

-how many more ty things until I can restart?- Jackson asked himself. In the back of his mind a number was processed. -(One more.)- It answered. He sighed, one more than he expected. At least he wasn't aiming for the suicide button, but that was a whole other story. 

In this alternate universe you could restart your life after a total of 365 terrible things happen. Every time something amazing happens, the number of times something ty has to happen to restart your life decreases. It could either take you to a whole new universe, keep you in the same one, or different place in the same universe. Of course there was the death button, but that's also a whole crazy process. 

There were certain rules to this "restart button" like you couldn't set up ty things to happen on purpose just to get a whole new life. It was almost impossible to commit suicide as well. The book of rules are required to be in every type of home and there were also pocket sized ones. 

Jackson exited the coffee shop after disposing of his empty cup. Well at least he didn't get hot coffee splashed onto one of his favorite jerseys today. Maybe something is going right today. He didn't quite pay attention to where he was walking and bumped into someone who was holding a box labeled as BED SHEETS. Both were knocked to the ground and Jackson was the first to stand up. "I am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going and-" He looked at the male on the floor. The other looked up at his with his brown orbs. His red hair sticking out in all directions. 

-(Well you're pretty damn smooth)- the back of his mind told him -(I mean uh... You may hit the restart button now)- -Well screw that- Jackson thought. Jackson held out his hand to the red head. "Thanks." The stranger said shyly. 

"Uh... I know this might sound weird but uhm..." "Yeah uh... Can you tell me where this building is?" The red head held out his phone with an address typed into the notes. "I live in that apartment complex." Jackson smiled. "I'll help you. I have the entire day to kill." Almost literally. 

May I get your name?" "Mark..." He hesitated. "Mark Tuan..." The other grinned. "The Wild and y Jackson Wang." "That's quite a long name you got there." Mark  chuckled quietly to himself thinking the other wouldn't hear. "Well you know what I mean, my name is Jackson Wang." The male grinned sheepishly. "Oh! Yeah... I was joking." Mark blushed. "No problem Mark. Come on, let's start moving your stuff." Jackson handed the box that had fallen to the ground to Mark. 

He walked over to the vehicle holding all of Mark's belongings and picked up one of the heaviest boxes. "No furniture other than a mattress?" The male was being nosy. "I had those delivered a few days before and I bought a new mattress." Mark shrugged and followed the other to where he'll be living. They made their way into the building and waddled into the elevator. 

"So what floor and number?" Jackson asked. "Twenty sixth floor, room 854." The red head answered. The male stayed silent for a while. "Something wrong Jackson?" Mark asked worried about the brief silence. "No no, I was just thinking about what area of the building that's in. There's a side of the building that never sleeps and the other is... Normal. Anyways how old are you?" Jackson asked. "As of now I'm twenty one and turning twenty two this year in September. You?" The red head answered. "Twenty, turned twenty one in March."

They walked up the six flights of stairs because the elevator stopped at the twentieth floor. As they reached their destination Mark pulled out his key and jammed it into the key hole. He turned the shiny metal object and kicked the door open a little too hard causing the door to slightly bounce back after hitting the wall beside it. "Well this is it, come on." The older continued to venture into the antiseptic smelling apartment. He placed the blanket box in his to be room and rushed back out to the other male. "You can put that on the living room table." He directed Jackson towards the hall. 

"Why didn't you pay for movers to move everything at once?" The younger questioned being nosy once again. "Trying to save money, you know?" Mark chuckled. "I moved all the way from the city to... Another large city hours away. It isn't easy moving from such a far distance." -Besides who knew you would meet such a good looking guy the first day you get here?- His conscience made a very unmanly giggle contrasting from his deep raspy voice. 

The two continued their journey down the six flights of stairs, into the elevator, back to the car, waddling into the building elevator, struggling up six flights of stairs and repeated the process multiple times over. By nightfall everything had been moved to floor twenty six, apartment 854, the car was drove into the larger lot next to Jackson's and the two males were more exhausted than ever. 

