By Your Side


Word count: 704


My lost soul that wanders aimlessly in the seach for you, cry in your abscence. 

My eyes unknowingly search crowds in the hope of seeing your familiar face. 

My ears wait patiently to hear the sound of you calling my name again. They peark up when they think they hear something that resembles your way of walking, talking over all your being. 

My senses are going nuts. They miss you more than i do. They cry louder than I can and they scream, scream so much It's all I can hear. Aside from my heavy heart,beating and my panting for air that doesn't seem to solve my loss of breath. 

I can't breathe, see, feel, anything anymore. 

Return to my side one last time, to tell me that everything is alright. So i have something to belive in. 




Moonbyul and Solar didn't click like in the movies or books they read and seen. There was no spark flying between them, but there was a familiarity that lingered.

At first they felt too different, then too alike. Finally they felt just right. Their matching steps and unwavering feelings growing and speeding up. 

"Moon Byulli"

 "Kim Youngsun"




Moonbyul had always been the cheesy and cringe-worthy in the relationship. Always saying compiments amd cheesy lines to older lover. 

Solar was very kind, too kind. She did cringe a whole lot with Moonbyul around but she in a way liked it. It was Moonbyul's way of showing affection. Wandering hands and cheesy words. 

Moonbyul usually said Solar was too kind. That's the reason she lets the younger . That's the reason Solar's charms seemed to have no end to them.

Solar liked to cook and take care of those she loves. So she cooks and feeds Moonbyul when she's sick. They snuggle and kiss in their shared bed. 

That familiarity never fading. Feelings and attachments growing until it solidifies. Like expanding sponge or cement. Solar thinks. 

Like flowers blooming in the spring Moonbyul ponders. 




"Let's say we break up, would we ever see each other's faces again?" Solar asks, they're watching Dear John and Solar musters the courage to ask what she's been thinking about. 

Moonbyul bites her lower lip before furrowing her eyebrows together. "I donno, it depends if we break up in a good or way I guess." The younger speaks and solar tilts her head to the side slightly. 

"Let's say we break up in a bad way... would you return to me one day?" Moonbyul sighs at her lover's question. Personally, she rather not think about it. She wants to live in the moment, where their forever remains. 

"I don't think so, if we part ways it's probably a good reason behind it" Solar stiffens, her figure deflating. That wasn't the answer she was looking for. Moonbyul pulls the shorter woman into her warm embrace in silent comfort. 

"One step at the time, there's no need to rush" Moonbyul wispers, Solar just nods and hugs her woman closer to herself. 




They did part ways, eventually. But not in the way they hoped. Moonbyul had died in a car crash exactly 5 years after their offical wedding.

They found her severely injured corpse clutching onto the wedding ring, and Solar can't help but assume that the sorrow on her lover's dead face is for the lonely Solar who is now once more, alone. 

 It was too sudden, too severe. 

All of a sudden, the world turned upside down.

Solar was sure her heart had stopped beating along with Moonbyul's. Her soul that once found peace, returned to wander around aimlessly searching for that one person that couldn't return. 

Solar's eyes searched every crowd in hope of seeing a ghost. Her ears listened intentionally for familiar foot steps and speech. 




When Moonbyul wasn't around with her neverending cheesiness and dorkself, the places Solar once loved suddenly came across as dull. 

The food lost its taste, even Solar's favorite dokbokki didn't seem the same.

But every night. When laying in bed, she could swear she felt Moonbyul's presence and hear her voice.

Hugging her exhausted body and wispering words of comfort and promise. 

So Moonbyul did return,

despite her words all those years ago. 

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frenzymenzy #1
Chapter 1: This is really sad :'(
AmberDA5 #2
Chapter 1: I really should start reading tags, I wasn't ready for an angst rn :') It was really well written though, nice job.