Double Update (i)

Opposite Attract

Hey.. Today is Kimhanee's day.. huhu.. So, double update for you all.. Thanks for subscribing and commenting again *smile warmly*  ^^




                                                       SWEET CRAVING

Yoongi was not a fan of sweets and chocolate actually. He will make a disgusting face when he saw the youngers, Taehyung and Jungkook ate the sweets like it was the most delicious thing in the world; with their content face and their fingers cleanly. Sometimes, Taehyung with his face smeared with chocolate will grinned at Yoongi and offered the chocolate to him but, Yoongi found out that, the cute rascal only gave him a ing wrapper. The two of the wolves laughed their off and dashed away before they met with a fuming Yoongi.

Now, he was the one who ate those sweets and chocolate like a maniac. His alpha, Jimin will always make sure to check the stock before it finished or else he will deal with the sassy Yoongi again. It's not his fault though. It's his baby that want it as Yoongi said to Jimin as an excuse. Jimin chuckled fondly at him and got his slapped, hard.


Lately, Jimin completely forgot about his chocolate stock and he brought home healthy food like vegetables and fruits. It's not like Yoongi was complaining though but his chocolate decreasing now. Yoongi pouted in his nest, eyeing the chocolates for a minute before his mate came into the room and greeted him with a kiss on his forehead while rubbing his potruding belly. " Hey, beautiful. How are you today?" Yoongi just ducked his head and looked at nothing but Jimin.

Jimin's chuckles was like a sweet melody to Yoongi's ears if not his y mood come back. Yoongi pushed Jimin weakly and faced at the other side with so much difficulties. Jimin frowned at that. He thought that his mate was having a good day because this morning, he was greeted by a high-pitched Yoongi who sang ~good morning my handsome alpha~ and even made a breakfast for him.

"Baby, what is with that sour face? Don't you love seeing your handsome alpha and mate come back home?" Yoongi just quietly looking at the window. Jimin carressed Yoongi's exposed bicep and his hand was swatted by the omega.


Jimin tried to cool down but it seems like his wolf growled at him to keep his mate grounded. Jimin yanked Yoongi's wrist roughly and the omega winced in pain. " Don't do like that again." His pheromone was floating in the air heavily.


His heart became soft when he saw his mate's terrified face and the glassy eyes. Jimin sighed and kissed Yoongi's wrist affectionately as an apology. "I'm so sorry beautiful. It's just my alpha instict". Yoongi nodded head knowingly. It was rare to see Jimin showing his alpha's side and it scared his omega's heart seeing that.

" Jiminnie, my sweets was decreasing. Please buy a new stock for me, the cadbury one especially. You love me right?" Yoongi said, pleading with his puppy eyes and make a cute fist.

Jimin shaked his head and pulled Yoongi into his warm embrace, putting his chin on the other's shoulder. "You know that I always love you right, my beautiful mate. But, you can't eat sweets anymore. "Yoongi make a whiny voice at Jimin and Jimin tighten his embrace. "You have to control your diet. It will harm you and our baby if the sugar in your blood exceeds the limits. Remember what the doctor told me? He said that you can get diebetes and our baby can become bigger before the time." Yoongi's eyes widen in horror remembering the doctor's words.

"I will always love you and our baby. Nothing can change my heart. I love you, beautiful." With that, Jimin kissed Yoongi tenderly but the babies kick interrupted by Yoongi's groan. It looks like their unborn babies were ing them.

Since that day, Yoongi cut down his habit of eating sweets and chocolate like a maniac and gave all of his chocolate stock to Tae and Kookie which made them made a weird victory dance and showing off the wrappers to Yoongi just to annoy him more. The twins love to tease Yoongi because they said that their Yoongi hyung was cute when angry, with red face and scowl.










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prismita97 #1
Chapter 6: Nice
prismita97 #2
Chapter 6: Niceeee... ????
eborun #3
Chapter 6: Your story really goes smooth, which really surprised me since your grammar
Anyway, good story!
_jeonchi #4
Chapter 3: Too sweeeet
_jeonchi #5
Chapter 2: TOO... CHEESY... UUUGH
_jeonchi #6
Chapter 1: Aww... *screeches*