
Baekhyun's Birthday Preparation 2016

"It's not important" He said. But why is Chanyeol panicking? Well, that's because it's the birthday of someone important to him. And without that day, Chanyeol will never meet someone like him.

Chanyeol paced around the apartment as he kept puffing his cheeks when an idea comes on. He had so many in mind but none of them sound reality. Shaking his head, Chanyeol shoot down his 5th idea of the day. He ruffled his hair in annoyance but the ideas just gets weirder one after another.

"What should I do?" He dropped onto the bed that they shared and stared at the ceiling as if it will answer to his questions and frustration if he stares long enough.

"A car? A trip? A Plane? What to give?" He ruffled his hair for the last time before giving up and let out a big sigh. He heard the door open but was too drained to move. That someone sneak in and gave the giant a hug.

"Chanie~" He sings like a music to Chanyeol's ears. Chanyeol felt that the energy that left him all gathered back in him as he greeted the other back with the same, "Baekie!"

For that moment, he forgot what he was thinking before and they did they usual lovey dovey.

All the thoughts hit Chanyeol hard in the head when he sees his love one felt asleep in his arms. Yes, they said to sleep together. No, Chanyeol is not doing it because the questions started to bother the giant again. Making him pounded onto them again.

After a lot of considerations, he decided to have a few ideas picked out to be the gift for him.
Plan A: Make a video about himself saying birthday wishes
Plan B: Write a fiction story about their sweet life as a memorial gift
Plan C: Bring him out the whole day to anywhere he wanted to go
Plan D: Cook a big feast for him
Plan E: Buy something affordable but not too bad as a gift either

Chanyeol nodded at the plan as his eyes slowly closed themselves causing him to lean his head on the latter's. He fell asleep.

Talking about the plans, of course, it will be best to do everything on the list. But all it requires are the time and effort spent on them. Currently, Effort isn't a problem here. But Time is. He will be away for a trip for the next few days and he won't be having much time to do them all. So he chose to elimate some of them as time shortens.

Looking at the list of plans again, he sighed. He really wanted to do the first video gift. But he has to let out some time to edit the video to make it good. But since time is not on his side, he had to cancel it away from his list sadly. "Mianhae Baekie", he mumbled while cancelling the Plan A from the list.

Next on the list is Plan B, a fiction about their story. He chuckled at this idea and took it off the list immediately. It's because it will be impossible to put the past few months into a fiction in just a short while. And the recalling will takes a long, long, LONG while.

He took a look at the list again and sighed. That is 2 ideas down. But he brightened up once he see the next plan. Because taking him around isn't something hard. And so as the cooking big feast for him plan since all he need is just grocery shopping. So he beamed and moved on to tne last point on the list.

Sending him a gift is something that requires a lot of thinking and consideration as it should be something useful yet affordable. He sighed as he pounded again with this question.

He snapped his finger once he got an idea. All he needs now is that day arrival itself.

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