himchan?"

The group of bikers that constantly came after Youngjae started to enter, anger evident because one of theirs was knocked down. 

Himchan jumped walked towards the team he was recruited in and flicked on a lighter. It must have been one of Youngjae's, found in the depths of his garage because it had none of the intricate designs Himchan's lighter held. "Work done." The rest only noticed the liquid gas streak on the floor when Himchan flicked the lighter back and the streak came alive with flames.

Youngjae gaped at him. "My garage!"

"Hey, they can't get in now. As much as I'd want to watch them burn, I don't want to burn up myself." Himchan pointed towards the back of the garage. "So... we should probably go. Also, cover your noses. Nobody wants to carry you if you inhale the fumes and pass ou."

"If the fire reaches the car, everything will blow up." Jongup stated as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Oh just great." Youngjae groaned, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "Follow me." He gestures for them to go after him, and starts running towards the back of the garage. He turned the golden knob of a white door and looked inside, making sure it wasn't inhabited with anything malicious. After seeing the coast was clear he entered the room. The last person, Yongguk, closed the door and allowed Youngjae to open the screen door that led outside. They escaped the cramped garage and walked a ways away from it. 

Jongup let out a long, descending whistle when the garage blew up due to the car. "Nice."

When they walked around the damage and saw who was left, only three bikers remained unharmed. There was a newborn fear in their faces, and they quickly fled the scene.

A loud, frustrated yell escaped Youngjae's lips as he fell to his knees. He covered his face wih his hands. "It's ruined! All my hard work and my tools and my-" He sighed harshly and fell on his back. His eyes closed tightly. "What do you want?"

Zelo smiled and crouched down next to Youngjae, poking his cheek repeatedly. Youngjae opened one eye, annoyed. He received a cheeky smirk in return.

"There's a team the government is trying to put together." Youngjae raised his brow with piqued interest and sat up. "You're the last member. They want to retrieve the North Star and then destroy the enemy from the inside out."

"A whole country with just six people?" The hacker questioned.

"They just want to target major economy affecting companies - then let the Depression do the rest." Yongguk informed, suddenly standing next to Himchan.

"Harsh." Youngjae stood, nearing his damaged garage and picking up his wrench. It was outside the garage when the explosion occurred because of its landing from Daehyun's forehead. "And what do I get in return?"

"Lots of money." Zelo said and Youngjae looked down at the still sitting male.

"Sounds beneficial. I'll try it out, but if things get suspicious I'm quitting." 

Yongguk shrugged shrugged, "Reasonable."

"If we can go back to the penthouse, can we go? I kind of want to get some ice for this." Daehyun pointed to the growing purple bump in the center of his forehead.


"So much space," Youngjae commented. After a second, a moment of realization came to him and his eyes widened. He gasped slightly and put a hand over his heart. "All my equipment will fit so perfectly."

"Speaking of which, why is it so heavy?" Daehyun grunted and let the equipment on the kitchen counter, a loud slam resonating within the home. 

"Careful with that!" Youngjae hissed. 

Zelo, Yongguk, and Jongup came in carrying even more equipment than anybody deemed necessary. But if it was going to help their missions, they didn't mind. 

Youngjae clasped his hands together, "Well then." He smiled. "Zelo, want to help me set this up?"

Zelo looked slightly surprised that Youngjae would ask him, but nodded nevertheless.

Jongup looked at Daehyun's forehead and then got his attention by snapping. The bodyguard gazed over to him, his eyes questioning the reason Jongup needed to talk to him. "I'll get you some ice for that."

Daehyun smiled and nodded. "Thanks."

Himchan put on an apron that had flower print on it. "l'll make dinner."

Yongguk couldn't help but snicker. "For a well-known criminal pyromaniac, you look like a regular housewife."

"Then you can be the regular husband." Himchan joked, until he realized what he said. With red quickly dusting his cheeks, he turned. "I - I'll go start." Yongguk couldn't help but stare at the male as he walked away with redenned ears. 


A/N; Another chapter - all characters in the group now. I had to add in some Younglo, Daeup and Banghim. Especially Younglo. I love them too much ;u;

Also, thanks for so many nice comments on AFF and AO3!!

Adieu~ ^u^

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crimsonsword248 #1
Chapter 5: please update when you have time!
AloeNeko #2
Chapter 5: This looks really promising!! Love it so far, plus they're all my fav ships :33
Kawaiinam #3
Chapter 5: I love this fic :D All my favorite ships *smirk* I like the way you write ^^
I'm curious what happens hehehee and especially what happens between DaeJong ;)
vanilLaJae04 #4
Chapter 4: Im so loving this fic haha! Himchan umma stands out well and daehyun the food monster haha cuties!
Cant wait how badass/adorkable/sassy youngjae is here hehehe
Chapter 3: The slivers of Daejong scenes in here... *smirk* I see what u did there, author-nim ;) can't waiting for more development.
NOT TO MENTION BANGHIM ARGH they are like the sassy, fiesty couple ugh ><
Chapter 3: Daehyun is so yummy owo. I like how you described him: such a badass, but in the end he will always runnin to his food. Dae e up are a wonderful couple (heheh...*happy*). And i Really like how himchan is becoming always more sassy and all. Thank you for the update ^^
Chapter 2: Oh well. I liked the introduction of the two brothers. They really are connected by something really strong. It would be Nice il you will include in this story allo the past of all of them, forse example: why didattica they become phyromaniacs? And so on.
Anyway, i amici really curious about the Other three, and about how the ships will get together ^^
vanilLaJae04 #8
Im getting excited over this fic! Its been really going well so far :))))
Minini #9
Chapter 2: This is so lit! Get it! Lit? No? No?
Bad puns aside, I'm loving your writing style so much, so very freaking much. Your characterization is excellent, and I have a weak spot for when writers build small but meaningful images (the stench of rotting wood HECK YEAH I liked that description, I could just immerse myself in the story in that moment).
I can't wait til things start blowing up.
Chapter 2: I know it's only the beginning but I am already intrigued in what's to come. I can't wait for the pairings to start happening~~ Thank you for the quick update!