It will rain....

It will rain... [ONE SHOT]

10 years ago.....

A little boy was sitting alone at the park bench. The sun had set and everyone was at home eating dinner and spending quality time with their families.

The park was silent, but he didnt mind because he was used to it already. Suddenly, he heard a loud thud followed by loud bawling. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Startled, he went to the source of the bawling. It was a young girl ,maybe 2 years younger than him or so, on the ground with a bleeding wound on her knee. Her parents were nowhere to be found though.

*Is she like me? An orphan too?* "Hey, are you ok?'' He asked. After calming down from crying, she finally responded "Can you help me put a plaster over my oo?" She asked with her big doe eyes, swollen from crying. "Uhh....sure....By the way, Im Nam Woohyun. Whats your name?" He asked after dressing her wound. "Im Park Serri and Im 8 years old!" She said with a big grin over her face. "Where is you parents?" "Right! My parents...OMG WHERE IS MY PARENTS?!!!" And with that she went into another crying session. "WOAH. CHILL~ I will help you find your parents." "Really? THANK YOU OPPPA!!!" *Oppa? She called me oppa?* " problem?"

After 10 mins of walking around the park. We finally found her parents. Before she left we made a promise to meet in this park everyday to play.

Everyday after that, we kept to that promise. We played "Save the princess" "Hide and seek" and everything. She was my only companion and we were inseparable.


7 years later.....

One day, The skies were dark and gloomy. But that did not stop Woohyun from seeing Serri. Today, she was later than usual for some reason but he didn't mind.

"Oppa, I have something to tell you. Im moving away from this neighbourhood."

"Mwo? Really? I will still find you no matter what." *Cause im in love with you* "Anyways, unlike you I have no house or a family. So I can 'shift house' whenever I want." Woohyun cheerfully replied.

"Really Oppa? Will you always be there for me?"  


"OPPA!! YAY!! I LOVE YOU AS A FRIEND!!!!" Serri said with an explosion of happiness and aegyo.

As if on cue the rain started to pour, and they quickly dashed for shelter.

"HAHA. Oppa its raining. how are we gonna go home now?"

"Then we will just stay under this pavillion till it grows lighter."

"Oh ok."

Woohyun started to eye her precious pink lips. The urge of wanting to kiss her was VERY strong.

"Serri-ah..." "Neh oppa?"

He leaned foward and started to kiss her. At first their lips awkwardly bumped each other but soon the kiss deepened and they enjoyed every single moment of it.  *I love you....*


After moving to the new neighbourhood. Woohyun met Infinite and joined their gang. He was soon interested in clubbing, violence and other illegal activities. Serri didn't like it at all. But she couldn't comment on it.

Woohyun started to be very cold hearted and grouchy. He didn't give a damn about people and wanted to have everything go his way. Soon, everyone around him started to grow fearful of him. Even Serri.

"Miss Serri? The doctor is ready to see you." The nurse called.  

After getting herself seated in the doctors office. Serri calmed herself down as the atmosphere was tense.

"Im afraid...its confirmed...Im sorry."

"How long do I have left?"

"What? THERE IS A CHANCE!! Don't give up like that. You need to go che-"


Tearing up, there was an awkward moment before she replied.

"I will go for chemotherapy. But, I know I dont have long." She choked.

"Alright, treatment starts next week."


It started to rain on a Tuesday night. Serri just finished her chemotheraphy and returned back home. Suddenly, a hand went over a mouth and she was dragged to an alleyway. *OMG. SOMEONE SAVE ME!!!!!*

Just then, Woohyun appeared and gave the unknown man an uppercut to the face. The man was immediatly K.O-ed by the force of his attack and let go of Serri. 

"You are lucky that im here! Who knows what that guy would do to you? What happens f you would be gone?"

"Oppa, what happens if I really am gone?" Serri innocently asked.

"That won't happen. Cause im always here to protect you."


"WHERE IS SHE?!! WHERE?!" Woohyun shouted at the nurses behind the counter at the emergency department. 

"Sir, this is a hospital. Calm down. She is currently in the operation theatre now."

*Please save her.....please......* Woohyun's eyes were already b his tears. He always wanted to protect her as much as possible. But, he felt so helpless now.


"Im sorry. She didn't make it." The doctor apologised and gave a 90 degree bow.

*W-what? Im sorry Serri..... Im sorry oppa couldn't help so sorry*

With that, he bursted into a flood of tears. Park Serri, his first and only love.

"She wanted you to have this." The doctor passed him a letter.

"Dear oppa,

By the time you read this im already up with the angels above! :) Oppa!! You suceeded in always protecting me and saving me!! I don't know what would be life without you!

Saranghaeyo Oppa. Please don't cry.

Thank you. For everything.

Love, Serri"

Woohyun collapsed to the ground in tears after reading this. *I love you too.....*


5 years later....

"Serri! Its Woohyun oppa here! Have you missed me? I miss you alot... Right now Im doing what you always wished for me. I hope you are happy up there with the angels. Saranghaeyo." Woohyun said as he cleaned her tomb. 

It has been 5 years since Serri left and he still couldn't get over her. Infinite tried to cheer him up by doing activities that he liked but nothing could save him from depression. He hallucinates about her everyday and cries himself to sleep every night.

*Park Serri. Where ever you are, oppa will always find you. And when I do, im never letting you go.......*




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@Chocolato Sorry >< This idea just struck me like that :P
Chocolato #2
okay, this is mighty depressing. :(<br />
poor namu ~