

Dear Baekhyun,



You said if I had any problems then I should write in this diary instead of ranting out at you and you will answer me as you know my heart so well.



And when I asked why, you just shrugged.



Then tell me Baek, Why do people stare at me?



Why do they look at me like I'm from some other planet.



Is it because of my ears?



You always mock them too, but you call them cute.



They call me weird.



Is it because of my height? Or is it my slender legs.



Is it my eyes? Or is it my lips?



Tell me Baekhyun.



But that's not it.



I have seen pity in their eyes.



Baek, why do they pity me?



Have I ever lost something valuable?



But that's not it Baek.



They introduced me to this lady last week.



The pills she gave....



Tell me, why do you disappear when I take those pills?



Tell me Baek its killing me.



Baek, when I introduce you to them, tell me why they say ''there's no one there''



Can't they see you?



Well of coarse they can't see an angel like you!



But Baek...



Why don't they believe me?



Why do they call my boyfriend......unreal....



Tell them Baek!



Tell them how I've held you!



How I've kissed you!






How can you be unreal?



The feel of your soft skin is still burning in my palms.



Your moans are still echoing in my mind.



Tell me....



Are you real?



Yes you are!



You are the only person who wiped my tears!



You are the only person who held my hand!



How can you be unreal!



Tell me Baek!



But Baek.....



When I introduced you to my parents, they looked at me with same pity.



They wouldn't look at the place where you were sitting.



They just looked at me.



Same pity....



Gosh stop staring at me with those tear filled eyes!



Answer me Baekhyun!



Why are your lips trembling?



Why are your shoulders shaking?



Are you crying?




















''Chanyeol, I Love you''



You're just like a dream, I know your love isn't real
But I'm ten feet below and there's no way out of your love.

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