From Cat to Hot

I've Never Been This Close

This is it! The end of the year 2011.

Oh, I would like to post the winner of the poll I started last week.

"Who among the guys is fit to be Bom's boyfriend?" 

A (JH) - 71%

B (MH) - 5%

C (JS) - 24%

Apollo's laurel goes to Jong Hyun. Uhm, Bommie, you are my bias in 2NE1, but I'll let you borrow my Jong Hyun for a while. ^_^

Thanks for all who took part in the poll. ^_^ 



Monday morning.

Min Hyuk woke up early and took a bath before going to the kitchen to cook breakfast. He was hoping that he'd not bump into Bom. Good thing for him, the person he met in the kitchen was Jiyeon.

"Good morning, Min Hyuk-oppa~~~~" Jiyeon greeted him cutely.

"Good morning, Jiyeon-ah," he said as he ruffled her hair.

"Ya, it is impolite to disarrange a maiden's hair," Jiyeon pouted. "Especially if the one doing it is a guy."

"Mianhae...." Min Hyuk apologized.

Then he remembered what she said.

"A guy?" he asked.

"Ne, you're a guy, are you not?" Jiyeon crisply said, tasting the bread she was toasting for her abeoji.

Min Hyuk broke into a wide grin.

"So, you look at me as a guy?" he asked.

"Ye," Jiyeon asked, confused. "I would not have mistaken you for my Seobang if I don't see you as a guy. Waeyo?"

Min Hyuk shared to her that Shin Hye and the guys, most especially Jong Hyun, saw him as a cat.

"You really look like a cat though," Jiyeon said.

"T_T Now you're one of them," Min Hyuk sobbed.

"But, Oppa, you may look like a cat, but I see you more as a person than as a cat," she said. "You are a guy."

"Jinjja?" he perked up.

"Ne..." Jiyeon said while leaning close to Min Hyuk. "Do you want a makeover today?"

Makeover? Yeah, why not?

"Oh, oh, oh!!!! I like it!" Min Hyuk squealed.

"We have to eat breakfast fast so we could have time to do some makeover," Jiyeon said. "And I'll pick the clothes you'll wear today."

"Oh, but, but... I had prepared my clothes last night," Min Hyuk protested.

"Johayo," Jiyeon said. "I'll check it first so I'll know what style to give you."

Min Hyuk grinned again.

"One thing, Oppa," Jiyeon noticed. "They mistake you for a cat because of the way you smile. You just look so cute."

"Is something wrong with the way I smile?" he asked in disappointment.

"Aniyo, but then, if you want to be hot, your smile should be hot too," Jiyeon said. "Oh wait, no, you can smile the way you smile, but, your outfit should be cool."

"Oh, oh, oh! I like that," he grinned again.

Jiyeon and Min Hyuk were secretly laughing at their own secret when Jin Young came in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Appa," Jiyeon greeted.

"Good morning, Uncle," Min Hyuk said.

"Good morning, Kids," Jin Young greeted. "What's for breakfast?"

"Same same, Appa," Jiyeon said. "I am cooking breakfast today because Shin Hye-eonni and Bom-eonni went to school early and did not care for breakfast."

"Jinjja?" Min Hyuk asked.

"Ah, busy girls," Jin Young said nonchalantly. "Jiyeon-ah, even if you get busy, do not skip breakfast."

"Ne, Appa, coz I promised to you on your birthday that I will get the best grades, get the best course, and get the best job," Jiyeon said. "And getting to my dreams means taking a few steps at a time, and eating breakfast is one of them."

Jin Young and Min Hyuk looked at each other, then at Jiyeon with a smile.


Yong Hwa and Jung Shin were fighting over the last piece of anchovy with their chopsticks because there was no Shin Hye to fight over, but Jong Hyun grabbed the last piece with his bare hands. The other guys looked at him in disgust.

"Hmm!!! Nom nom!" Jong Hyun teased them.

Jin Young laughed a bit because they were of age but still acted like brats.

"By the way, how come Min Hyuk ate breakfast so fast?" Yong Hwa asked.

"Jiyeon too," Jung Shin said.

"Ah, molla," Jin Young said. "They were laughing by the time I got in the kitchen this morning."

"Yeodongsaeng is hiding something from Oppa," Jung Shin frowned. "I'm jealous."

"Ah, don't be possessive," Jong Hyun told him.

"Ara," Jung Shin replied.

"Where is Shin Hye?" Yong Hwa asked.

"Tsk we have been eating here for almost an hour, and you just noticed it NOW????" Jong Hyun .

"Sorry~~~~ sorry~~~~" Yong Hwa said.

Jin Young told them what Jiyeon had said. And he reminded the guys never to skip breakfast.

"Oh, I'd never do that," Yong Hwa said. "Breakfast is the most delicious part of the day."

"I'd not do that either," Jong Hyun said. "My parents, as teachers, know the importance of breakfast, and even if we are poor, they made sure that I go to school with a full belly."

"Jeo do (Me too)," Jung Shin said. "Eating breakfast is healthy."

Jin Young smiled because these guys could make sense sometimes.


Inside Jong Hyun and Min Hyuk's room.

Jiyeon got inside after Min Hyuk put on his clothes and his signature scent of cologne. His hair was still in disarray, he really looked like a lion.

"What's with the cheek brush?" Min Hyuk asked. "You are not going to slack off school and go on a date with your seobang, right?"

"Of course not, Oppa," Jiyeon said. "I will use this cheek brush on you, kekekeke~~~~"


"Uhm, I just have the urge to do so," Jiyeon said.