"Mark." The younger took a moment to catch his breath. "The movers left the tape on the floor to prevent dust and such and we still have our shoes on. "That's the last thing to do other than unpack, isn't it?" The older asked. "I'm pretty sure it is." Jackson sighed and stood up from the kitchen stool. "Come on." He helped the tired red head off of his stool.  The two kicked off their shoes haphazardly by the front door and started picking at the tape. A satisfactory rip echoed through the apartment as the tape was separated from the pearly white tiles. 

Luckily no sticky residue had been left on the tiles. "I am more exhausted than I was before." Mark complained but quickly turned It into a whine. "I don't even know which box I left the shampoo and stuff in. I haven't bothered to make my bed either." He groaned. "How about you stay over at my apartment? It just... Uh..." Jackson began to offer. "If it's across the building I'm fine." The red head reasoned. The younger shook his head. "Messy?" He shook his head once again. "Then what?" Mark figured it didn't really matter where his apartment was in the building. He just wanted some other place than here to rest. "It might sound creepy but... I live next door?" Jackson awkwardly smiled. Mark stared at him for a good five seconds and came back to reality. "Then get your up and let's go!" He pulled the younger to his feet and dragged him out the door and into the hallway. 

Jackson fished his apartment key out of his pocket and jammed the key into the lock. The space looked almost identical to the other's apartment. "You can stay up in the guest room." Jackson led the red head up the small stairway and onto a platform that was considered a room. Though it had no door. There was just a mattress and that was about it. (Reference to Simon and Martina(EatYourKimchi on YouTube) first apartment in Korea.) 

(The part marked 6)

"The bathroom is down the hallway, second door." Jackson left for his room to do his daily night routine. He dried his face with a towel and walked up the stairs to where the red head was. "Hey." Mark smiled after looking up from his phone. "What are you up to?" The younger asked sitting down on the edge of the mattress. 

"Texting my parents, they live in America." The older sighed. "Isn't that another Universe..." Jackson turned to stare at the male beside him. "Yeah I hit the reset button by accident." Mark said nonchalantly. "Accident?" The younger's eyes widened. "Yeah I was going to hit the suicide button and-" He stopped mid sentence. "Why would you do that you're really good looking, your voice is like s- music, I can't find any flaws." Jackson frowned. "That many ty things." He mumbled to himself. "As long as we live, or I live, I vow to keep you happy and try to prevent ty things happening." Mark just sighed and hugged the male beside him. "Thank you." He whispered. "But Jackson..." 

The said male hummed in reply. "We only met today." "Oh... That's right..." Jackson shrugged. "You prevented me from hitting the reset button." The older's jaw dropped. "Me? Some random guy on the street?" He put his hand to his chest. "Why not? Miracles happen?" Jackson chuckled at his thoughts. "Fate, huh?" Mark bumped shoulders with the younger. 

In this universe fate and miracles were rare. No one could save you from hitting the suicide or reset button. It was up to you to make the best of your life.  

I meant to post this on either my birthday or anniversary of when I started writing. April 26th or 28th 

I hope you enjoyed this (:  I do understand suicide is a touchy subject and didn't realize it until now so I apologize if it had triggered anything. Also I might write more because honestly who doesn't love MarkSon?

Update with my love life: I broke up with my boyfriend like 3 days before our 1 month and well honestly not hurt at all. I found out about this really cute guy two months ago so that's probably why I broke it off. All I can say now is I'm

I'm sorry if you got a notification about a new update heheh but I had to erase what was there before bc you never know >.> bae might be lurking so for that when school is over IN TWO DAYS I'll try to work on a sequel. (being the lazy person I am it'll probably be a year :') or never) MarkSon or never amirite

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pinkissmonsta #1
Chapter 1: moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
safarisunset #2
Chapter 1: I really loved this story! Alternative universes are my favorite thing, and this is an intresting way of looking at them!