The slow hum and I know it's you

Slow and soft

Jun always slyly puts his arm around my waist and I try to not be bothered. Moments like those makes me want to cry, and not in a bad way. It's impossible for me to find out his feelings and to him it's impossible to find out my feelings. I guess then we really were not going anywhere. Before concerts he gives me a small smile and a light peck and whispers a tiny "Good luck" in my ear. I thought about those things a lot kind of like today. Staring out into space in my room shared with Jun I jump when I someone opened the door. Knowing it's Jun I prepare for answers to jun''s questions.

"Minghao" "Yeah." "What's on your mind?" "Nothing" "I've been noticing that you've been spacing off lately." "congratulations sherlock." "you've been ignoring me." "...." "Tell me-" " I like you."

Jun looked me, But not with disgust nor shock. Just his blank face, not showing any trace of....Anything. "Good because I love you." I smiled, with a laugh of disbelief following shortly after, "If it was this easy maybe I wouldn't have been torturing myself by being distant with you." He smiled and scooted close to me, allowing me to see his yet dangerously handsome face to me.

Closing my eyes, letting him run his fingers through my hair whilst kissing me. One day he will take me from innocents and his scent will take over mine.

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Chapter 1: Holy cow the last sentence is just.... DAMN O_O Anyways love it ^^
yoshiwoo #2
Chapter 1: last sentence deserves an applaud
thomasikereta #3