And so, she started to style his hair first. She did a side sweep on his bangs, then styled his hair into a half ponytail.

"Wow! I never knew I could do that to my hair!" Min Hyuk said.

"Jung Shin-eonni also does that to his hair," Jiyeon said. "Haven't you tried doing it?"

"Ani," Min Hyuk said. "But why do you call him 'eonni'? You must call him 'oppa'."

"He is my Eun Jung-eonni, and since he's got a name, I'd call him Jung Shin-eonni instead of Jung Shin-oppa, kekekekek..."

He liked the tug of the brush on his hair, and he could see that he could be cooler than any of his friends. He did not notice that his other bandmates' hairstyles matched Seoul's picky and fashionista lifestyle, while his own wicked hair was still the country-style. No wonder Jong Hyun began teasing Min Hyuk and calling him his cat.

"Is it done yet? Is it done yet?" Min Hyuk asked excitedly.

Jiyeon got a bit annoyed because Min Hyuk was a bit impatient like Spongebob sometimes.

"Not yet," she said as she grabbed her eyeliner.

"Huh? Are you gonna put makeup on me?" he freaked out.

"Ne, wearing a guyliner is the 'in' thing, you know," Jiyeon said. "Haven't you noticed in the magazines?"

"Ah? But your seobang doesn't wear it," he protested.

"Seobang is formal," Jiyeon said. "He'd not wear punk style. But you, since you have a bit of long hair, you need to be cool. And guyliner is the key to that."

Min Hyuk did not protest any further, so he allowed Jiyeon to put the eyeliner on him. For the final touches, she swept his cheeks with the cheek brush even if there was no blush-on with it. Magic magic. When they were finished, he blinked his eyes and saw that he looked gothic, badass, and cool in his new look.

"Wow, I like this!" Min Hyuk said.

"You look hot and cool at the same time, Oppa," Jiyeon said. "Girls will flock around, and Jong Hyun-oppa will not call you a cat anymore."

She gave him her eyeliner for him to use, as she still had some spare upstairs. And he got up and twirled around, looking at himself at the mirror.

"Daebak! I look so daebak!" he said. "Do I look like a real man now, Jiyeon-ah?"

"What's with the real man issue?" Jiyeon asked. "Of course you're a real man. The same way that I look at Jung Shin-eonni as a real man even if I call him eonni."

Jong Hyun got in the room and was astonished to see Jiyeon. Then, his attention got to Min Hyuk.





"Min Hyuk-ah! Oh, you look great!" Jong Hyun proclaimed.

"Hehe, thanks to Jiyeon, I'll be hot from now on," Min Hyuk said.

"Oh, I'm so proud of you," Jong Hyun said. "My cat."

"But I am not a cat!" Min Hyuk protested.

"Even if you look hot, you are still my pet cat," Jong Hyun as he tickled Min Hyuk below his chin.

"Jong Hyun-oppa, Min Hyuk-oppa is not a cat," Jiyeon said.

"Mianhae, Jiyeon-ah," Jong Hyun told her. "Oppa is just teasing my chingu."

Jiyeon did not know how to feel about it.

"I'd take my leave now, Oppa," Jiyeon told the guys.

"Gomawo, Jiyeon-ah," Min Hyuk said as he waved his hand childishly.

See? He still acted like a cat.


In school, many girls stopped to look at the four hotties walking to the library. As usual, Yong Hwa got his daily dose of fangirls crying over him but sighing at the same time. Jong Hyun got some looks from hot noonas in the second year to the fourth year. Jung Shin got lustful looks from girls who had been envious of Hyun Ah. Min Hyuk got sighs of admiration from girls who found him hot and cute and cool at the same time.

"Awww.... Min Hyuk-oppa's look is new today," they sighed.

Just then, Seohyun and her dummies came and blocked their way.

"Yong Hwa-oppa, you look really great today," she said in flirt mode.

Yong Hwa rolled his eyeballs and scoffed at her.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"If you don't want your secret to be spilled, break up with Shin Hye and date with me," she said brazenly.

Yong Hwa heaved a sigh.

"Mian. Shin Hye and I are good," he told her bluntly. "And you can't brag about that secret because almost everyone knows that already."

Seohyun was caught unprepared. She thought she had an ace.

"She is annoying!" one of Jong Hyun's fans revealed.

"She and her friends remind me of the Goth girls in 'The Wallflower',"

"Mwo?" Seohyun retorted. "But those girls are ugly!"

"And you're ugly too," Yong Hwa said before walking away with the guys.

And during the whole day, Min Hyuk got a lot of girl fans inside and outside of school.



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Wendy-1977 #1
Chapter 53: Cute yongshin story🤗😍
Chapter 52: Mais uma linda história de Yongshin. Eu amei ♥️
Nadinehye #3
Chapter 53: Great history !!! thanks for share
Gypsy1527 #4
Chapter 53: Tnx authornim for always giving us a good story.
Keahun #5
Chapter 53: thank you for another entertaining story about yongshin, waiting for more.
Sheimen23 #6
Chapter 53: Very nice story..this is my 2nd time to read it...thank you for spreading dooley love..keep writing yongshin fic...daebak...
JulianaChece #7
Chapter 53: The lovely doovy story.. Aaa too sweet
lotus1 #8
Authornim....I'm so excited
It can only be good :-)
arelis2307 #9
Chapter 53: linda , dulce historia !!!
daisy55 #10
Chapter 53: Good story!!:)