
Over Frappe

It all started when 20 years old Mina, decided to leave her home which is in Japan and she decided to move to Seoul. She could barely speak Korean, she got herself lost in the city which doesn’t sleeps but everything is slowly going smoothly as she settles down in an apartment near Seoul Station. She got a job as a barista at Starbucks and little does she knows, after that day when she decided to move, time passes by so fast that it’s been close to a year now that she left home. But she adapted to the environment and learned Korean language faster than she thought. Also, she have this alone habit where she does everything by herself, an independent woman.


So, one particular evening, Mina headed down to work as she had to cover her colleague’s night shift. It was really crowded when she entered the café. She quickly puts on her green apron and proceeded with her shift. As the crowd subsides, Mina could finally get a grip of handling toppled up volcano drinks and take some rest.

As the night is coming to an end, it was 11pm and she was just cleaning up the counter.

“Ding~” the sound of the bells that were hung on the door handler rings.

“I’m sorry miss, but we’re closing-“ Mina was nearly caught off guard when the customer who walks in is a girl with beautiful golden hair, sparkling visible brown orbs and her voice is so cute like a baby shy shy shy~

( ah~ she’s beautiful. oh gosh, think of what you want to say mina! don’t screw things up! )


“Is it closing soon? I want to get a white mocha frappe, venti size with whipped cream”

“S-sure, anything for you. Please take a seat” Mina rushed over to the counter and starts making the frappe.

“How much is it?”

“No, it’s okay. It’s on me” she could only give off a nervous smile to the blonde girl.

“Bu-“ the girl keeps on insisting.

“No buts. It’s in the house since there’s no one else” Mina brought back the drink and sat down beside the latter as she takes off the apron and puts aside. “So, what’s a beautiful girl like you doing out here so late?”

“I just ended work. Do you know the pastry shop opposite? Yeah, I work there”

“Ah, that’s cool! So you do pastries?”

“Well, still learning. Helping out on my dad’s business”

“That’s really cool!” Mina’s eyes widened. “I definitely would love to try your pastries”

“Ey, it’s not really that of a pro level you know. Anyway, your mocha frappe is really top notch, Mina-ssi”

“How’d you know my name?”

“Name tag, you silly”

Mina laughs it off as she gets embarrassed. She could feel her cheeks heating up. “Oh right, I forgot. Anyway, I’m fine with it as long as I get to spend more time with such a breath taking, gorgeous girl like you. Thank you for the compliment, I added extra ingredients by the way”

The blonde haired girl couldn’t help it but blushes at Mina’s words. “Oh gosh, you and your words. And what’s your extra ingredients?”

“Love at first sight and everything sweet when I saw you before I could even continue my words. Before you could say anything else, I want to know more about you”

The blonde blushes furiously at all of Mina’s words. “You’re such a sweet talker you know. I love it to be honest.”

“I’ve never done this before but my heart beat's racing faster than the amusement park rides, and it’s only for you. Anyway, I haven’t got your name”

“Sana. Minatozaki Sana”

“So Ms. Sana, you’re free to drop by my place after your work sometimes you know, have your white mocha frappe and we can get to spend more time with each other, so yeah. I know it’s our first time meeting but you’re someone I want to keep by my side for a long time”

“Over white mocha frappe huh. Is this a confession, Mina-ssi?”

“Just, Mina. I- uhm. Well you can say so”

“You’re lucky enough I didn’t freak out like other girls does at straight forward confessions like this. You’re cute, Mina. I would definitely drop by your place again” Sana finishes up her drink and excused herself to leave. Mina then automatically walks her to the door.

“See you again, Mina” Sana gives off her smile that would make Mina go insane at that point of time but trying to keep her cool.

“See you again too, Sana” Mina could only give Sana soft smiles as Sana walks away with light steps.

“Oh wait!” Sana walks briskly back to Mina and gave the barista a peck on her cheek which left the latter frozen still on the spot, blushing so hard at what just happened. “Good night barista. I’ll see you tomorrow night instead. I'll be waiting for my frappe!”

“S-see you tomorrow Sana” Mina then walks back inside the store and punches happy fists in the air.

“YES! YES! YES! I got a girl 예뻐 , I got a girl 착한 I got a girl pretty girl 내 맘 다 가져간~" Mina strikes out a pose.

“Okay that was smooth, but for now I have to clean these up and head back home”

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Chapter 1: This is so cute hahahahaha
Chapter 1: ooo is mina always this smooth and cheesy? haha cute :D tysm for writing this~ now i feel like wanting a white mocha frappe XD
Chapter 1: mina is damn cheesy
jummjumm #4
Chapter 1: this is so cute <3 thank you so much for writing this. please make more 2na authornim!
lmw217 #5
Chapter 1: haha this 2na fanfic is cute. And Mina why so smooth when hooking up girls??