002 | The Second Chapter

Head Over Sneakers
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It’s midnight, and Ten is in the car with his parents, his father driving them home to their new house after their celebration date. For some reason, the thought of the waiter Ten met crawls through his brain as he watches the starry sky through the car window. It’s interesting how the guy reacted to his actions; it was rather amusing. Ten’s father makes an abrupt stop once the sight of a red traffic light is seen.

“Honey!” His mother drawls as she holds onto her chest from the shock of the sudden stop.

“Sorry, sweetheart!” He apologizes with guilt before he continues, “I just remembered that we forgot my suitcase at your mother’s house.” His apologetic face softens his wife even if she is annoyed with him for forgetting his suitcase.

“We can just go get it tomorrow—“

“We can’t! It has something super important and what if,” Ten’s father cuts his wife off with a nervous expression, “what if she looks through it?” Ten wonders what could be so important that his father would make such an expression.

Ten’s mother sighs before saying, “Fine. We can go get it.” His mother quickly glances at Ten before huffing. “Why don’t we drop you off at the new house. Maybe you can see it on your own and take a rest. It’s been a long day.” His mother speaks to him in a soft voice that allows him to nod in agreement. He’s never seen the new house; he’s only heard of it.

“Yeah, sure.” Ten smiles widely like it’s his natural state. His mother speedily reaches in her tan leather purse and pulls out a silver house key. She hands it to him with pleasure like it’s a gift.

“I hope you like it, Ten. I know you aren’t . . . very happy with change but I’m sure that you’ll really like this house!” Ten listens to his mother and smiles lightly just to make it seem like he’s happy. Ever since he’s moved from Thailand to Korea when he was 15, the culture shock struck him. His friends, his family, and his life were all in Thailand, and he had to leave it all behind. After living in a neighborhood near Seoul, he began to feel comfortable and he liked the people he made friends with. He finally started to feel like he was at his normal state again. Now, he’s 18, and he’s moving, just like the first time. Now he has to get used to the new environment and development.

Ten reaches for the key his mother hands him and breathes in deeply. He’s gotten used to moving but he’ll never get used to the feeling of change.


After an hour and a half of listening to the car drive on the road, his father turns the vehicle around into a regular neighborhood. There’s nothing astounding or original; it’s just a bunch of middle class houses. Ten has no expectations whatsoever of this new house.

“We’ll drop you off here. Your mother and I will be back by at least 4. The house is the gray one! We will see you in the morning, son! Good night!” His father drives the car out of the neighborhood to go to his mother-in-law’s house.

Ten stands outside in the cold wind and looks up to check for a gray house like his father said. He is left in the middle of two houses, and guess what? They’re both gray. His father just had to drop him off in the middle of two houses that are the same color. If only his father gave him real information of the house, he could be more at peace.

“Oh my gosh,” he whispers under his breath while closing his eyes, trying to regain himself. He sings the “Eenie Meenie” song in his head while pointing his finger at both houses. “Eenie meenie miney . . . mo!” His pointer finger picks the gray house on the left and he takes a short breath before his fifty-fifty percent chance of embarrassing himself (if he picks the wrong house).

It’s dark out, he’s alone, and he’s pressured. Overall, his mood isn’t going so great. If anything, it’s terrible. He steps before the front door and slides the silver key into the keyhole. He wishes with all his heart that the door will open once he turns the key, but unfortunately, it doesn’t. Everything in his mind collapses as the thought that he may have gone to the wrong house floods his brain.

But he doesn’t think about it for a second.

He continues to shove the key in, hoping it will turn. He wishes that the key or the door knob is just not working right today. After countless tries, reality hits him hard, and he bangs his head on the door softly with the intentions of crying. He is tired and stressed out as hell. The thought doesn’t cross his mind that there may be someone in the house, so he slaps the door once in annoyance, shouting, “Open!” He gradually raises his forehead off the door after hurting it, and his shoulders slouch like his spirit has left him.

All of a sudden, he hears a click and the door instantly opens. But the next thing he knows, a wooden bat is only five centimeters away from his nose as he hears rapid breathing before him. Ten’s heart bursts of fright from the sight of something almost hitting his face, and his reflexes make him step back a few inches in response.

There is a guy with messy, chocolate-brown hair in front of him, a black hoodie and vibrant blue basketball shorts on. What catches Ten’s attention is not the metal pan and wooden bat in the guy’s hand but the guy’s face. He knows this face.

He’s that waiter! Ten realizes in his thoughts, and his eyes widen from the sight.

The wooden bat slowly departs from his view, and all he sees is the widening of the guy’s eyes as well.

“Y-You’re that guy from the restaurant!” They both say simultaneously in surprise.

Taeyong is not only taken aback to see the guy that helped him earlier but is surprised to see him standing in front of his door at two in the morning. There is no way this is happening, at least that’s what Taeyong wants to believe.

“Umm, H-Hi!” Taeyong swiftly hides the metal pan and bat behind his back with a flustered expression. He finds himself to be a total embarrassment for having home-type weapons in his hands. Clearing his throat, he avoids any straight-forward eye contact with Ten who happens to be very amused by what’s going on. But, he too feels sheer embarrassment from picking the wrong house. “Umm . . . What are you doing here at two in the morning?” The awkwardness stiffens the air, but Ten suddenly bursts into soft laughter from Taeyong’s actions. Taeyong just stares at the laughing guy who randomly shows up at his front door unexpectedly. Ten tries his best to keep in his laughter but all it does is come out.

Ten cools himself down before answering, “Sorry! I thought this was my house.” The metal pan and the wooden bat don’t fail to make Ten want to laugh. “I just moved here with my parents and they dropped me off . . . well, it’s kind of a long story.”

Taeyong repeats Ten’s words in his head.

“Wai-W-Wait! You’re the new neighbor?” Taeyong cannot comprehend why this is going so fast. First he meets Ten at work, then the guy helps him from a cranky customer, and now he’s at his front door at two in the morning. “And you mixed up your house from min

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ZacTripleZero #1
ZacTripleZero #2
Tainted-Haert #3
Chapter 4: Love your story <3 hope you'll be able to update next chapter soon!^-^
SolitaryAttachment #4
Chapter 4: Can't wait for the next update! ^.^
Chapter 4: so cute >.<
Chapter 4: YAY! Mark is so cute i love him~~ taeten are so cute i'm loving it!!! waiting for the next update <3
Chapter 4: omg this is so cute ;3; im glad there seems to be a lot more taeten fics nowadays hehehehe im excited for more~~~
Kim_HyeRin #8
Chapter 4: This is so cute & lovely !! :D I love it !! Ten and TaeYong are just so cute >.< Can't wait for a next update !! :D
Chapter 4: I'm definitely TaeTen's trash now hahaha